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Announcement of New Banking System

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:23 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Sorry, not buying anything that is coming from this "news source", look at their site, they support all sorts of wackiness such as chemtrails. I'm pretty sure that the "news caster" is someone I have seen before.

This “one world currency” stuff has been floating around for years, its part of christian futurists “end of the world”, “one world government” nonsense, and its never going to happen. I have news for these guys, we've been under a one world government and financial system for a long time, the banks have been secretly running things for years. There is no need to make a single currency anymore then there is to make a single government, when they can control things just fine while still giving the illusion of national identity to keep the masses happy.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:28 PM
It's fake or at the very least it's a group of people trying to get people to buy into their idea before it's proposed.
The guy is obviously improvising his answers... it's not too hard to see it.
This is why he looks nervous and his answers are vague.
I don't see how releasing a video which they are hoping you all "share" with everyone to spread "their" message is going to prepare anyone for a completely new banking system...
It plays off more like an infomercial than an announcement.
Even the "statement" was just him reading basically quotes and adding improvistic speech as to how "awesome" it's all gonna be.

The internet is not a reliable source. End of story.

I don't think it ever was, but the line between truth & fiction no longer exits on the Internet.
You cannot trust what you read or see from the Mainstream Media, to someone's homemade video, to my post on this thread... because it's easy to perpetuate a lie on the internet.
I believe "they" believe what they are pitching... but I don't believe it's in anyone's best interest except the creators of the video.
Get enough people to believe in an idea... and it will manifest.
Be careful what you manifest.

edit on 1-1-2012 by Numb2itall because: Rules rules rules..... pushawwwww

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 07:55 PM
the video sounds like its from religious nuts.
how can one world curency work?
buy bread in US $3. buy bread in a 3rd world #rie $0.1?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by aaronez

Rome wasn't built in a day. At least it appears that a well developed plan is making its introduction.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 08:56 PM
I took defcon5's advice to look at their site, Kerry's blog, and came away with this:

According to information from Ashayana Deane, gold is used as manna by the Anunnaki and other Anunnaki hybrids... in order to turn their bodies into immortal vessels... This is not the same thing as eternal life which is something granted through soul link up with the divine or Source.

If sources are correct about gold being nearly as plentiful as grains of sand... and this comes from among others my source Anonymous and before that from David Sales who was interviewed by Rayelan on Rumor Mill News April 7 2011 ..with this much gold to go around they could feed and house the world population easily.

So what we have are a group of self-serving beings who are their descendents hoarding and confiscating the gold wherever and whenever they can at the expense of the rest of the world. Yes, duh but worth repeating. What is striking about this information regarding Immortality vs. Eternal life is that it is the basic distinction between what I call the two paths; Robotic Superman vs. Angelic Human. On the one hand you have a focus on technology and power over others (saping the life force from others) vs. allowance... allowing humans to develop on their own using the process of bio-regeneration through meditation and clearing of karmic debt to re-activate dna...12 strand and beyond that leads to special powers and enlightenment. One is based in time and limited by time and resources which are finite and the other is everlasting. Which do you choose?
Which do I choose? Neither, i'm waiting for another source of information.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

“The usual suspects are not the suspects” ....the Global Elite also understand that the unsecured, digital money system has failed us all, including themselves.

Erm. Ever heard of a Trojan Horse?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

You have got to be kidding me. We are suppose to believe this crap? According to the video the dark side has moved to the light side like Darth Vader. This is going to happen. There is no choice and it is a one world financial system but don't worry its a new NWO . This is being told to us by spirit beings (oh Goody) And if we go along we will be freed of out debts. I have never heard so much BS in such a short time. First of all if there actually is a group of people with a plan why are they hiding? Who are they? Who are the dark side? Who have had such a change of heart they are now for the (little people) ? Gee I didn't know I was a little people I just know they are a bunch of worms. Seems to me that things have gotten out of control and they believe the little people are a bunch of idiots which is nothing new. I won't be happy until the dark side pay for their dark crimes. If they have had a change of heart take it up the the spirit beings not me.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by seawolf197

Project Camelot

That says it all. I am off.

Project Camelot

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by defcon5

...we've been under a one world government and financial system for a long time, the banks have been secretly running things for years. There is no need to make a single currency anymore then there is to make a single government, when they can control things just fine while still giving the illusion of national identity to keep the masses happy.

