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Aging Slowed In Mice With Supplement Mix

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Aging Slowed In Mice With Supplement Mix

It might be possible to cure aging, say scientists who've found that lab mice get smarter and more agile as they age when fed a mix of nutritional supplements.

….By bringing the molecular and cellular damage that accumulates throughout life under medical control, de Grey suspects that human life spans could be vastly extended.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:39 AM
There you have it. Nutritional supplements work. Food processing often removes or destroys essential micronutrients, but taking pills can replace the losses.

The McMaster University researchers are not just looking to "cure aging" - they also hope to prevent or reverse "age-related" diseases like obesity, diabetes and cancer, as well as the common cold. Their 'model' views the body like a car - parts accumulate sludge, break down and wear out. The 'new' idea is to focus on "medical maintenance," rather than parts replacement.

"We know that with simple man-made machines like cars and airplanes, we don't have a limit," said de Grey said, who acknowledged that humans are more complicated. These mice are the same age but one received the supplements and one didn’t.

"We can keep these machines going ... just by doing sufficiently comprehensive repair and maintenance reasonably often and that is going to be exactly the same for the human body."

By bringing the molecular and cellular damage that accumulates throughout life under medical control, de Grey suspects that human life spans could be vastly extended.

Mice treated with supplements maintained their memory functions, learned better as they aged, and maintained motor control and flexibility. Says researcher Rollo, "They still don't live much longer but their brain function is remarkable."

"If you put them on a supplement, they actually learn better as they age," Rollo said. "They still don't live much longer but their brain function is remarkable."

The mice also acted like restless teenagers showing "spontaneous motor function" that fades in humans in a universal sign of aging, Rollo added.

The supplemented mice maintained their memory function in tests, such as remembering a familiar object. Their learning abilities were like those of very young mice, he said. Mice of the same age that were not supplemented behaved in lab tests like a frail 80-year-old woman.

Researchers caution that animal results (and doses) do not necessarily translate directly to people. Also, they do NOT distinguish between synthetic and natural sources as do naturopaths and other alternative health practitioners.

Following is a table showing the nutrients and doses given to mice.
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 2/1/12 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 2/1/12 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:48 AM
There is actually an old study wherein one group of mice were fed abundantly and another group were fed just enough to pass over their hunger. The mice that were fed abundantly grew older faster than the mice that were fed minimally.

So if you want to look younger than your age, do not overeat. Eat just enough to satisfy your hunger. You will grow old slower.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:50 AM
Interesting post Soficrow

It stands to reason everyone wants to live longer, well maybe not everyone, but a good portion I would think. That said, the ability to sustain life with what this planet has to offer is finite. Technology and lifestyles along with supplying food and water could change but it would ultimately strain available resources to the point of potential disaster. Not to mention that this could create an imbalance by selectively ensuring that only those with the money and know how continue on while the rest of the impoverished world suffers and dies off. This treads on Dr Henry Kissingers 1972 NSSM 200 depopulation report, oddly enough on the front page of ZeroHedge these days
. Ironically Kissinger is a man I'd like to see gone sooner than most.

We are meant to die at some point, why prolong the inevitable.


edit on 2-1-2012 by brill because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by brill would ultimately strain available resources to the point of potential disaster. Not to mention that this could create an imbalance by selectively ensuring that only those with the money and know how continue on while the rest of the impoverished world suffers and dies off.

This research proves taking supplements increases quality of life, NOT quantity. As Rollo said, ""They still don't live much longer.... ."

I know - as does anyone who monitors this kind of research - the real anti-aging results come from stem cell therapies. And yes, access involves "selectively ensuring that only those with the money and know how continue on." As you say.

The real benefits to be derived from this research are economic - hopefully, ordinary people might avoid "age-related" diseases, the resultant early disability and the need to access retirement and support programs before death. Thus taking the strain off already bankrupt and financially compromised national governments.

