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How Much Blood is on Your Hands? See how you score!

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posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

Not everyone has blood on their hands. There are those that are completely outside of the system in the developed world, and quite a few in the undeveloped world.
And, as the scale illustrates, a little blood, a minor stain, can be cleaned up. I do not say how, that is up to the individual.
Nor do I delve into the fact that you may have blood out of necessity, that is, self-defense. But, you have blood on your hands nonetheless.
The moral issues are yours alone. Society apparently doesn't much care one way or the other.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

So in your opening post you clearly point out NATO countries but then go on to say in response to me the that the moral issues are ours alone. Then why would you even devise such a, again I'm sorry Flawed test. Then state we should do it because it is Fun to see how much blood we have on our hands. I am not saying I disagree with you in respects to what is wrong or right.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:15 PM
same basic argument can be used for many things.
the drug war
child kidnapping services etc..............

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

NATO countries are currently the prolific aggressors, sanctioned by the international community. The actions of NATO are immoral, that is my view, however, the options allow for those people that are killing under a nonNATO flag. Or, even folks that are operating in a nonmilitary capacity.
The moral issues are yours alone. I only illustrate the affects
I personally admit to some blood on my hands. It is a scale, and it works.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by rubbertramp

Very good point.
In an unjust system, the more active you are in the system, the more bloodstains you have to deal with.
Of course, some think no one notices because MOST don't. If there is actually a judgement day, I think a whole lot of people will get a big surprise.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:27 PM
0 inevitably becoming a -5 if I don't see a big change soon.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

A negative 5 or a 5?
Elaborate, if you will.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

By your scale like 6 or 7? See that's the point. Asking people for such an info is bit moot. If someone really has so much skeletons then why would they admid to it here? No reliable info is expected. You formatted this topic to be bit too precise.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by SurrealisticPillow
reply to post by yourmaker

A negative 5 or a 5?
Elaborate, if you will.

the same amount of blood on my hands, with the opposite aspect.
I was going to say -4, because that is closer to what I would intend.
"You are, or were in the military, and you don't regret it." I would fight for a worthy cause without regret.
although "You kill, and you enjoy it." I wouldn't enjoy it.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:47 PM
i score 5. there is no war fit for this casing, and there is no casing fit for my brain. there is a law here in los angeles that i, kenny, cannot is inter planetary military treason beyond a crime...but they'll still rip anyone's throat that kisses me whether its legal or not... i want out. i cannot love= they stole my brain=,YOUR GOD =SIGN= STOLEN KINGDOM= diamond planet12345556789 god appeared as a rainbow knife is your eternal sign for MEDJUGORGE...= no olives= no sign= GREED =MOJICA, JOHN= blasphemy = direct spirit denial

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

you and me both, i pulled out of the system 20 years ago for the most part.
eventhough one must admit to some support in ways.
unless you are eating only what you grow or collect and not paying sales tax and other support.
i have a friend who claims he pulled out of the system, yet has been collecting unemployment and food stamps.
he really just doesn't get it.
'but i'll lose my house and go hungry?' is his basic responce.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

It is an honor system. You determine your points.
I am not sure how you can beat 5, but, live and learn. I do see how there could be more levels between 0 and 5, but I think you get the idea, AND you can find your place.
You don't seem like a 5. I would guess a 3 or a 4, but that is just my guess.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

No negatives. 0 is the lowest.
Your reasons for doing so are in line with many others, perhaps the vast majority of folks, so you have the safety of numbers.
I am not judging so much as I am pointing out the bloodstains. There is a difference.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by KennyDurazo

I feel the anger and passion more than I understand the message.
I will have some Scotch, and reread. If that doesn't work, I may try something outside of the legal spectrum, and reread your post again.
If I don't get it then, I may ask for some clarification. Feel free to comment further, however.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:03 PM
According to your silly little scoring list, I'd be number 3.

Tell me, where do you factor in or have you not got a score for cowards who openly reject freedom and would rather live under the "sunshine and rainbows" of dictators and tyranny in the now liberated countries you mentioned in your opening paragraph?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:10 PM
I agree lets get rid of that hippie NATO and get back to the good old days when most of the world was part of one empire or the other and we could get globar wars on a regular basis. Any student of history can tell you that you live the most peaceful time in human history. I suggest you enjoy it while it lasts.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by curious7

Cowards get a 0 if they have not killed someone. But, the cowards that operate a joystick and fire a drone that kills innocent people? They have blood on their hands.
Not all cowards are in the anti-war crowd, and not all anti-war folks are cowards.
Not internet bravado, but I would put my courage up against anyone's, while keeping my hands relatively blood free.
Try it, it is much tougher than spouting patriotic nonsense.
Edit to add: Thanks for playing. A 3 isn't all that bad, there is hope.

edit on 31-12-2011 by SurrealisticPillow because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

Yeah I understand what's going on here. In reality I'm actually a 0 by your definition

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Actually, I know my history and this is not the most peaceful time. It certainly isn't the worst times.
The casualties are many however, much more than you may care to admit.
That debate, however, is outside of the scope of this exercise.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:33 PM
I am a '0'.

Also, I will not work for a 'For Profit' organisation.

I will not buy gold or precious stones and certain minerals. Whether they are sourced ethically or not, the process they belong to is unethical with prices driven by civil wars creating an imagined shortage of supply.

I have no stock, bonds, securites or pensions. Or savings. Though perhaps extreme, others should ensure that they look at more than the return on their investments. Where does the money come from that banks give to countries to fund conflict? The money you loan to them as savings has a whole life that you probably have no idea of. The stocks you you know what those companies, and their subsidaries, are up to with your money..?

I will not take out insurance, or purchase any other policy or product from an organisation that can use my payments as leverage on loans to conduct 'other' business.

I am trying to buy ethically, this is still hard and I find it easier to do this by buying second hand from charity shops...fair trade still has a long way to go, especially in clothing manufacturing.

I think that makes me a '-3' or '- 4'.

Plenty of room for improvement though

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