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What if Bigfoot is human?

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by SG-17
Bigfoot,sasquatch,yeti,abominable snowman ect,ect,may be inter-dimensonal creatures,thought forms,a type of ghost,any combination of those things,or something else...

There are multitudes of "high strangeness" reports all through the twentieth century involving these creatures that are "totally ignored" on the numerous television documentaries i've see about bigfoot and these types of encounters cannot be denied by anyone who wants to seriously try and figure out what these things really are...

They have left tracks across open fields in snow that suddenly stop and go nowhere...

They have been seen shape shifting into other creatures...

They have been shot at point blank range and they disappeared in a blinding flash...

They have been seen outside of houses by people experiencing poltergeist activity within...

They have been seen entering and exiting flying saucers...

They have been seen ten and twelve feet tall...

They have been seen materializing into view and then de-materializing...

They have been seen with ripped clothing,too small for their bodies hanging off of them...

They have been seen covered in either white,brown,grey,yellow,or black fur...

They have been seen swimming across ponds and lakes and under clear,unbroken ice...

They have been seen with pointed ears,protruding fangs and glowing red and yellow eyes...

They have been seen with dead deer thrown over their shoulders...

They have been seen carrying clubs made from large tree branches...

They have been seen carrying living dogs and other live animals...

They have been seen running next to and keeping pace with cars driving down expressways...

They have been seen digging with their hands into the ground inside old graveyards...

They have telepathically communicated with people...

Those and other types of "high strangeness" encounters happen again and again and they are supressed from the mainstream,hushed up and all but ignored and forgotten,even by well known bigfoot researchers...

The darker side of the reality involving bigfoot is too much for most people to handle,the high strangeness aspects are too bizzare to face and admit,so denial becomes the accepted norm,as usual...

edit on 14-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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