A couple of my friends and I are obsessed with the Dawn of the Dead movies and we are going to have a marathon.
1st- the original, then the new lreaease, then....SHAUN OF THE DEAD!!!!!!
I got to tell you, it was great. Anyone who is a fan of The Dead movies, IMO should love this movie. I funny as hell, special effects were top
notch. Must see this flick. There coming to get you Barbara.....
To be honest, if you don't like British humor movies (like Monty Python, etc.) you won't like this one. It's filled with British humor. It's hard
to understand what British humor is, unless you've seen it yourself. I really didn't like the movie, but my best friend loved it. Naturally, I have
never got into Monty Python, but he's obsessed.
British comedy is not all Monty Python I hear Americans tend to like it alot over there. If you want to get the feel for this movie get the ( DVD
seris spaced with simon pegg) who's the star of shaun of the dead then you might get the feel for some of our style of humor.
Just saw it a couple of hours ago.
Extremely funny!
I had trouble hearing some of the lines, especially when they were selecting which Vinyl Album to throw, Because the theatre was rolling in LOUD
laughter. The most laughter I've heard in years I think..