A very interesting film, but I have a number of issues with it. I think enough evidence, if you could call it that, points to the existence of
inimical forces. I suspect that this film has gotten at least part of the story right. There's stuff out there that have been milking us for
millennia, getting fat off our misery. There's clearly involvement on multiple levels - non-physical of a certainty, and possibly physical. Religion,
for all it mouths about goodness and love, generally results in hatred and destruction, and often seems to be pushed by invisible agendas. I think
this film has that right.
But the conclusion of the film - that we humans have to somehow lift ourselves up by our own bootstraps - is profoundly flawed. For once, if, as the
film tries to establish, the malevolent forces masquerade as good forces, can modify our perceptions of reality, and can basically mind**** us so that
we believe anything they want us to, how precisely are we supposed to discern 'the truth' as we are invited to do? For all we know, any attempts to
discern the truth will produce results that the evil overlords want us to see, rather than any such thing as a real objective truth. I think it's
blasé and arrogant to suggest that if we just 'try hard enough' we will magically sort our way through the lies and misinformation and outright
manipulation, particularly when we live in a society where it is becoming LESS easy to find information, rather than more. It's become excruciatingly
easy to find misinformation. Information, not so much. And we cannot look at anything like this objectively - we are human and subject to human
psychological processes, as the film likes to remind us - and are entirely subject to pollution of the truth via hope and fear. We cannot escape that
no matter how hard we try.
The involvement of potential benevolent beings is likewise a quandary, which is one thing I agree with this film on. Anything coming in to 'help' us
may very well be coming in under false pretenses. It's not beyond human tactics to stage false rescue missions; it's
certainly not beyond the
tactics of things more experienced than us, particularly those experienced as intrigue as would be suggested by the history of the hostiles. But at
the same time, I disagree with the film in that other life forms out there might actually care about humans. It's not a logical sequitur that just
because many of us don't care about the fate of the animals our neighbours eat, other beings don't care about us meat popsicles (clearly the makers of
this film have never heard of animal rights activists). Nor is it the inescapable conclusion that neutral or benevolent beings would just leave us to
our own devices, particularly when we are stuck in a logic trap so neatly designed that there is
no way for us to extricate ourselves of our own
devices. Our situation here is like the mentally ill person on the street panhandling and abusing substances. Many of us will just walk on by, but
there will be those who will want to help. And that person on the street will never improve unless something or someone intervenes, if only to spur
them to help themselves. If benevolents exist, we
need them to step in, or we become doomed to a hell on earth. They can consider me as
formally appealing for help, on behalf of all of us mentally damaged humans on this planet.
More and more of us have the feeling that things are coming to a head, and soon. What will the future bring? I don't know. I do know that I will not
mindlessly sit here and hope, but if I see a way in which I can act to bring about a positive future for this planet and the humans on it, I will act.
Even if all I can do is make noises on the internet like the rest of us here. I believe I came here as something not human, in order to be human, and
work from within to help bring about a better future. Even if all I am is a delusional nut, I'm going to do what I can to help.
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29-12-2011 by errihu because: just because I'm a starseed doesn't mean I can grammar lol