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The US is one step away from armed insurrection

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by akalepos

I think itll come down to this.....something is going to happen....who knows what....that will cause for the govt. to sieze or strictly regulate all weapons in the U.S......and literal civil war will break out. This scenario is simple, plain and easy to see I'll stick with this easy to read and understand specuation,

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

On point Vichtilo! And Xuenchen....could be "accentuating" the point. Too much happening...too much dissatisfaction of the people who aren't sheople and the gov't became quite worried with OWS and the Arab spring. l am sure all of our wealthy congress mis-leaders are only seeking a way to remain in power and continue their greed which means keeping the masses in check to make the machine continue operating.

Heard of FEMA camps? Have you heard that the troopers and officers of the law are being trained for martial law? Swine/Avian flu mutation, which could be the next pandemic like the plague? Radiation levels under reported from over the US and affecting the sea life of Alaska. I am sure this could turn into a disertation; whether biological, ecological or civil unrest - TSHasBeenHittingTF and maybe like elenin or planet x it is just taking a little while for us to see.

The fact they passed NDAA reaks of tyranny, marxism or whatever term makes since to you. The sands of time are running out I firmly believe the writing is more than on the wall my friends.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:06 AM
I tried reading through all four pages and got to page 2 and just had enough.

A thought occurred to me. well actually more than one but this is the main one:

Nothing will happen until we unite as one. And i cant see that happening. People are too lazy and selfish and have a "it wont happen to me" mentality. Couple that with the fact that most people are cowards and will run with their tails between their heads when they see the person next to them get their brains blown away, i think its safe to say.

You dont have a hope in hell. You lost decades ago. You were never free not as long as you live in the system and rely on it. So please dont bang your chest and yell at the top of your voice how you are going to defend the American dream.

I'll take any bets any odds that this so called revolution WONT happen. Some people on here have been so deluded and brainwashed by movies and Tv that the good guy always wins that they think just because a cause is just that it will win out. Sorry but reality seems to disagree with that hypothesis.

Prove me wrong and free yourself. I dare you. You will be bitch slapped back into place so hard and fast your ancestors will feel it.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:48 AM

And guess what, they gonna disappear people. Know why? Because government officials are LAZY, just like the most of us

It's not that they are lazy It's just that they are bribed to look the other way.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:48 AM

edit on 2-1-2012 by Indenu because: Double posted, can be deleted

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:50 AM
I know this is a rather out there thought process...but couldn't the citizens petition the government to arrest and hold TPTB for their manipulation of our system as an act of terrorism? If enough people signed the petition surely the government couldnt just ignore the request, especially if its a good majority doing so...and as the law states, no trial.

Why don't we give these wankers a taste of their own medicine?
edit on 2-1-2012 by mutatismutandis because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by mutatismutandis
I know this is a rather out there thought process...but couldn't the citizens petition the government to arrest and hold TPTB for their manipulation of our system as an act of terrorism? If enough people signed the petition surely the government couldnt just ignore the request, especially if its a good majority doing so...and as the law states, no trial.

Why don't we give these wankers a taste of their own medicine?
edit on 2-1-2012 by mutatismutandis because: (no reason given)

Yes, that's really "out there" !

All petitioners would be immidiately labeled terrorists !

Now what ?

That's what the polls are for ..... vote if that will do any good.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:06 AM
I worry the current outrage will all of a sudden vanish as soon as a republican comes into office. Kind of like how there was outrage over the wars and it was all the president (bush)'s fault until obama came in then suddenly war is good and presidents are merely at the mecy of congress and the oil tycoons. The conservatives will change their tune if a GOPer comes in to office, then suddenly this bill will be necessary to round up anyone who opposes war with iran.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Chargeit
Yea your right because you make sure to read all the top conspiracy posts. Bull. Last I checked the police weren't kicking any doors in that didn't deserve it. Your full of crap.

I started reading this thread and came across this post, which I want to address.
I have seen the police kick in doors that did not deserve it, and that was BEFORE the NDAA of 2012.

All across the United States there are stories of police brutality.
I have seen them do it. I have had them TRY to stamp on my rights as well.

