posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 01:40 AM
On the eve of the Iowa Caucus, I thought it apropos to point out to many of you whom, of no fault of your own, are ignorant of an amazing fact about
the democrat and republican parties (as it were). Thomas Jefferson (#3 president) is listed as an Democrat-Republican. In general, after him, all
presidents are some definition of D or R with the few Whig exceptions that all (amazingly), die in office for various reasons. The 2 party system
starts to look a lot like a 1 party system as you look back into the history of american presidents. In my opinion, it gets REALLY weird when you
start to look at the presidents from about Teddy Rosevelt and Woodrow Wilson and on. The country goes decidedly "progressive" and I think that is
exactly what the ideological fights are about now. Trouble is, there are very few that remember any previous times so we are dependent upon people
that read history and have some sort of understanding about it. Personally, I believe that the progressives have had their chance and their model has
failed for the country and the world.
I would like to see America balance her books and show that light to the world. Can we step out of the red ink and darkness of indebtedness that we
have been entrenched in for so long and break this curse? If America truly is the "richest" country in the world then whom are we indebted to, and
why? I dare say that it is not Israel. I dare say it is not Europe, or even China (overall). So who is "our" master that we owe as the people of
America? As the people of the world? Answer this question and us slaves will know our master, to be sure.
I think I may have mixed two posts here but will let it stand unless the mods disagree.
Happy New Year to all!