This treads on Dr Henry Kissingers 1972 NSSM 200 depopulation report, oddly enough on the front page of ZeroHedge these days . Ironically Kissinger is a man I'd like to see gone sooner than most.

I have no doubt the predicted infectious pandemic will be used as a cover to euthanize the already disabled, non-productive and economically burdensome.

We are meant to die at some point, why prolong the inevitable.

Only the very wealthy can access life-extensing stem cell therapy - the rest of us get life-improvement nutritional therapy. Given the alternatives, it's not so bad.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by soficrow
There you have it. Nutritional supplements work.

Hold the phone.
That's an EXTREMELY broad statment to make. Did you read the study?

What you have is evidence that tailoring your nutritional needs specifically, and meeting them precisely can help preventing the signs of age.
This does not "prove supplements work". There are TONS of supplements on shelves that are utter crap...and zero regulation.

But that's a no brainer.
We know that if you get all the specific nutrients your body requires that you will be healthier than someone with a deficiency.

Nothing new here, these scientists again, spent tons of money trying to prove something we have known for over a century.

Guess what? I profess that people who drink the correct ammount of water per day show less signs of dehydration!
Can I get a $500k grant to prove it?

Most supplements in stores are worthless. They are Dangerously NOT regulated.

I can sell you flour in a capsule, sprinkle a "Rolaid" in it for calcium, call it a dietary supplement, and legally sell it to you for $20 a bottle.
There are no regulations, no laws, no guidelines....nothing you can do to me if I con you into buying my worthless pills.

And this happens every day to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars.

So when you spend those dollars and buy your supplements, remember there is no agency or person who oversees this industry, and you could be buying cow feces in a capsule.
And as of today, there is legally nothing you ( or the feds) can do about it. It's all legal.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:17 AM
What NO Ingredients?!
Really, must people turn my escapist time into an info-mercial?????

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by BadNinja68

I suggest you re-read the OP for subtle satire, and this post for further clarification.

And oh yeah, don't forget to use your noggin.

So when you spend those dollars and buy your supplements, remember there is no agency or person who oversees this industry, and you could be buying cow feces in a capsule.
And as of today, there is legally nothing you ( or the feds) can do about it. It's all legal.

Just like agri-business, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, and all kinds of other industrial activities.

edit on 2/1/12 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by BadNinja68

...supplements in stores are ....Dangerously NOT regulated.

Valid point, but seriously - do you honestly think it's more important to regulate nutritional supplements than nanotechnology, for example?


Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of matter on the scale of the nanometer (one billionth of a meter). Nanoscale science operates in the realm of single atoms and molecules. At present, commercial nanotechnology involves materials science (i.e. researchers have been able to make materials that are stronger and more durable by taking advantage of property changes that occur when substances are reduced to nanoscale dimensions). In the future, as nanoscale molecular self-assembly becomes a commercial reality, nanotech will move into conventional manufacturing. While nanotechnology offers opportunities for society, it also involves profound social and environmental risks, not only because it is an enabling technology to the biotech industry, but also because it involves atomic manipulation and will make possible the fusing of the biological world and the mechanical.

edit on 2/1/12 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:54 AM
One word.. Limitless

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by iRunNaked

One word.. Limitless

Can you explain? Extrapolate?

Maybe expand just a tad?

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:42 PM
I think they're referring to the film called Limitless - watched it the other night, very good!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by iRunNaked

One word.. Limitless

Can you explain? Extrapolate?

Maybe expand just a tad?

They enjoyed the film 'Limitless' apparently.

...probably got so excited they forgot to add that maybe one day this research will result in a wonder pill.

