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I predict a Riot to end all Riots !!!

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 06:27 PM
I, like the OP, believe there will be continuing "dissatisfaction", so to speak. But will the dissatisfaction have a goal? What will that goal be? That's where my interest lies.
edit on 28-12-2011 by METACOMET because: sp

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:52 AM
It's a mistake to think there will be "one big one," some kind of definitive event.

More like -- in certain areas, it will resemble permanent low-level unrest, with frequent street clashes, violence, etc. Then in other areas it will almost seem like business as usual. The mainstream media will keep glossing over everything and trying to promote confidence. There will be ups and downs. It will be possible for millions to deny that anything unusual is even happening, while millions of others will be engaged in a cycle of violence, incarvceration, joblessness, more violence, etc. Actually this describes most of the world as it already is. The future will just be....more so,

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

Well said and definitely something to ponder. So you don't believe there will be a sudden "cliff" we fall off of, in terms of unrest? More like a soft unrest becoming gradually harder as time passes? That certainly could be the case. Sociology isn't my strong point so I just more or less am playing a guessing game.

I think this is an important topic to discuss, none the less.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by METACOMET

Well, we are all playing a guessing game, but yes, basically, I expect an uneaven ride with things rising and falling at different paces in different places. Overall, the trajectory will be downward, but I think it will happen in fits and starts, rather than in one big "all or nothing" event.

A good model to think about is the decline of the Roman Empire. It didn't collapse all in one day; it was a process that took several hundred years. And when it was gone you had uneaven results in different areas. Some places were barbarian-scorched wildernesses; in other places, feudal lords maintained pretty decent standards of living within walled cities and medieval communities.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder
A good model to think about is the decline of the Roman Empire. It didn't collapse all in one day; it was a process that took several hundred years. And when it was gone you had uneaven results in different areas. Some places were barbarian-scorched wildernesses;in other places, feudal lords maintained pretty decent standards of living within walled cities and medieval communities.

Which begs the question: What might fill the power vacuum caused by a fall of modern American society? Feudalism seems an obvious short to medium term result. But what would a modern feudalism look like? Interesting to contemplate.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by blaenau2000

By design.

They want anarchy, chaos, bloodshed, mass deaths.

Their boss, the king of hell, thrives on that stuff . . . and . . . it works toward destroying the old order to enable easier overt setting up of the new order . . . as well as helps reduce the population of serfs and slaves.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by METACOMET
Which begs the question: What might fill the power vacuum caused by a fall of modern American society? Feudalism seems an obvious short to medium term result. But what would a modern feudalism look like? Interesting to contemplate.

I could picture it going several ways. People would have allegence to some sort of local neighborhood group that would serve protection needs, food procurement, group identity. This could take many forms, all at the same time: groups based on shared religious, ethnic/racial, geographical, or cultural ties, say. Or there could be glorified "gated communities" ruled by committte or by strongmen. Nothing precludes small-scale mini-democracies or egalitarian communes, either.

Medieval life was more local than life under the Roman Empire; essentially the collapse was a process of decentralization and the diffusion of power. At the same time, new large-scale identity was forged in the form of the medieval Catholic Church, which knitted Europe together culturally even as power became more localized. Perhaps with the internet we could see the creation of new, non-localized and global movements and forms of identity at the same time as things devolve to a cruder and more local level.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 05:47 AM
Just watched a great video reported by the guardian, they have been filming protests for the last year and show how the peaceful protests were gang banged by the police and government.

Tell me after watching this how there cant be a massive riot, as the forces that be are NOT listening.


posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 06:10 AM
This is what i believe would happen during the mother of all riots:
The lower rungs of society will finish destroying the middle class or those they percieve to be "rich". The actual rich evil doers will go unscathed, hiding in their secret lairs and temples of doom. The class wars will be over leaving us with an upper class and a lower class as a majority of things owned by the lower 2 classes will have been mindlessly destroyed.

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