They now have the power to do this to ANYONE, all you have to do is be accused or suspected or say something bad about the US gov.....
No trial, no lawyer, just a dark hole that you could get dropped into and never seen again....and this could happen to ANY American citizen now. Just because they are not doing it, does not mean they cannot and eventually will not do it. They now have the power.

I will say however, that I suspect this was enacted because we are about to round up several 1000's of people of middle eastern nationality, and place them in camps while the middle east explodes. This to me seems the only logical answer as to why this was past. It was the same in ww2, with rounding up Japanese Americans...I think what we are seeing is the beginning of such actions, this would be the groundwork for it.

Just a hunch

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by akalepos
reply to post by Badgered1

Hi guy!

You are essentially correct about a lot of things in your post as it can easily be granted that there are way too may crazy folks and bs'rs with guns. But still no one can know what will happen if a real emergency comes.

If you research the Federalist Papers you will find that the reason for the designation of "well regulated militia" comes simply from the facts of being unable, monetarily, to arm, feed, clothe and supply every capable member in the country. They knew it was impractical. They also discussed that industry would suffer by constantly sending people out to the wilderness on preimeter guard. They also knew from their studies and knowledge of Europe that no "standing army" should even approach 10% of the population, that 1 to 2 percent was better.

They clearly state that the job of the militia, all the rest of us NOT in the regulated segment, is to be able to defeat or fight to a standstill the "regulated" militia in the event of it becoming the enforcement arm of a government gone awry that is attempting to negate the rights of the people.

That's just one facet. In the case of an external threat, we, the rest of us, are expected to join with the military to augment them in every way. The same was assumed about insurrection except when the insurrection encompasses the bulk of the populous, then we support them instead. Those are the distinctions.

The reason for the 2nd Amendment is to ensure that our weaponry matches that of the military. (And YES to a certain extent I believe there ought to be limits, but not with AWs) That is the reason behind the clause "shall not be infringed".

The states too are authorized their own "well regulated" militias to deal with state issues and to augment the main military when called upon and sent by the governors. It was recognized that they too, would have economic constraints that wouldn't allow them to fit and deploy all who were able.

It's pretty straight forward and a very interesting read.
edit on 2-1-2012 by akalepos because: misspelling

Awesome reply. Starred.
Thank you firstly for the information - I will definitely read more on the subject; and secondly for the decorum shown in your response.

They clearly state that the job of the militia, all the rest of us NOT in the regulated segment, is to be able to defeat or fight to a standstill the "regulated" militia in the event of it becoming the enforcement arm of a government gone awry that is attempting to negate the rights of the people.

This is one of the things that worries me. If you can convince those who are armed that there's nothing wrong and no threat to the people's rights, or even change legislation to make it impossible for such militias to operate, you've already half-won. Control of the media and legislation by a government gone awry (or more so the lobbyists behind the government) gives an edge. I'm certainly not suggesting that the armed people are stupid and gullible, just that the information they are receiving is tainted.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Originally posted by mutatismutandis
I know this is a rather out there thought process...but couldn't the citizens petition the government to arrest and hold TPTB for their manipulation of our system as an act of terrorism? If enough people signed the petition surely the government couldnt just ignore the request, especially if its a good majority doing so...and as the law states, no trial.

Why don't we give these wankers a taste of their own medicine?
edit on 2-1-2012 by mutatismutandis because: (no reason given)

Yes, that's really "out there" !

All petitioners would be immidiately labeled terrorists !

Now what ?

That's what the polls are for ..... vote if that will do any good.

I see where your coming from, but if it was a vast majority was supporting the petition there's no way they would get away with locking up the majority of the country as terrorists...and if they tried certainly the rest of the world won't just stand by and watch.

I suppose maybe if the stopped it early on before too many people caught wind of what the petition was about...

Heh, now I'll probably have armed guards knocking on my door tonight...

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:36 AM
We've been hearing this same old song for decades, and I suppose the mighty powers that be could drop the hammer any time now, but that does not mean that they will.

Things are currently working out fairly well for the power brokers at the top of the Ponzi scheme we call civilization.

