posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 01:49 PM
Greetings again ATS. I'm sorry mods if I did this wrong, but I could not remember my old password or email addy. So I used my current email and just
made a new profile.
Anyways ATS I had started a thread back in June when I was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma I just wanted to give an update on whats
been happening with me since then with recovery. ( Immediately after getting to M.D. Anderson
they started me on biochemotherapy. Which is a combination of a drug called IL-2 and regular chemo, as well as 5 other drugs to try and keep the
cancer from spreading. The side effects are horrible and unlike regular chemo you must stay at the hospitol and be monitored for a week or so, then go
home for a few weeks to heal up. Repeat. Well after 5 months (6 treatment cyles) I'm happy to report the tumor in my right lung(which was about 5.5
cm) is completely gone. The tumor in my sinus cavity has shrunk considerably, enough so that they can operate to remove it. Before, it was too big,
and too close to the brain. I did have a small tumor found on my right upper lobe at a recent MRI. and I just finished what they call the Gamma Knife
procedure to radiate and kill the lesion to keep it from spreading. Next step is getting with a surgeon to see just how they plan on getting the
remains of this tumor in my sinus cavity out. The doctor said that it is most likely alot of dead tissue in there that has to go. The Doctors say how
lucky I am that the biochemo worked like it did on me. It only does that for about 12-15 percent of the patients who must go through it. As unlucky as
getting such a rare type of cancer was, I'm lucky that I am being healed of it.
Facing your own death has a way of forcing you to look back on your life and decisions. And making you think of how you prioritize the choices you
make. In a weird way I'm grateful for all the adversity that I've had to deal with the last 6 months. I'm going to update this thread as soon as I
know more about the last surgery. Stage 4 cancer is horrible. If Anyone is having to go through these treatments, or if you know someone who is, or if
you would just like to know more about what its like I'm happy to answer any questions.
edit on 2-1-2012 by Cancerwarrior because: spelling error