posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 01:46 PM
Here are a few references to the end of the world, and all of the related information.
Revelation 21:1........Earth and Heaven "have passed away". Specific mention of how the earth, passes away, is not mentioned. Now, in using both
Hebrew and Greek word studies, and the phrases chosen, the implied meaning is that the old earth and heaven are completely gone, not purged and
2d Peter 3:10-12 "the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat: both the earth and the works that
are in in will be burned up"
Again, not purged and reformed, as was done with the flood, but melted away, so a new earth and heaven will be created.
There are countless other verses which support this view, and if anyone is interested, I can provide a study of sorts on the topic.
As for the formation of the Bible, when one mentions "the Church" forming it, one must decide which church it is that formed it. Yes, the universal
church adopted the vulgate. But before that, the cannon of scripture, ie., the books that make up the Bible, were decided upon by the elders of the
early church, or the church father's as we call them, well before the 3rd century universal church. I guess if anyone can have a claim to know which
books should be in the Bible, let us consider the following.
1. The Old testament, translated by the Jewish Hgih council in Alexandria at the bequest of Alexander, was the same Old Testament cannon in use
today. It was conisdered finished at that time.
2. The assembly of the new testament cannon was complete by the 2d century, by the church fathers. It is interesting to note that the universal
church added a few books later on.
3. There are some today that feel they can add books or take away words from the Bible because of their "excellent" scholarship. I find this to be
profoundly arrogant, since somehow they have ascribed to themsleves a superior wisdom than those men and women who were many who knew those who walked
with Christ himself.
The Spider