Just caught that.

edit on 1/1/12 by soficrow because: oops

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Sorry, not buying anything that is coming from this "news source", look at their site, they support all sorts of wackiness such as chemtrails. I'm pretty sure that the "news caster" is someone I have seen before.

This “one world currency” stuff has been floating around for years, its part of christian futurists “end of the world”, “one world government” nonsense, and its never going to happen. I have news for these guys, we've been under a one world government and financial system for a long time, the banks have been secretly running things for years. There is no need to make a single currency anymore then there is to make a single government, when they can control things just fine while still giving the illusion of national identity to keep the masses happy.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

As absurd as this news source is, your call that a world currency and / or one world government "is never going to happen" is quite naive. People during the roaring 20s probably never saw the financial and economic malaise, the rise of visionary radical governments throughout Europe, World War II and a 'new world order' (yes media were actually announcing it back then) with the creation of the Bretton Woods system and other global institutions to prevent future world wars. Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, we can all see it now.

Who would of thought some 12 months ago that there would be massive uprisings sweep throughout North Africa and the Middle East, toppling long time despots from power? Or maybe who would of thought the Eurozone debt crisis would continue to worsen into 2012 with so much political wisdom *cough* and monetary policy being thrown at it? Who would of thought on a nice sunny morning September 11, 2001 there would be passenger airlines smash into the World Trade Center buildings with almost 3000 people killed in the event that day?

Perhaps part of the problem is that there have been so many absurd doomsday theories thrown about that now anything pointing toward such, no matter how credible it be, is dismissed as fear mongering and so on. Any meaningful discussion is marginalised and trashed, and with good reason too I agree - there is some nutcase doomsday theorists that have done a lot of damage to the conversation with their absurd predictions, hype and money grabbing.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:50 PM
I was wondering if this has any connection to the 'Foundation X' stuff in the UK from late 2010? Lord James' speech is linked below. Both this and the Foundation x stuff smells to me like the true BIG BOYS are out to set their out-of-control underlings straight. Like they realize that the mass psychology of greed that has been created has us on a self destruct path and it's time to 'reign in'. They've lost control of the debt based system via unchecked greed, and will be implementing the replacement paradigm in such a manner.

To me it would make sense to release this through some non-MSM source, as the corporations who control the MSM are the main source of said greed, leaving any message to subject gross distortion.

I'd be interested to hear misterlondon's and loveguy's thoughts on a connection as per their previous threads on foundation x

Here's Lord James' Speech

"Loveguys Foundation X is..." thread

misterlondons thread

I have to reserve my final judgment on how I feel about the concept of a One world currency/gov. I see it as a necessity and possibly an inevitability; to unite as a world. But I'm afraid that the mass psychology of people stuck in the old way of things would make the altruistic conception of such a system difficult if not impossible to attain in reality. The age of kings and nations is ending, as I feel it has too. I only hope that what replaces it is accompanied by a shift in psychology that allows it to be a means to an end instead of an end to the means to be free.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:13 PM
Oh man I should have linked this, but I really see that basically, people are entrapped either path here.

Basically this is opposing Rothchild's banking? But its just NWO one world currency and you can bet your bottom dollar the same power structure is in place.

Here too!

Federal Reserve Tells YouTube to Take Down Critical Video!!! - MAKE VIRAL!!!!

This is one of Alex Jones excellent videos. Federal Reserve private property. Feds, private property and he uses a bullhorn, to tell the police to arrest them for fraud and that they're defending Rothchild banking against evil Americans.

But you know, both roads lead to the same place with supporters from both camps. I am actually seeing the conspiracy awareness taking us by the hand to NWO one world banking as well.

Need some deep thinking on how to halt and stand still and get our bearings.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:28 PM
If this is true, a very few people are going to make a huge amount of money.

Follow the money.
Every time.

History is your friend.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:34 PM
I'm not indorsing the video as truth, it's the timing after the chatter that's strange.

Along with the Project Camelot information, I have been watching Ben Fulford. His info is interesting if true. If it's a hoax let's establish it with fact finding. I can't connect Fulford, and Cassidy with Is it a conspiracy?

FromSubject: Fw: Ben Fulford re new financial system


Posted on December 22, 2011

The first historic trades within the new financial system have taken place!

The many global, independent trading networks all over the planet are rapidly connecting with each other, forming an infinitely expanding web of local and international commerce, exchange and trade.

