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A little 2012 gift !!!

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posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:35 AM
As we face the end 2011 I just thought that I would post a great little video about all the exciting things to come in 2012. I'm not sure how to embed a video so I just posted a link.....Enjoy2012 eeeeek!!

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:05 AM
Thanks, that has answered every question i had, in a language that i could understand.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by tigermountain

Interesting post, but I find myself looking for trouble in 2012 even without considering the maya calendar. I'm thinking in terms of severe weather, changing currents, financial failure, and possibly taking some nuclear strikes if wars flare up. But I don't see mankind coming to a terminal end even with the Maya calendar.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Magnificient
reply to post by tigermountain

I'm thinking in terms of severe weather, changing currents, financial failure, and possibly taking some nuclear strikes if wars flare up

Those have been worries for a long time.

While something earth altering could happen in 2012, it probably won't.

THERE WILL be natural disasters just like every year, but don't anticipate them being more severe than the usual.

As far as nuclear war goes, i honestly don't see that ever happening. Absolutely no one wins with a nuclear war, even the most crazed dictator knows this.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 07:35 AM
Does anyone know of any 2013, 2014 or 2015 "End of the World" predictions? I mean, what will we talk about this time next year?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Observor

Well Michael Coe did have a Long Count correlation that ended in 2013 before his current correlation of December 23, 2012. Unfortunately it is in January of 2013 so it will only give the fearmongers a few extra days.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by Alaskan Man

While something earth altering could happen in 2012, it probably won't.

THERE WILL be natural disasters just like every year, but don't anticipate them being more severe than the usual.

I wish I had this confidence. The Maya aren't the only ones to have predicted the end of one age and the beginning of another. I'll dig out some links if I can find them. Note this is not the same as 'the end of the world' but often you have to break down the old order before you can get the new.
I'm 61 so I have lived through a fair amount
but imo 2011 has been remarkable. Record breaking weather, natural disaster, political upheaval, financial meltdown... Nor is any of this played out.
So I'm not counting my chickens yet. Though possibly I need to buy some..

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by starchild10

Yes please do break out some sources about other cultures that mentioned 2012. I would prefer legitimate sources however. All the New Age sites just post the same lies. I would also like to point out that the only place where the Maya that a new world emerges after every 13th baktun is the Popol Vuh. This is a post-Columbian text that has been influenced by Christian beliefs and does not represent the beliefs of the Classic period Maya. The Maya do not even believe the Long Count is coming to an end. Just look at Coba Stela 1 for an example of a Long Count that extends far into the past with no indication that there was a special interest placed in increments of 13 baktuns. You can also look at Quirigua Stela D for an example of a Long Count that extends far into the future. In fact there is not a single example of a Long Count from the Classic period that ends after 13 baktun.

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