posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 12:19 PM
The Kansas City Royals will not play Wednesday night's game against the Chicago White Sox unless security at the stadium is improved, general
manager Allard Baird said.
Just seven months after Kansas City coach Tom Gamboa was assaulted by a father and son who'd run on the same field, another fan at the Chicago White
Sox's home park shockingly attacked first base umpire Laz Diaz on Tuesday night.
Story here
This is ridiculous that people are this out of control. Why should you need beefed-up security at a baseball game? It's a damn shame that a few
idiots are going to ruin things for others, next thing you know there will be a big fence between the field and the fans. I hope they give him an
extra stiff penalty and make an example out of him. If I remember right, the father and son that did this last season got a slap on the wrist.
[Edited on 16-4-2003 by ProudAmerican]