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Overview of Topics - My Evidence for Biblical Truth

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posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Since I have been on ATS for some time now, I thought it would be handy to have a page that answers why I believe the evidence for God is overwhelming. God promised that all things would be revealed in the last days. From my perspective, this revelation is here for anyone willing to seek. Feel free to comment on any topic listed. I make no apologies for my faith, but instead become an apologist for God's amazing Truth. God Bless!

An Overview of My Threads

1) Overcoming the Beast - 666 by the Atomic Numbers

This thread represents my vision of the number of the beast (666). From my perspective, the Carbon Atom represents mankind. It possesses 6 Electrons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Protons. If you look at the air we breathe, it has 777 nitrogen and 888 Oxygen. The Breath of God is literally what we use to examine reality so we can overcome the beast inside.

2) Linguistics of Word and WorLd. Lamed added to Word makes the World.

Ancient Hebrew Linguistics reveal the creation of the World form a Word.

3) Hidden Meaning - Moving Consciousness from Concrete to Abstract Spirit

This thread describes how our literal view of the world transitions to a abstract view to gain spiritual understanding. The bridge to cross in the middle is virtue; the moral life we rise above. Philosophy examines virtue, the Easter Way examines right thoughts and actions. Jesus reveals the final truth of the two to produce life. He is the way, the truth and the life.

4) Matter and Faith - How Symbol Reveals Truth

5) Evil in Government

Truth reveals what is hidden. When the sins our our leaders are exposed, the ax is at the root of the problem. Truth sets us free.

6) Ceramic and Glass Reveal the Heart - How is the Breath of God Revealed in our Lives?

This is a great thread that explores the physics of God's breath and it shapes our lives by Word (Information). Consciousness is molded when the substance of our hearts is softened.

7) Seven Lessons from a Thief

The thief on the cross reveals how Salvation works.

8) Cosmological Perspective of the Sun and Earth - Confirmation of Biblical Cosmology

Some say that God is a poor way to describe Science. I say that science is an inadequate view of God's Creative revelation in the Bible. This thread points out that we still have a long way to go before understanding our reality fully. The Bible continues to provide the best perspective.

9) Evideonce of God from Prophecy - Our Day and Age Calculated

10) The Prophetic Clock of Psalms - 111 = 2011 - 7 Years of Tribulation from 2012 - 2018

11) What's in the Hell? Answering the Question of Hell and Heaven

12) Quanta and Light - Evidence from Physics

The duality of light, both particle and wave. Consciousness reveals our place with God (The Great I AM)

13) Salvation from Jubilee Laws - Why Christ had to be a Man

14) A Review of Jewish History over 4000 Years - Video

15) Enoch's Prophecy of 70 Generations - Our Day Calculated

In this thread, I delve into the 70 generation prophecy of Enoch I to see that our day and age is likely the judgment of the fallen Angels.

16) God and Infinity - Eternal, Immortal and Mortal Reality

17) Transmigration of the Soul and Divine Justice

18) Elijah - Gate Keeper of Souls

19) Circumcision and Judgment of the World

20) Constitution and Prostitution

Linguistics of the two words.

21) Thread on How 15 Billion Years can be Seen as 6 Literal Days of Creation

22) Defining Conspiracy from Linguistics

23) The Story of the Exodus is a Prophecy of the Coming NWO

25) The Foolishness of saying, "There is no God."

26) Glossary of Biblical Symbols

27) Seven Billion Souls on Earth - Every Eye will See

28) The Direction of Suffering - Prodigal Son and Peace in the Heart

29) NLP and the Tricks of Illusion

30) Agro Bio Linguistics - Hebrews Letters and their Meaning - The Story of Humanity

31) YHWY - Name of God - Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail

32) The Mathematics of Forgiveness - Salvation is Multiplied against Sin

33) The Physics of Creation by Defining the word 'Word' from the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon

34) Alchemy and the Refiner's Fire

35) Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas

36) The Physics of God in Reflection

37) Conspiracy Against God and Man Divide et Impera - The Dividing of Mankind by Design

38) Kaballah and the Narrow Way

39) The Trinity as seen in Physics - The Quantum Observer

40) The Lie of Objectivism

41) Projection of the Mind - Is Reality Real or Really Reality

42) How We View Truth in a Mirror

43) The Riddle of Humpty Dumpty Solved - Alice in Wonderland and Freemasonry

edit on 30-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 05:53 PM
Look at your nickname... "Superior". "Ed". Blabbing religious garbage.
Why don't you spill your putrid beans somewhere else, there are so many places where someone might honour you with some attention. We deny ignorance here. No further comments...

