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I'd rather be Left Behind

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posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:06 AM
When it comes to end times crap I hate to admit it but the Christians got two things right, the mark of the beast is going to be a chip/barcode tat and certain people are going to ascend out of the explicate order, not necessarily "christians" but...

As I understand it, you don't get raptured because you call yourself something or wear a cross around your neck but because you hold and cultivate LOVE, after that its simply a matter of sympathetic resonance, you vibe with New Jerusalem or you are Left Behind.

I love the idea of New Jerusalem, y'know a golden age of superpowers, no stupid Bholes, no McDonalds, no Fox news...

Only problem is, I cannot feel love or anything positive, I only feel hatred, contempt and sometimes sadness. I don't want group consciousness, I don't want to eat light - And Jesus needs to stay up on his cross where he belongs, quiet, passive, I'm not about to start taking orders from a hippie.

I feel like Denis Leary in Demolition Man, gimme lung-clogging smoke, bacon-cheeseburgers, Call of Duty on a big tv, I don't think the internets are chock-full-O-nerd rage yet, and give me a woman of my very own, who makes sure I'm miserable and not getting laid.

I'm not done being human, I haven't even begun, and God wants to take it away!

So what if the sins of humanity are ACTUALLY ANNOYING ALIENS IN OTHER GALAXIES, I want to sleep in today, maybe watch a movie or contemplate killing the people who have wronged me.

Heaven on earth?! its called a bj, and that would get old after an hour or two, and ya'll want 1000 years of bliss!

Let's back up here, I'm talking new age ascension, let's talk christian rapture.

You christian scumbags! Your brothers and sisters struggle to survive and all you can do is wallow in the self-righteousness of your VIP room, your Christ would NEVER run from tribulation so why should you? Real Christians would BE RUNNING HEADLONG INTO THE MUSHROOM CLOUD TO SEE IF ANYONE NEEDED SOME BANDAIDS!

Heaven on Earth?! The sooner you guys leave, the more earth will be like heaven, so keep looking up for your hippie, I've got internet porn and lower chakras to deal with.

edit on 30-12-2011 by Kalki11 because: because

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:16 AM
U r not alone I'm with u on this one buddy.

Gov elites should just build their own island on the moon or mars just leave earth to us

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:21 AM
I reckon it would be fun staying behind, every man for them self, no law. It would be fun for a while then go and bug out somewhere

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:24 AM
lmao.. well said.. people need to learn to live this life..

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:26 AM
That is the whole goal, I think. Be human. We have desires, feelings, needs and wants. Why deny them? Religion set a few guidelines to help us not become monsters, but even those lines are greyed and the religions even battle each other for the right subjective opinion of what the hippie really said.

I believe in something after death, for sure. But I don't think our goal should be to "get there". It should be to enjoy the damn ride.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Kalki11
You christian scumbags! Your brothers and sisters struggle to survive and all you can do is wallow in the self-righteousness of your VIP room, your Christ would NEVER run from tribulation so why should you? Real Christians would BE RUNNING HEADLONG INTO THE MUSHROOM CLOUD TO SEE IF ANYONE NEEDED SOME BANDAIDS!

Heaven on Earth?! The sooner you guys leave, the more earth will be like heaven, so keep looking up for your hippie, I've got internet porn and lower chakras to deal with.

everyone falls into the pit of self-righteous pride every once and a while, looks like in your rant you-yourself have fallen into it, self-righteous pride is a sin, a sin I've see a lot of Christians fall prey to, it doesn't look as malicious, so they think it's ok, they need to humble themselves to get out of it, but if they are in a bubble it's hard for them to even recognize that they are taking part in that sin.

heaven isn't a vip room, it's a state of mind, hell isn't a lake of fire, it's a state of mind, when you die, you will not go to either, you'll go to a limbo waiting place, in that limbo waiting place if you are at peace your mind will be in paradise, if you are in the opposite of peace your mind will be in hell, but this is only temporary, I believe everyone will get a 2nd chance...

concerning that 2nd chance, pride will play a big part

I'm Christian, and what I've stated above is my belief, not all Christians are cookie cut how you think they are
edit on 30-12-2011 by Razimus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Well if you believe Christians, then all the fun people go to hell, and all the self righteous egotistical zealots are in heaven.

I'd rather go down to hell and rock out

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Bill Hicks.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Razimus

I'm humbly admitting I lack the positive emotions needed to be enlightened, how you get pride from that...

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 05:49 AM
If you permit me to go way out of the box on my theory on what the "Mark of the Beast" is, please bare with me and consider it:

This will be into the future when genetic sciences have completed the ultimate discovery, eternal life.

The mark on your forehead will be how you think.
The mark on your hand will be what you do.

After through DNA modification everyone is offered to never die from old age or be ill from genetically caused conditions.

A simple office visit where your DNA is modified so you will live "forever" as a God. You won't be human anymore, but you will live "forever".

Child will turn against parent, parents against children, a husband against a wife... for not choosing to live forever ("Why are you so insane that you want to die!!?").

You will think differently (mark on your forehead) and you will act differently (mark on your hand) once you come to terms you cannot die and will live forever.

You will be pressured to become modified. You will not be able to buy or sell anything. Your financial life and ability to go anywhere will be restricted until you yield to DNA perfection.

Look at the medical symbol. 2 snakes making the double helix DNA in attack poise against the angels wings.

Everyone MUST die to enter the next phase and this will be the attack against it.

What will result after the mind processes this "eternal life in this realm" for long enough is they will all want to commit suicide.

"During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."
Rev 9:6

The Adam and Eve story was about the end, not the beginning. The tree of knowledge and the snake (on the medical symbol)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by tkwasny

Bit of a stretch but I like the otb thinking - eschatology is ripe for speculation so...I doubt "the mark" timeline will manifest, a prophet must account for that multiverse/free will thing, and I'm thinking the anti/christ really doesn't care about enforcing some dystopian ID.

Your scenario is kinda Kurzweilian and I have more metaphysical explanations for New Jerusalem superpowers.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:07 PM
I'll just personally do my time here on Earth, do my personal best to better myself and hopefully a few around me that I know and don't know and then when it's time for death, I'll face what ever that is to bring, if anything. Hopefully it's something amazing. If not, well, I'm dead. I'd not know better, will I?

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