posted on Jan, 22 2020 @ 05:02 AM
originally posted by: InTheLight
This is all well and good for scholars but I still see young people can't find jobs because they have no experience and nobody seems to be willing to
give them experience...even with a paid college education. Do any of you feel there may be a stigma attached to 'free' online education that can't be
qualified nor quantified?
Good question.
I can partially reply, from the standpoint of the IT industry.
Needs there have become SO specialized that higher education degrees are barely required anymore. Much more focus was given to people who had
completed particular technical certifications in whatever technology knowledge is sought after at any given time.
An absurdity factor was introduced by candidates with NO practical experience, but had managed to "book learn" themselves into earning advanced
certifications. Maybe they knew the technology ... but then there is whole other aspect of knowing how to productively work with others and be part
of a team.
Dunno. Off hand, I would say we may see higher ed going out of the business of offering technology-oriented study programs, other than in a general
sense. There is a strong need for degree'd engineers, and universities will continue to offer those programs. But for other technical directions,
not so sure.