posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 10:30 AM
I've been seeing numerous posts on how to lucid dream and what steps to take to have a lucid dream.
I used to use a certain technique alot when i was younger. I haven't used it in quite a while but it did work for me.
Well, i'm not sure how i even got the idea, probably from watching movies or watching too much twilight zone tv shows, but I always thought it would
be cool if i could somehow bring something back from the dream world.
My constant question if this was even attainable eventually manifested itself into a dream anchor.
Eventually I was able to remind myself in a dream that I needed to grab something so I could try to bring back when i awoke.
Creating a dream anchor or reminder eventually worked where I could lucid dream at least once a week.
For some reason I completely forgot all about that until last night. Just thought i would pass that along.
BTW, i was never able to bring anything back from my dreams