posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by newyorkee
I simply pointed out the BIGGEST folly in your deep thinking.
You must know if you are this angry at the US, which many American countries are oppressed by the US but you would roll all of them in the same
All I have said was measure twice and cut once, or think twice speak once.
But to show err in type is not the same as speaking in err.
To speak in err, one could have been caught up in an emotional state or just misspoke.
But to err in type, just shows no forethought, so to present your "work" as an honest deep thought shows how deep one goes.
Self loathing American is evident, but to say no US soldier can feel like this is silly.
You realize that we in the US have lost quite a number of our own overseas to suicide, why is that?
Blind anger is powerful, but thought is even better especially if you "know it all".
Hope it helps