posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Just been searching through the news as normal and came across this interesting article about a women who was stopped by the TSA for trying to board a
plane with one of the deadliest weapons known to man...... A cup cake...but not just any cup cake ...this one had gel icing!!
A woman fell foul of anti-terrorism regulations after trying to board an airplane with a cupcake, it has been reported. Rebecca Hains was stopped at a
Las Vegas airport’s security checkpoint after a Transport Security Administration (TSA) agent discovered the baked item. Bizarrely, she was told
that the gel-like icing on her red velvet cupcake was enough to constitute a security risk on the flight bound for Boston, Massachusetts, last
Wednesday – and it was confiscated.
The women said this which I agree with.
“It's not really about the cupcake; I can get another cupcake. It's about an encroachment on civil liberties. We're just building up a
resistance and tolerance to all these things they're doing in the name of security, when it's really theatre. It is not keeping us safe.”
Cakes and pies are allowed to be transported in hand luggage. A couple of days prior she had taken two cup cakes with her and was not stopped.
Luckily I do not live in the USA and have to be hounded by the TSA. I do travel a lot and have always been treated with respect, in all honestly I do
not know how I would react if the thugs (not all of them) at the TSA treated me like they treat some people.
Just thought I would share the story
Remember the next time you are in a bakery and you plan on getting a cup cake, think twice...we know what they do to people with alleged WMDS