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The New World Order is already here

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posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 09:01 AM
If you ask me, The NWO is already here, I saw a program on TV that said that George Bush and his government knew that 9/11 was going to happen and they let it happen just so they could bring in the Homeland Security laws and all the other policies and also so that they would have a front for the war on Terror. So basically no-one can do anything without someone knowing about it and that someone will tell another someone who will tell the Illuminati, which leads to this question, "Was 9/11 planned by President Bush?"

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 09:11 AM
New World Order is not here, you would know if they were here. Firstly, the internet and mainly sites like this would be shut down, TV would be controlled aswell, etc,etc.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by infinite
New World Order is not here, you would know if they were here. Firstly, the internet and mainly sites like this would be shut down, TV would be controlled aswell, etc,etc.

When information can flow freely, a NWO can never take control globally
People would know what is going on and they would pass on the information, thus ruining the NWO plans

we'd all get to be ATS information freedom fighters

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Yes I agree the NWO is already here. Dis-information is free to flow among the workers but the elite in charge keep everything under wraps. While the public is distracted with terrorists and Iraq and visitors from outer space (90% of the topics discussed on this site), and too busy working at digging themselves and their children deeper in debt to vote, the NWO remain firmly in charge and are constantly removing your rights and stealing your wealth.

But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time......I believe we will see a revolution in our lifetime. Kerry/Bush, republican or democrat it doesn't matter, this election is to keep the view the US is a democracy. If this were a true democracy do you think Bush could have been elected as President? This man is truly well below average intelligence yet is somehow put forward as a candidate and miraculously becomes leader of the free world. A chimp in charge of the earth's destiny. If you believe this faerie tale then no doubt you believe our government had no part in 9/11. Deny ignorance.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Yeah, I think the whole world is wired together like a big telephone network that's been monitored, everyone is linked to everyone else and we can't do anything about it, and the Illuminati is the monitor.

I also think that terrorist organizations like al-Quaeda might be formed by the Illuminati to do the dirty work without making look too suspicious.

Originally posted by infinite
New World Order is not here, you would know if they were here. Firstly, the internet and mainly sites like this would be shut down, TV would be controlled aswell, etc,etc.

In my opinion that's a negative, infinite, because I think that the NWO is here and they're carrying out their actions without anyone knowing, so basically they're not shutting down sites like these so that we don't know that they are here.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 01:59 PM
I don't know. I'm still undecided about that one. It sure seems like it's headed in that direction though.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by UK Wizard
When information can flow freely, a NWO can never take control globally
People would know what is going on and they would pass on the information, thus ruining the NWO plans

Well thats highly unlikely, if we are dealing with a secret international force then i doubt information could leak onto the internet. Some of the bilderberg members are high figures in the media, so i think media control is true.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by da_superphreak
If you ask me, The NWO is already here, I saw a program on TV that said that George Bush and his government knew that 9/11 was going to happen and they let it happen just so they could bring in the Homeland Security laws and all the other policies and also so that they would have a front for the war on Terror. So basically no-one can do anything without someone knowing about it and that someone will tell another someone who will tell the Illuminati, which leads to this question, "Was 9/11 planned by President Bush?"

All media is controlled and recorded, even websites like these......
you are correct, the Nwo is here and has been for some time.
(It was ushered in with Ronald Reagan).

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 09:48 PM
Your going to have to come up with someone scarier than Reagan before I believe an NWO is in place.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Soul Reaper
All media is controlled and recorded, even websites like these......

I agree with you on that one, soul reaper, I believe that the NWO can already track media and organization actions, soon they'll be able to track individual actions and eventually even track thoughts if it comes to that.

And after that, who knows? Maybe they'll be able to control those things?

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 01:21 AM
Alright, let's say that this thing dubbed a New World Order is here.

1) who is controlling it?

2) what countries are involved in the control?

3) what is the NWO supposed to do?

4) how does a miniscule minority control the masses once the masses don't wish to be controlled?

5) why would the upper echelon of the NWO grant control to a singular person, or country?

6) how do you stop the regular person from telling his story via the internet, if you believe that the news lies to you, in that, how many in ATS have been censored for speaking against the NWO or posting a story you know to be true?

[edit on 9/11/04 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 01:29 AM
the illuminati, the illuminati, oh god the illuminati! that's basically all you serious proponents of the NWO theory have to say, and to be honest, you only make yourselves look even crazier. lets face it, believing this one damn group has so much power they are actually able to keep roughly 6 billion people from figuring out their plans sounds ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:23 AM
In reply to somewhereinbetween's post Here are my answers in my opinion

1)A group set up in 1776 called the Illuminati are at the top of the NWO
2)The countries are the ones being controlled, the Illuminati (and other various groups) are doing the controlling
3)The NWO is an idea to unite all the countries and have one universal government
4)Well, when the NWO is in control without becoming unstable, most likely people will turn to them in fear so it won't really be a miniscule minority.
5)The upper echelon (let's say erm.. The Illuminati) wouldn't grant control to one person like governents today, they'd most likely have a whole group of people in control.
6)Everything will be wired up and anything suspicious will be wiped out.

Note: The above are my views and my views only if you don't believe all or some of it, so be it, but I don't think I'm too far from the truth.

In reply to astroblade's post, well these people can be devious and cunning, you might think I'm crazy but I think all the various terrorist incidents going on were set up so peopl don't get too suspicious.

