posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:10 PM
I can't really get into todays artists. Too much of the same old same old regurgitated stuff. Todays rock is too angry for me and the rap is only
talking about their babes and bling bling! I really don't care about their life. Write songs about stuff the listener can relate to and make them
feel that they are writing a song about their life. That is how you go platinum and gold! All of todays artist don't last very long and aren't even
worth following.
I like fast upbeat hip-hop and classic rock.
When I was a teenager I liked AC/DC I still do and own every album.
As I matured and grown to appreciate the lyrics in a song I grown to love and relate to The Beatles.
If I could go back into time and meet the members of The Beatles that would be so rewarding. With my life I'm sure they would have tons to write
Ok, I said enough!