posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:45 PM
ATS Live Staff 2012 Predictions
*Within the first half of the year, Iran will test a nuclear weapon
*There will be a limited conflict between North and South Korea
*By the end of 2012, the question of if we are alone will have been answered. We will receive a signal.
*In the first quarter, war will break out between Israel and Iran or Iranian allies.
*During 2012, us will see a complete and utter economic collapse
*Earthquakes on North American continent will increase in severity and frequency
*Obama will be reelected
*On Dec 12 2012 nothing will happen.
*There will be a war in ME lasting 3 days. Israel will be on top
*Kim Jong Il shall be caught on a CCTV trying to break into Graceland to party with Elvis...American style!
*I predict that there will be a major uprising in N. Korea as we have seen in Egypt
*I believe there will be a full on war in an Africa country such as Somalia with our military being sent there like Iraq and Afghanistan
*There will be another major terrorist attack in western world/Europe on the scale of 911
*There will be a major disrupt to 2012 Olympics, but not necessarily terrorism related
*Deep integration of US and Canada will continue unabated with little resistance from the population
*There will be posturing conflict with N. Korea
*Government of Japan will admit what the radiation danger has been w/ mass movement of people away from area for their safety.
*Crop failures over past 3 growing seasons will create food shortages and drive up costs and further dampen economics worldwide.
*The Collapse of European union will happen
*Economic situation in this country is going to continue
*One of hope: With the right people in place, negotiators will reason with the new leader of N. Korea, hoping he is not as warped and create
opportunity for reunification of N. and S. Korea
*We will see gold reach beyond the $2000/ounce mark
*US postal service will continue to have problems and because of it, we will see a merger of UPS and FEDEX....called FED UP
*2012 will be the best year for ATS Live.....landing ATS Live on Sirius Radio