People have woken up to the fact: for most of what we spend WE DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT ISSUED MONEY. In fact, so many different groups have been abusing the money system, it can no longer fulfill its original purposes, which were:

a) as a medium of exchange

b) as a unit of account, and

c) as a store of value

It is the last of these that has led to systemic abuse and criminality, along with usury – the charging of interest. Money stopped merely facilitating things (a job it can do supremely well) and started to be seen as value in itself – which is one reason why so much is out of circulation! The ‘value’ is being hoarded, availability manipulated, markets distorted. No wonder the older religions all forbade usury – for they knew that the usurer and his schemes means that he always ends up owning everything, and tends to manipulate ruthlessly to that end.

There have been some interesting clues as to how this controlling and enslaving global finance system might be broken up. In the 1980’s, in Canada, a man called Michael Linton named the first Local Exchange Trading systems (LETS), from which a number were established. They then spread around the planet, but were largely ignored by anyone even remotely mainstream. The system, in brief, means that you have a local, non-interest bearing currency, and members of the system trade together for all sorts of goods and services: up to 70% of everything you need can be acquired this way in a properly run system with enough members. See definition at:

Then there were time banks, e-currencies…and many other innovations. Over thirty years the expertise has spread to everywhere. For Time Bank description, see:

One of the most sophisticated, just coming into full operation, is Liverpool, England-based TGL: see:

The first big clue to how these generic system types might be deployed was when Argentina got into trouble with the banksters, and threw out the IMF. The nation was in deep financial crisis – but very quickly, LETS systems sprang up, so that the people that participated were not disadvantaged. The same has happened recently in Greece. One Greek man, interviewed for a You Tube piece, said of the emergence of LETS – “I am amazed: I can afford things I could never have bought before”.

In other words, this generic type of system leads to increased abundance – not what you might expect in the midst of what the media tends to paint as ‘siege economies’. Meaning that people are real and can get on with it – while many aspects of government today are a variety of fictions, and fall apart under stresses that are also substantially of fictional making.

The upshot? SYSTEMS LIKE LETS, AND MANY INNOVATIVE VARIANTS, ARE IN PROCESS TO TAKE OVER. Just as things like computers have moved from huge, centralised systems to distributed PC’s on everyone’s desktop, the financial system is becoming distributed down to the level of community. Indeed, these systems ARE the community level of the NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The new System is literally everywhere already, spreading a like new knowledge to the 100 monkeys!

There is a lot of software for these systems, much of it available for free. For a good list of examples, see:

The new system’ developers know that people are ‘the gold’ that backs and assures this system’s success

As the groups link with each other the Products, services and reach of this network grows daily.

Many of the groups and systems are not listed here yet, for obvious reasons, however they soon will be. In the meantime, we suggest you look at the links above, then do a computer search for local exchange networks in your area and get involved.

In the (probably) trying times ahead, joining a LETS-type system IS ONE OF THE MOST POSITIVE FINANCIAL SURVIVAL STEPS YOU CAN TAKE

Software, electronic payment, credit, debit facilities and new currencies are all part of the range of technologies already operational in these new systems. All this and more is available for new groups to implement in all regions, countries, communities!

Details re access to all info will be made available in the next weeks.

Some of the exciting applications of the new financial systems include self funding of various communities and other initiatives, starting small and growing to include the, food, health, water treatment, education, new green power and other technologies, all waiting in readiness, for this ability to fund them, to arrive!

As stated, all are welcome, including those of the old regime, subject only to the simple credo of Inclusion, and operating for The Greatest Good of All.

Those of the old regime are invited to make contact, if they sincerely wish to cooperate. Their resources, systems and networks will still be of value if they are contributed in alignment with the above philosophy. Alternatively, they may want to research the truth of what is reported here, ie, that this process of the establishment of and implementation of the new, ‘people’s financial system, IS happening, IS expanding, rapidly, and IS beyond anyone’s control, due to the fact that it is backed by some 200 million enlightened people!

If you have read and resonated with this article, please forward it to your personal contact list, post it on web sites you have access to, use it as a basis for publication, print it up and hand it out – or anything else you can do to spread the word. You will be helping humanity move forward!

Contacts : [email protected]

edit on 1-1-2012 by seawolf197 because: fix it

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:03 AM
My doubts of sincerity.

1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

2. Why don't these globalist just return the gold they stole from Fort Knox to Americans ?.
Or how about the Train-load of gold they stole from the Russia & give it back to the Russian People ?

