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The US is one step away from armed insurrection

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Shark_Feeder
reply to post by ownbestenemy

I disagree, the widespread "support" in congress for the unconstitional law was well know before the vote. His "no" would have carried as much weight as a grain of rice... I think his time is better spent informing the public, and making headway towards the presidency.

All that said, my patience with all polictians is out. If RP gets the office, and fails on his campaign promises...well I don't know at that point.

I would say name a politician who hasn't failed on his "campaign" promises but we know the answer to this -- none. Even with his "non" vote -- he has shown the politics reign over stance. People are wanting a Statesman and Mr. Paul -- albeit the most likely to bring sanity to the Federal Government -- has shown he will play politics over principles.

If the "widespread" support was already there -- why not vote? Why not make a stance based on principles and drum up the base? I see great failure in the great Representative Paul though many of his stances I support and believe in.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:50 AM
I would love to press fast forward to see where the occupy situation will be in 6 months
edit on 1-1-2012 by Droidinvoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Droidinvoid
From a UK angle , any major civil unrest in the USA will be seen as the litmus test / benchmark because of the gun
aspect of American citizens / culture . The US government will have protocol and strategies in place to deal with a civilian population who are heavily armed , of that you can be sure.
So in one respect , while feeling safe knowing an individual is armed to the teeth , ask yourself what the government , military have to combat this , technology that may not have seen the light of day in civilian circles.
I myself would want to be armed come what may , I am 100% on this.

This comment is spot on! A Star for you!. I would however add that it wont be just a litmus test for the UK, but all countries around the world. IF, the people of the USA can take back their lost rights and bring about a new change in Government that doesn't treat the rest of the world as a 'hostile' threat' then, this indeed would be the signal for the rest of the world to follow!. I'm sure TPTB know this already and you can bet they will do everything humanly possible to prevent this from happening. A few false flags, a war here and there should keep the people constantly preoccupied and divided away from the real issues at stake here.
edit on 1/1/2012 by Freelancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by AQuestion

I respect your reply regarding Ghandi , and how refreshing to see such a courteous reply , thank you.
Your post and comment got me thinking of the character played by David Bowie in Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence as he prevailed against Ryuichi Sakamoto's character.
Glad you are on this forum , if we agree or disagree on topics , that is the nature of debate.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by Freelancer

Yes indeed , like you rightly say , the world will be watching regarding the US population and how they defend there freedom

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by Droidinvoid

Dear Droidinvoid,

No issues here, be well.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by Droidinvoid
reply to post by Freelancer

Yes indeed , like you rightly say , the world will be watching regarding the US population and how they defend there freedom

And perhaps more importantly,

the world should be watching regarding the US population and how they WON'T defend there freedom.

that's the big problem.

"boiling frogs always sweat when it's too late !"
- anonymous coward

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:24 AM
We need to turn this liberal crap back on the politicians. Illegal aliens should be consisdered terrorists - detained and deported immediately. No rights, no trial, no suits against states.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Shark_Feeder

All that said, my patience with all polictians is out. If RP gets the office, and fails on his campaign promises...well I don't know at that point.

I am neither for or against Ron Paul. That said, If he fails in his campaign promises, wouldn't that just make him like every other politician?

I mean seriously very few of them ever keep their promises. They only make them to get elected. Once in office they don't need to keep any of them . Then the next time they run for office they make more empty promises because the people have short memories.

I wonder how he would feel if the people rose up against the unconstitutional laws passed by washington and seized the power that is theirs by the constitution.

I really don't think that the majority of Americans would even participate in armed insurrection. They're too complacent. Too comfortable with the status quo.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:36 AM
The Canadian power grab is getting just as nakedly greedy for total control of the people.
Warrantless searches of every aspect of peoples lives, from facebook to their homes, vehivles anywhere and everywhere.....
These two proposed laws C 5s, and C 10 give full NAZI GESTAPO powers to police in canada.....
War has been declared against ALL free peoples everywhere......Fight now, or suffer the yoke later....
Id rather die a free man fighting for the freedom of my grandchildren...........................Whos with me?