While they may be totally different than us regular folks, the common wisdom of 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,' still applies.

Why would they turn America into a concentration camp when Americans already work more hours, for less money, and fewer benefits than any other developed country in the entire world? ANd all for the chance to get home and watch the Kardashians.

I'd say 'paranoia,' but somehow it just doesn't seem to fit.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Shark_Feeder

Originally posted by ownbestenemy
I know I sound pessimistic and quite contradictory to my other posts -- but seriously; Americans will just acquiesce and "get by" because its easier that way.

I know exactly how you feel...

I myself am holding onto my last bit of hope in the people of this nation though.

Most Americans are ALREADY defeated - before they even got out of the gate. They have been trained to defeat themselves. Much easier on the Big Wheels that way.

Some few are edging perilously close to insurrection. They have not been defeated, and never will be. They will only be killed, and retire victorious thereby, because their freedom will never have been taken, nor will they continue to be cogs at the beck and call of the machine after they are gone.

They win.

This NDAA business is nothing. It's flotsam, a distraction. It does not say what every one is claiming it does. However, all the people whose job it is to get you worked up over nothing, misdirect your attention to chimaeras while the real dangers go unnoticed, are working over time to keep you riveted to a non issue. Like carnival barkers, they are hammering on it, screaming and hollering to get your attention and direct it to innocuous vapor, while drawing your attention away from the real seeds of your destruction.

By the time you step back and take a breath, and realize you have been duped into concentrating on a piece of legislation there is nothing wrong with, it will be too late. the real danger will have struck, and worked it's poison, and you will be doomed.

At that point, your only choice is going to be between living on your knees and dying on your feet.

What will you choose? Decide now, so that it's not a shock and a hard choice later when it comes.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Shark_Feeder
reply to post by ownbestenemy

I disagree, the widespread "support" in congress for the unconstitional law was well know before the vote. His "no" would have carried as much weight as a grain of rice... I think his time is better spent informing the public, and making headway towards the presidency.

All that said, my patience with all polictians is out. If RP gets the office, and fails on his campaign promises...well I don't know at that point.

His time is better spent doing the job he is being paid to do. If he is a congressman, that job means voting on bills, either for or against, and actually representing his constituency. Palin didn't do her job, but campaigned instead. Obama didn't do his job, but campaigned instead. Both earned a deserve ire for that, and if Paul is doing the same, he deserves no less.

Honestly,l I can't even force myself to vote for someone who is ALREADY not doing their job. How can you expect better later?

edit on 2012/1/2 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by stirling
I suggest you read the propose Bills, Harper is a closet fascist but we still have a free an vocal press and TV in this country

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 01:55 PM

I'm not so sure the government would really be able to "snatch" people up and "disappear" them if there wasn't a good reason for it. In fact there would have to be a VERY good reason. Speaking as federal law enforcement, there are just way to many people on the inside of varying beliefs and political flavors that there is no way in HELL it could happen. Just look at the whole "Fast and Furious" debacle in the justice department currently. You don't think those responsible wanted to keep that secret?
If it weren't for the upstanding patriots and honest people in the government ( yes we exist
) then yes I would be concerned. As an insider, trust me when I tell you this... There are A LOT more of us (those who believe in the constitution and American values) who are the gun toters than there are of them. Most of us are vets who have put our butts on the line more than once for this country both in and out of the military. We swore an oath to protect this country and the constitution entering the military AND entering the federal service.

posted on Jan, 22 2012 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Droidinvoid
reply to post by AQuestion

The most dangerous thing in the world is peaceful protest because it denies the military of the ability to respond with violence,

That is the most Utopian fluffy BS , check OWS , the majority are peaceful , YET look at the violence dished out to them.

I respect your point of view , I don't agree with it .

Happy new year

Totally agree.

"You can not make a revolution with silk gloves" - Stalin

Not a fan of Stalin in any way but I do agree with this...sooner or later you have to get pissed.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 10:24 AM
Well according to Chris Hedges sues the government to repeal the NDAA, the NDAA goes in force in March.

So hopefully Mr. Hedges wins his lawsuit before then.

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