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by seawolf197

Looks like total BS.

They asked a new-age'y channeling network to break this?

Why didn't they line up all the world leaders (who purportedly participated in this) and have a spokesman read a statement to be televised on all major networks.


posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by seawolf197

Hes doing alot of behavior mirroring for being a person holding such amazing truth.

Hes trying to seduce the interviewer instead of deciminating information.

When she said that the people who lie are hurting people and making them feel powerless you see guilt in his face and he looks away.

My conclusion is that he is lying, but hes doing it to strengthen their desire to see tomorrow. Hes sees the pain that lies cause people, but if it keep another person from commiting suicide hes willing to say anything.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:34 AM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by surrealist
As absurd as this news source is, your call that a world currency and / or one world government "is never going to happen" is quite naive.

Why would it?

It doesn't benefit the elite's at this point, they still control the value of all the currency and make further money through trading it. Heck, if you could control whether somethings value would rise or fall, and could bet money on how it preformed, would you give that up?

Where this theory comes from is Counter-Reformation Jesuit Futurism, which is now rife in in Christian Eschatology because most of your independent churches pastors have never had proper training in Protestant Christian Eschatology. They are the ones that teach a “One World” government and currency that will be ruled by a future coming antichrist.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 1/2/2012 by defcon5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:40 AM
IF this is true . the only organization I know of that is might be capable of this is The Vatican.

From the pope. I read this before ,but seen it linked on there site as well.

Pope's encyclical urges ethical financial system

I viewed the video, and read a transcript on there site. Many of you may not know this, but the wording or script this man is presenting sounds very much like what you would hear at a catholic business organization meeting known as the CBN. the CBN has some has banks to mom and pop operations as members. I believe the CBN is a world wide organization. Anyway, I have read some CBN articles though out the years, the wording and phrasing from this sounds similar, but not the exact content have you, Maybe this website owners studied the catholics, who knows. Maybe the Vatican is behind this curtain of this website the OP posted.

a number of years ago a friend in the construction business was building a new , but small two story building for priest retied from the catholic church.. I went down to check some of the unique architecture my fried was implementing into this very small building behind a monetary. The architecture was unique to say the least, what captured my attention was the technology this small building was outfitted for, Wow ! Morgan Stanley looks like a dump compared to this. The building is a worldwide center trading for stocks, bonds currencies you name it., and was in partial operation. They priests' were also very kind to show me around. probably because I was catholic and knew of them personalty. The technology these guys had could not be bought off the store shelf. I asked, what are large sat dishes for ? Two were for equipment in the building I was told ,the other I is for the Sunday Night Ticket. then me being more curious, what's all the trading equipment for ? A" Recreation. " (Of course it was obvious it bankrolled by and for the Vatican.) and my last questions , Who does the trading? . A= "we all do our part." All vague answers. but a very fun tour.

Now I know where all the plate collection money end up. I wonder how many of these two story trading centers operations the catholic church has around the world.

I don't know what to think of that site the OP posted. As for using this man as spokesperson, that does sound like something the catholics would do. Other than that the rest of his presentation appears not to be in sync with how the world is really run on a banking level sort of speak. Makes me think they copied the wording from the CBN, and may have injected there own thoughts on how the banking system is run.

edit on 2-1-2012 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:54 AM
Complete propagandist BS! Right out of the gate he calls our current system Banker "controlled" free markets. Well if it is "controlled" by bankers then its not a free market now is it... Sigh. you can't have a free market when you are forced by law to use thier currency. Then he says free markets have never worked. Study some history for cryin out loud. Free markets have always worked right up until government decided it had to intervene to supposedly protect the little guy. And then he tries to tell us governments must impose this supposed fair and benevolent system (that we still don't know what it is.) How has that worked out for us... Sigh

Someone needs to inform these folks that government IS in control and they have been protecting these banksters using thier so called regulation in the name of protecting the consumers while forcing thier cronies competition out of business who are not politically connected. WE DO NOT HAVE FREE MARKETS. I repeat WE DO NOT HAVE FREE MARKETS! And we have not had them for at least 70 years....

Welcome to the new system... Same as the old with a new dress and different color lipstick and put on some weight.. With the same high level government and financier insiders running the show who suddenly saw the light after screwing us for generations... SORRY NO SALE HERE!
edit on 2-1-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

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