[edit on 11/9/2004 by da_superphreak]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 05:30 AM
soooo... wouldnt the military industrial complex have a hand in the direction the NWO is going? wouldnt they be one in the same? sinc the MIC is by all means the controller of our country. if indeed the NWO is a reality this we should we really work on securing this site so that when they do make their move we have a network of communication so we can all spread the anti-NWO movment and have a firm grasp on what is really going down. i doubt they underestimate us, therfore we must remain vigilant and stay on par with them! we outnumber them anyway!

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by infinite
New World Order is not here, you would know if they were here. Firstly, the internet and mainly sites like this would be shut down, TV would be controlled aswell, etc,etc.

Heard of the UN? ... The Cia has officials as presidents in other countries
they have mindcontrol perfected... Cell Phones run on frequencies... Humans run on frequencies... coincidence... I think not..

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by da_superphreak
In reply to somewhereinbetween's post Here are my answers in my opinion

1)A group set up in 1776 called the Illuminati are at the top of the NWO
2)The countries are the ones being controlled, the Illuminati (and other various groups) are doing the controlling
3)The NWO is an idea to unite all the countries and have one universal government
4)Well, when the NWO is in control without becoming unstable, most likely people will turn to them in fear so it won't really be a miniscule minority.
5)The upper echelon (let's say erm.. The Illuminati) wouldn't grant control to one person like governents today, they'd most likely have a whole group of people in control.
6)Everything will be wired up and anything suspicious will be wiped out.

Note: The above are my views and my views only if you don't believe all or some of it, so be it, but I don't think I'm too far from the truth.

In reply to astroblade's post, well these people can be devious and cunning, you might think I'm crazy but I think all the various terrorist incidents going on were set up so peopl don't get too suspicious.

[edit on 11/9/2004 by da_superphreak]

Thank you for your response. I�ll address them in brief as I have already provided my thoughts on why a NWO is a non-event, on this thread: and will reiterate a few points therein.

1) The Illuminati is American made, the pre-disposition is that Americans and American politicians respectively, control the world's wealth and is powerful enough to subjugate the likes of China, Russia and the United Kingdom. The assunption is that some 230 years ago, some powerful men set about to own and rule the world, yet, that hasn't happened. I plan for my son's future, but I certainly do not make plans for my great-great grandchildren's futures, in that I would conspire to have them rule the world recognizing that I would be dead, dust and forgotten.

2) Your contention then is that the USA controls all countries? If so, then what we have witnessed with Japan, Germany and Russia in the last 80 years was as a result of 190 years of pre-planning? When will the American illuminati reduce the three I mentioned above to subservience so that this will come to fruition?

3) It may be an idea as such, but why should it be considered an idea to yield surfs and lords rather than a world co-existing in peace? Not the Roman, Greek, Babylonian, German, Soviet, British or the American Empires came into being as one large entity. The British commonwealth countries seem to take no issue with British governance or at best a Monarchial figurehead, and by and large the arrangement is pleasing. There is nothing to say that a one world government where all countries are democratic and free is not the direction in which we head.

4) I disagree. To date 5,000 years of history does not support this position, and today, we are far more educated, more knowledgeable and more scrutinizing of our leaders to be led by a leash. Current cases in point: Iraq; Chechnya; Haiti. In order to rule 6 billion people, this illuminati will need to coerce a massive police force, and given the circumstances which you portray, this force would have to be very well rewarded which is not what a NWO would wish to do.

5) Here is where I specifically refer you to my post in the above link. I started the thread so it is first up. An excerpt: "a ruling elite will never be willing to share, for individually, their drive will be to become the leader of the pack. Such is man�s greed. " added to that is that the wealth does not lie with an American illuminati, the greatest wealth and economic control rests in Britain and France with the Rothschilds, it has for eons so why would they bend to the wishes of others? More importantly, why would a few hundred mega billionaires be willing to share power? Certainly history has taught us that power mad people want it all for themselves.

6) Not likely. They may eventually heavily censure the internet, there is move afoot to do just that, but for every action there has always been an opposite reaction. Despots have never found a way to forever suppress the voice of the masses, there is always a revolutionist to buck the trend.

[edit on 9/11/04 by SomewhereinBetween]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 07:30 PM
I tell you what I will believe the new world order is here if bush win the elections again, and I will said lord have mercy of the citizens of US.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by da_superphreak
If you ask me, The NWO is already here, I saw a program on TV that said that George Bush and his government knew that 9/11 was going to happen and they let it happen just so they could bring in the Homeland Security laws and all the other policies and also so that they would have a front for the war on Terror. So basically no-one can do anything without someone knowing about it and that someone will tell another someone who will tell the Illuminati, which leads to this question, "Was 9/11 planned by President Bush?"

I do not know whether NWO is already here or not.

Bush obviously knew the coming of 9/11 before its happening. Just watch the Bush's reaction when informed of the attack, he sat there and even reading childbook. To him, 9/11 was a non-event as the first reaction.

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:43 AM
Yes the NWO is here ,and of course bush knew 9/11 was coming he didnt care bush was paying the terrorists he didnt really care about 3000 innocent people that were killed he just needed reasons to go back to Iraq and finish his fathers business

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 09:54 AM
Yes, I agree with you jmh92, but I don't think he was paying the terrorists to do it, I think they were acting of their own accord, but I agree he knew it would happen and he didn't stop it from happening to that he could invade Iraq.

P.S Welcome to Above TopcSecret jmh92!

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