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You are right, people I talk to here in Ohio are ready for it, and are locked and loaded. The "grapevine" around here is pretty good, so is someone was taken, word would get out fast. I have asked the local police whose side they would be on, most said the people, but one little fat guy says he will follow orders. I told him he will be the first one shot, if that is how he feels. I am a soldier, and took the oath, and I know how a soldier feels. I do not believe our own military will follow un-Constitutional orders. I am old, and hurt a lot, I would not last a week in the camps. So, I will shoot it out if they come for me.
If they manage to kill me, I will be a lot more powerful then.
The point is, this "bill" us not of, or by the People, and it is not according to the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of the United States.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:39 AM
Fella's....I'm a veteran, I'm against the wars, I'm EX-law enforcement, and I'm against THEIR abuse of's what it comes down to......NO ONE is going to start a revolutionary revolt against a tyrinical govt, until it is actually, physically, affecting them in a personal way. Millions of people "want" to see a government run by the people, for the people....but the masses feel alone, isolated and are just plain afraid, because who will support them and stand by them. So let me ask you this......if 100 people showed up on the lawn of the White House to demand the President be impeached and for the Senate and Congress to hand over power back to the people of the U.S......How many of YOU would drop EVERYTHING youre doing to join them and support them?? The answer is FEW if any. Because everyone has an excuse...."oh im on vacation", "oh i had to work today, I cant just take the day off or I'll get fired", "I have a family to take care of and I cant take the chance of getting arrested".....and the list goes on for I said, NO ONE"S going to do ANYTHING until it affects them on a SUPER PERSONAL level.....How can I say this? Becaue I have proof
What have we done so far?? Thank you and goodday.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 11:57 AM
Starred and Flagged. I hope it gets 1000 flags and they see that the people will stand by the people and their fascist state is not going to go ahead as planned. They may be lazy but if they know enough people are awake and aware, then these bills which are not LAW, don't stand on the backbone of common law, they're just legislation, and can be overturned by the Supreme Court, but mostly by citizens. Courts serve the people too.

I don't endorse armed anything, however, Serve And Protect is something our police should be doing. I don't understand why the leaders are not arrested for treason. Where they fail, people need to stand up and do something.
edit on 1-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by PROT3CTOR
Fella's....I'm a veteran, I'm against the wars, I'm EX-law enforcement, and I'm against THEIR abuse of's what it comes down to......NO ONE is going to start a revolutionary revolt against a tyrinical govt, until it is actually, physically, affecting them in a personal way. Millions of people "want" to see a government run by the people, for the people....but the masses feel alone, isolated and are just plain afraid, because who will support them and stand by them. So let me ask you this......if 100 people showed up on the lawn of the White House to demand the President be impeached and for the Senate and Congress to hand over power back to the people of the U.S......How many of YOU would drop EVERYTHING youre doing to join them and support them?? The answer is FEW if any. Because everyone has an excuse...."oh im on vacation", "oh i had to work today, I cant just take the day off or I'll get fired", "I have a family to take care of and I cant take the chance of getting arrested".....and the list goes on for I said, NO ONE"S going to do ANYTHING until it affects them on a SUPER PERSONAL level.....How can I say this? Becaue I have proof
What have we done so far?? Thank you and goodday.

To top it all off. I seriously do not get this but I have seen it with my own eyes. Pick a major sporting event, at some point or another these stupid games have caused riots. Why is it that people can get so worked up and angry over their favorite team loosing and sometimes even winning that makes them burn cars and destroy neighborhoods or trample other people. On the other hand, take their rights away and they are graciously hand them over. How do we redirect the misplacement of anger.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:15 PM
Communism's first step. America is following China, It's obvious by the way the Politics is going. "Listen to the government, we know best", "You listen or die" and things along those lines

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by Droidinvoid

Dear Droidinvoid,

My father worked for the Federal government and I can assure you that the militia's were infiltrated in the 1970s. If these groups were to ever actually try armed revolt, they would be arrested before they even got to their gun stashes. The truth is that they couldn't even talk to each other as the government controls the internet and can tap any phone it wishes.