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 06:14 PM
Great post.... well put together

Forget the rude idiots who dont know their ass from their elbow
edit on 30-12-2011 by The_Coo because: wanted to add more

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by trisvonbis

Mate this is posted in the religious forum, it's where it should be.
You are being a little ingorant I think.

This is a good thread op, lots of info

Not that I am religious or anything, I am always interested to read peoples
evidence of god and biblical stories.
Personaly I think god was an alien species that terraformed a hostile planet
to support life here.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Sure, of course there is a lot of truth in the Bible. The dangerous part are the blind people who think that because of that, the Bible is the only truth. Because it's not.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
Sure, of course there is a lot of truth in the Bible. The dangerous part are the blind people who think that because of that, the Bible is the only truth. Because it's not.

I agree. There is so much we can learn from other sources. Once a person gets this in their mind, the Bible then becomes the door to unlock from the keys laying around the rest of the world. The Bible is the final symbol to open like a flower if we only dare to get past the pride of theology. Just like science, pride blinds. Science misses consciousness and clings to error. The Holy Spirit is consciousness. God calls Himself, "The Great I AM." It's foolish to leave Him out of the equation.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by trisvonbis
Look at your nickname... "Superior". "Ed". Blabbing religious garbage.
Why don't you spill your putrid beans somewhere else, there are so many places where someone might honour you with some attention. We deny ignorance here. No further comments...


Superior Education is my website. I wrote a book about preserving the dignity of the learner by being a living example of virtue to the students we teach. Confucius talked about the Superior Man in his Analects. I used this wisdom as the foundation for my book on becoming a Superior Educator. Superior in this case is surpassing the man that you were yesterday by continual renewal.

"If you would one day renovate yourself, do so from day to day. Yea, let there be daily renovation." CONFUCIUS

We can learn a thing or two from humility. Things are not always what they seem.

edit on 31-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Another self indulgent thread, only this time the self indulgence reached epic proportions......

Each and every thread you link to contains nothing more than you attempting to sound more intelligent and knowledgeable than you actually are, endless claims and school-yard level imagination.

It is not for you to proclaim yourself or your works as 'Superior', that's for others to decide. To do so is the complete opposite to 'humility', and is what could be considered to be the very definition of 'Pride'.

None of the 43 threads you have listed, none contain a single shred of evidence in support of the claims made in the bible.

Seems to me you should spend more time on your student bands, than your overinflated ego........

edit on 31-12-2011 by Prezbo369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Ed, (forgive my leaving off the pompous bit),

I've noticed that you do quite a lot of self-promotion here on ATS. What is it you are hoping to achieve? Selling copies of your Superior Book? Actually, I, as an educated person, find your posts to be condescending and not much more than advertising, and that on a level that (I'm guessing ETA you hope) will impress folks with your Superior Logic and Superior Thinking.

If anyone wants to look at your threads, they need only click your "member" tag below your very revealing avatar to do so....why so self-important that you need to "recap" your volumes here?

Just curious.

I, too, have written a book. I don't constantly insert chapters here to promote myself....I did it mostly for me, to express myself. If others are interested in reading it, I give them a copy. I don't believe I have a handle on Truth, and I don't believe that you are going to do anything but try to befuddle.

I considered before posting this, but thought it was something you might be interested in know, constructive criticism and all...

Pretty much anyone who has given time to your threads knows you have a blog, and have written a book, Ed.
But thanks for spending the time to encapsulate your body of work for ATS. Very thoughtful. Or was it? Was it not more self-promotion? An effort to remind yourself of your Superiority?

Having been on here for 18 months, you thought it would be "handy"?..."handy" for whom? You? Or those potential "followers" you are hoping to reach?
Seriously, I'm curious to know your motivation behind doing so.

edit on 31-12-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Ed, god gave you TWO ears.

They are not simply to hear YOURSELF talk.

Ponder it for a while....if you can (before you begin to sound like a false prophet)
edit on 6-1-2012 by vogon42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by wildtimes
Ed, (forgive my leaving off the pompous bit),

I've noticed that you do quite a lot of self-promotion here on ATS. What is it you are hoping to achieve? Selling copies of your Superior Book? Actually, I, as an educated person, find your posts to be condescending and not much more than advertising, and that on a level that (I'm guessing ETA you hope) will impress folks with your Superior Logic and Superior Thinking.

If anyone wants to look at your threads, they need only click your "member" tag below your very revealing avatar to do so....why so self-important that you need to "recap" your volumes here?

Just curious.

I, too, have written a book. I don't constantly insert chapters here to promote myself....I did it mostly for me, to express myself. If others are interested in reading it, I give them a copy. I don't believe I have a handle on Truth, and I don't believe that you are going to do anything but try to befuddle.

