posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 08:51 PM
As soon as I saw this I was very skeptical, a much smaller number of birds in the exact spot on the exact day, it reeked of drunk guys making
mischief. Then I looked a little deeper and it seems the Boston Globe has posted a report of a "large mass" over Beebe at the time of this latest
incident. The large mass was reported on a local television station in Beebe where it showed up on weather radar, just like last year. It proves
nothing but it makes this harder to dismiss.
We still have no answer from last year, despite numerous red flags they are sticking with the fire cracker story, chances are we'll get more of the
same. Is this the final nail in that coffin to make sure anyone that brings it up gets ridiculed or is it the final omen before the SHTF?
I honestly think this one deserves more scrutiny.