Well maybe that's what they thought

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by GoldenChild

reply to post by dsm1664


Interesting some people still believe in majic pills. Probably the same people who think bioterrorists are more dangerous than nature.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:28 PM
I wonder what the implications of this study would be on the disease Alzheimers? I have several family members that suffer from this, and I think that those afflicted would stand to benefit most from supplementation increasing brain function. I am not as wise as I should be on the exact anatomy and physiology behind Alzheimers, but this has piqued my interest enough to look further into it. Very interesting, S+F OP

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by brill
Interesting post Soficrow

It stands to reason everyone wants to live longer, well maybe not everyone, but a good portion I would think. That said, the ability to sustain life with what this planet has to offer is finite. Technology and lifestyles along with supplying food and water could change but it would ultimately strain available resources to the point of potential disaster. Not to mention that this could create an imbalance by selectively ensuring that only those with the money and know how continue on while the rest of the impoverished world suffers and dies off. This treads on Dr Henry Kissingers 1972 NSSM 200 depopulation report, oddly enough on the front page of ZeroHedge these days
. Ironically Kissinger is a man I'd like to see gone sooner than most.

We are meant to die at some point, why prolong the inevitable.


About food on this planet... Organic farming yields the same and often more food, We distribute food by profit not need - leading to vast waste (supermarkets alone throw out hundreds of thousands of tons of food a month), and We pay corporate "farmers" to NOT grow food.

If We grew food organically and fully, and distributed by need, We could feed 10 times Our present population.

Resources for basic survival... There is, beyond food, enough resources on Our planet to house and clothe thousands of times the number We presently have on this planet.

To effect all this for all of Us We need to get rid of the need for money. And to do that We need free energy. And We can get free energy from a science presently hidden in black ops: electrogravitics. The main reason it is hidden is because of the free energy: the power elite do not want to lose Their control over Us.

For more, visit My thread here:

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
If We grew food organically and fully, and distributed by need, We could feed 10 times Our present population.
Resources for basic survival... There is, beyond food, enough resources on Our planet to house and clothe thousands of times the number We presently have on this planet.

There goes Ama.....using that amazing brain for logical thinking again!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
About food on this planet... Organic farming yields the same and often more food, We distribute food by profit not need - leading to vast waste (supermarkets alone throw out hundreds of thousands of tons of food a month), and We pay corporate "farmers" to NOT grow food.

If We grew food organically and fully, and distributed by need, We could feed 10 times Our present population.

Resources for basic survival... There is, beyond food, enough resources on Our planet to house and clothe thousands of times the number We presently have on this planet.

To effect all this for all of Us We need to get rid of the need for money. And to do that We need free energy. And We can get free energy from a science presently hidden in black ops: electrogravitics. The main reason it is hidden is because of the free energy: the power elite do not want to lose Their control over Us.

That's nice and all but hardly practical given the world we live in. Hey I'd like to see this as well but not in our lifetime, not for several generations at the least. The fact is we rely on resources that, currently, are finite and as technology advances we may be able to accommodate the demand but distribution will be the problem unless someone invents a transporter.


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by soficrow

This research proves taking supplements increases quality of life, NOT quantity. As Rollo said, ""They still don't live much longer.... ."

I know - as does anyone who monitors this kind of research - the real anti-aging results come from stem cell therapies. And yes, access involves "selectively ensuring that only those with the money and know how continue on." As you say.

The real benefits to be derived from this research are economic - hopefully, ordinary people might avoid "age-related" diseases, the resultant early disability and the need to access retirement and support programs before death. Thus taking the strain off already bankrupt and financially compromised national governments.

Perhaps. It could certainly spark a cottage industry for those able to offer a miracle solution (in the eyes of those who seek it to any means). It could also bring about scam artists for more or less the same reasons. I think with the growing obesity problems facing the west no amount of supplements are going to help. For those that are generally healthy sure it might offer brief extended quality of life. I'm still sticking to my high IU intake of vitamin D, have been for a while now and always loved garlic so I'm a fraction of the way there I suppose

edit on 2-1-2012 by brill because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 07:41 PM
Extending life-spam would be welcomed in my country
We face a very serious problem in regards to population, we lost about 8 % of our population in less than 10 years. For Eastern Europe it would be sustainable to work longer and live longer. Also we have enough resource for our population , without putting severe pressure on the environment ( 50% of population live a sustainable rural life)

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