I considered before posting this, but thought it was something you might be interested in know, constructive criticism and all...

Pretty much anyone who has given time to your threads knows you have a blog, and have written a book, Ed.
But thanks for spending the time to encapsulate your body of work for ATS. Very thoughtful. Or was it? Was it not more self-promotion? An effort to remind yourself of your Superiority?

Having been on here for 18 months, you thought it would be "handy"?..."handy" for whom? You? Or those potential "followers" you are hoping to reach?
Seriously, I'm curious to know your motivation behind doing so.

edit on 31-12-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

My book is about classroom management for teachers. There are no chapters from my book on ATS. The blog I write is a self-reflection on truth only. I have no desire to gain anything other than making sure God's word is not trampled upon here in this place.

The motivation is following the path that is laid before me. Lives are changed when truth is seen clearly. The world will hate Christians. There is no doubt. The message is confused with the messenger. Truth is a mirror. Who does a person see when they look in the mirror? We all see dimly in the present age. My goal is to hold up the light that God has given me. No more.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by vogon42
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Ed, god gave you TWO ears.

They are not simply to hear YOURSELF talk.

Ponder it for a while....if you can (before you begin to sound like a false prophet)
edit on 6-1-2012 by vogon42 because: (no reason given)

The Bible is presented in a mystery. We are charged with the task of seeking and knocking. God chooses to be hidden to those who refuse to seek and knock. We are also told that self-pride blinds. Hearing with two ears is not nearly as revealing as hearing with the spirit and heart. No private interpretation of scripture can uncover the total mystery. The journey to seek the truth from the impressions we receive in the spirit is what opens the eyes to truth and love for others. I will never spend my time on ATS throwing stones or wounding with my tongue. The truth God reveals has this power. Too many people confuse the message with the messenger. The subject judges. There is no doubt about this. It reveals the requirements we have to God with our daily words, thoughts and deeds.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
...... Lives are changed when truth is seen clearly. The world will hate Christians. .......

No Ed, the world is just annoyed with people who constantly beat their own drum.

Don't christians call that a false prophet?

You take so much PRIDE in your work, it is annoying.

BTW: isn't pride a SIN? (also ATS rules prevent you from using this forum for COMMERCIAL use, such as PROMOTING your BOOK)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd

My book is about classroom management for teachers. ........

Ed, you are NOT supposed to promote your book on

It is against the rules.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by vogon42

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
...... Lives are changed when truth is seen clearly. The world will hate Christians. .......

No Ed, the world is just annoyed with people who constantly beat their own drum.

Don't christians call that a false prophet?

You take so much PRIDE in your work, it is annoying.

BTW: isn't pride a SIN? (also ATS rules prevent you from using this forum for COMMERCIAL use, such as PROMOTING your BOOK)

I don't talk about my book unless someone mentions it in a derogatory way. The book is for teachers in the classroom. ATS is a conspiracy website. My topic on ATS is religion and my book is based on Confucius and the Superior Man. It's about virtue and preserving dignity. This is something I try to do in my communication with others. Wounding with the tongue is the first thing a person needs to overcome if truth and virtue are to be revealed. This is false pride. False pride is rising above God's law. Unbelief is the ultimate form of self-pride. Understanding that there is a loving God in this universe is evident.

Pride in a job well done is not the same. I give all the praise for my life to God. Apart from Him, there is no peace in life. Living life well requires living by God's law and dividing virtue from vice as we make choices. This is a difficult task for all of us. We are all sinners. The Superior in my username is not about being better than others, but being better than myself from day to day. It's about renovating the heart by the Shepherding of God on the path of this world. We are passersby only. Apart form God, we have nothing. Life is a gift and the garden we were given is the vehicle we use to know and understand God over time. False pride is seeking the self at the expense of others. There is a better way. Giving instead of taking has always been my message. Use the link below and read my threads. The pointing I do is always to God and the truth of the present day we live in. The Bible is very clear on these points. We are here to overcome ourselves. Do this and we have access to God and His kingdom.

edit on 6-1-2012 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by vogon42

Originally posted by SuperiorEd

My book is about classroom management for teachers. ........

Ed, you are NOT supposed to promote your book on

It is against the rules.

As I continue to tell you. These days are similar to when Jesus walked the earth. Truth was proclaimed but their hearts only had evil intention. Here is a good example.

Matthew 22

15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax[a] to Caesar or not?”
18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.

Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd
Thanks for this thread . I am going to concentrate on your threads and go threw them all ...I wanted to bookmark and may have some questions later on ...We are nearing the time of harvest it seems ...Just look at the middle east and notice the colour of the leaves ...peace your brother in Christ

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