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Ron Paul Racist? Who Cares? What about his policies ... are they racist?

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:24 PM
Explanation: People and politicians come and go ... but POLICY is FOREVER!

So the ad hominen attacks on Ron Pauls Character are a moot point!

Are RP's POLICIES racist in nature?

If yes then please point that out in detail ... both the exact policy and exactly how it is racist in nature.

If no then please debunk any post to the contrary ok!

Personal Disclosure: The vote for Potus should NOT be based upon a cult of personality and RP is no different and the real issue is the POLICIES that will be enforced! \

So are RP's policies racist? Yes or No? You decide!

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:43 PM
If this is all they have on him compared to the rest he looks clean to me.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:48 PM
I for one very much care about a candidate's character, so if they were truly racist then that would have swaying effect on my vote.. I for one don't think that he is a racist, I think it's been blown out of proportion.

This same thing came up with a friend of mine when I was against herman cain because of all the allegations of his sexual misconduct as well as his lack of experience and overall attitude.. My friend said why does it matter who he screwed, or if he has a bad attitude.. "he's a good man and he knows business" .. well who you are has a lot to do with how you act and what you do .. so it DOES matter to me..

With that said .. politics is a tricky and dirty business, the game is all about destroying the other candidates character and credibility .. ultimately when it came to Herman, I had no idea if the allegations were true but I suspected they just might be.. but given his complete lack of experience, he wouldn't have my support in the first place.. in Ron's case.. he has a deep history, and he's been consistent .. I think his record speaks volumes for itself .. as has his conduct over the years.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:48 PM
I would rather have this thread about the slew of other politicians including the President as they deem race a qualifying factor in their decision making process and get a pass for it.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:53 PM
Ron is basic .. he's about stripping off all the layers that have been added to our founding principals to try to get government out of people's business.. It's a frightening prospect for many who've grown used to the government telling them what they can or can't do, but that doesn't mean they SHOULD be telling us ..

The overhead of policing everyone's lives, or policing the free market just isn't worth it .. I know there is corporate corruption and that does need to be dealt with.. one huge step in doing that would be to eliminate corporation's ability to influence political processes .. That very thing is what allowed corporations to get to the level of disgusting corruption they are at now.

Ron is all about removing all of this and returning power to the people, letting them run their lives.. taking off the training wheels so to speak.. we need to GROW UP and learn to look after ourselves, and our communities .. and learn to stop expecting government to do it for us.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos
Slate magazine actually had a - kind of - good article about this I read today. Deals mainly with the gay issue, but I'd say it applies equally to the race issue (all the problems with the newsletter narrative aside). Quoting Dan Savage:

“Ron is older than my father, far less toxic than Santorum, and, as he isn't beloved of religious conservatives, he isn't out there stoking the hatreds of our social and political enemies,” he explained. “And Ron may not like gay people, and may not want to hang out with us or use our toilets, but he's content to leave us the # alone and recognizes that gay citizens are entitled to the same rights as all other citizens. Santorum, on the other hand, believes that his bigotry must be given the force of law. That's an important difference.”

Article here.

I obviously disagree with the charges against Paul on this matter, but Savage makes a good point on this regardless of what Paul's personal feeling may be.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

Indeed. And it is a classic example of what it appears that he stands for.... namely, "I may not like what you say or do, but I will fight to the death for your right to say/do it."

Unfortunately, it may take a generation of this kind of stand in order to break the control that TPTB have over western culture. At least the USA is not as bad off as the UK... it will take a lot longer for them, and they will hate themselves even more for it.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

I think his policies are anti-racist.
Good post though btw.

His policies are also anti-corporatism, anti-war, etc.
Things most people are sick of and most of us would like to see America stop funding the global slave markets and war rackets.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:12 AM
Explanation: Bumped to help generate ad revenue!

Personal Disclosure: Enjoy!

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