The most dangerous thing in the world is peaceful protest because it denies the military of the ability to respond with violence. Most soldiers are not willing to shoot peaceful protesters, they are our relatives. The truth behind what is going on is that the people in charge of this place are confused and scared. They are afraid of losing their control over us. They are afraid because everything is being exposed. What was it Rockefeller wrote, he said if people really knew what was going on they would rise up and take them out (or something similar). Well, they are all being exposed; but, we shouldn't take anyone out. Then we would be no better than those who send our children to unnecessary wars. My thoughts, peace.

tho I do agree peaceful protest is a powerful thing it is only a sideshow and has done little in the past and is doing little now. all i am seeing so far with the current protests in the US is the power of the machine growing stronger through their laws, regulations & taxes.

the feds may have infiltrated and given the American militias a bad name but you are wrong there is a large well regulated American militia and it is growing we are ALL as Americans part of this militia and we ALL should be practicing that right and teaching it to our children.

for example this man is just a former militia member and probably a lone wolf.
Montana halts search for militia member

we honestly give our Gov. too much credit and allow them to enable so much fear in US, fear is what rules the masses luckily worldwide that fear is being overcome and people like those unarmed protesters in the ME right now who are being slaughtered for voicing their wants of a Free society and control For the people by the people.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:38 PM
The truth is......i dont think anyone even here can handle the truth.

What if.......think about this without jumping to conclusions. Just read and think.

What if none of its real. Just a scripted constant loop of never ending conspiracy that never comes to fruition? A soap opera made just for people like us. Shadowy bad guys, shadowy good guys. An immense constantly shifting and changing conspiracy laden story that's not even real. Something concocted by "The Man" specialty for a certain segment of people who cant be sheepled into American Idol and dancing with the stars. A special form of entertainment to keep the people who think too much busy......

Is it all to keep the other people busy?

Give that some thought.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I don't get you Vitch. First you started a thread about why people will give up their weapons in America. Now this thread about an armed uprising.

Seems a bit inciteful to me. Are you American by the way?

I don't want to come off as confrontational, Im just trying to understand your thinking. You're all over the place. Can you explain yourself to us?

Which is it, are we giving up our weapons and freedom willingly? Or are we headlong into a revolution?

Also I noticed in your last few threads, you just post an opening post then abandon it without responding to other members. You kind of kick back and watch members debate amongst themselves, without responding to our questions and comments.

Are you too busy starting new threads to keep up with your previous ones? They also seem to contradict eachother. Seems odd to me.
edit on 1-1-2012 by becomingaware because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You realize, Vitch, that by posting this, You have painted a very large target on Your entire Personage...

I am only partially kidding. I am sure They want the likes of the conscientious and rights-supporting People out of the picture and sites like ATS are likely targeted for future disappearing members. People like You and like Me (who remember electrogravitics and have taken no oath of silence) are likely to disappear within a year...

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 02:23 PM
Here's a reality check:

Most "agitation," i.e.: semi-violent opposition, is from the Left. The Occupy movement's major weapon was to leave behind a load of crap, literally, disrupt small businesses, do a lot of community drumming, and yell and scream. They may have thrown a few rocks. The point is, the left is unarmed. They don't like firearms in principle and wish them to be banned, and they certainly don;t knwo how to shoot one.

Most armed American citizens are conservative. They don't particularly believe in the "99%" stuff and they certainly have a dim view of young long-hairs expressing traiterous claims and generally saying they should be given everything they want without having to work for it.

The far right is small in number. These small militias hate just about everyone from people of color to Jews to bankers (same thing0, but as has been pointed out, the really dangerous ones have been infiltrated and they are simply not big enough to do enough damage.

So the bottom line here is that the people who are really and truly armed are, by and large, the traditional loyal Americans who have no use for either extreme. They don't believe in the "FEMA camp" mentality pushed by conspirational crazies as found on places like ATS. There will be no large-scale uprising in the US.

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