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Muslim Father Aziz Yazdanpanah Honor-Massacres Entire Family . . . in Texas (Blog opinion)

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:15 AM
This thread has turned into a I HATE MUSLIMS thread....
Good day..

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
This thread has turned into a I HATE MUSLIMS thread....

Stating facts isn't hate speech ... no matter how much the PC crowd tries to say it is. You bailed out before you could back up your statement that all religions have the same terrorist problems that Islam has.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
Can I ask you Muslim proponents - can you give me one instance where any religion kills innocent people - apart from Ireland a long time ago.

What I am saying is this - if you want to go to war, go and kill like-minded people - leave the civilians alone.

And what I am truly saying is this - if you want to keep fighting your stupid and destructive wars - GO AWAY FROM INNOCENTS!

The US army killing innocent Muslims. The Christian Nazi's killing innocent Jews. There are many more if you go back in history enough. Crusades, The Colonial Conquests, Rwanda Genocide 1994, the Congolese genocide etc etc. It's really not got to do with religion. Every religion has caused wars.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by GLaDOS
The US army killing innocent Muslims.

Not because they are muslim. That's a product of a political war as far as the US is concerned.
Not a religious war. As for the Crusades ... that was hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
Christianity has evolved since then. And secular laws hold down any
fundamentalist extremists that might try to get out of hand.
Islam doesn't have secular laws to help them evolve ... and in fact
most in Islam (I gave some stats in the previous page) WANT Sharia law.
That's going backwards .. not forwards.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:23 AM


It is possible to discuss this topic civilly, and without tarring all people with the same brush.

The END of hate speech, subtle or otherwise, on ATS

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16) Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive, libelous, defamatory, hateful, intolerant, bigoted and/or racist manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

I hope thats clear.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:25 AM
Well at least he didn't hijack a plane,
or run into a wal-mart with a suicide bomb
strapped to his chest. What a guy....

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:30 AM
'coz, of course...this don't happen elsewhere...right?

Leeds deaths: football coach 'killed family before taking own life'

Football coach Richard Smith from Leeds is believed to have murdered his wife and their two young children before taking his own life.

Westchester man kills wife, kids and himself in murder-suicide

When officers arrived, they found the bodies of the couple -- Amy and Sam Friedlander -- and their children, Molly, 10, and Gregory, 8.
Kopy said Sam Friedlander killed his wife and children, then killed himself.

loads more out there.... but hey.... lets just jump on this one huh?

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Christianity has evolved? May I take you back to 1992 where over 300,000 Muslims were massacred and 100,000 Muslim women were raped in Bosnia by the Christian Serbs? All religions have caused war, don't single it out on Islam.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Last post in this thread, I live just outside Bradford in a Asian/Muslim area and I know many Muslims, they are decent people, you can take Christianity and turn it into a extreme ideology its all the same some people will take their books to the extreme.
Ok my bad not all religions I give you that.
People sponsering terrorists? like some people did in the USA with the IRA?
I have been in a terrorist attack in Manchester in 1996 it was # scary. Blew up my home city (But in the end it made Manchester a better place
You want to educate the Muslims? good for you do it.. don't spread hate for a different Religion.
I can't got change your mind so whats the have a hatred of Islam, can't change that but you are just adding to the problem with hate.
Hey if it was up to me I would get rid of it too but I would get rid of Christianity as well...but seeing as I cant get rid I will continue to be pal's with Muslims,Christians and even ATSers lol.
Oh and cheers Mod's for reminding some people xx
edit on 28-12-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Moon Knight
'coz, of course...this don't happen elsewhere...right?

Leeds deaths: football coach 'killed family before taking own life'

Football coach Richard Smith from Leeds is believed to have murdered his wife and their two young children before taking his own life.

Westchester man kills wife, kids and himself in murder-suicide

When officers arrived, they found the bodies of the couple -- Amy and Sam Friedlander -- and their children, Molly, 10, and Gregory, 8.
Kopy said Sam Friedlander killed his wife and children, then killed himself.

loads more out there.... but hey.... lets just jump on this one huh?

The most important thing here
that is being debated is the reasoning*
behind the murder.
Why it happened?
Because it was a muslim honor killing*, that is the reason
this guy hacks up the wife and kid's.

Want to play the game?

Chris Benoit double murder and suicide
One of the greatest wrestlers of all time, is
said to have went a *roid rage* from all the steroids he had used
and hacked up the kid's and wife.

This particular story happens to be a muslim honor killing,
as it seems to be happening more now in America, it does not
take a genius to see how it IS a problem.
edit on 28-12-2011 by popsmayhem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
This particular story happens to be a muslim honor killing,

'cording to the christian anti-muslim blog its posted on......

given that the shooter is dead - how the hell does anyone know? all i see is people jumping on the hate bandwagon 'cuz they can.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
The most important thing here that is being debated is the reasoning* behind the murder. Why it happened? Because it was a muslim honor killing*, that is the reason this guy hacks up the wife and kid's and hacked up the kid's and wife.

Oh! Whoa! How convenient - - that you (and others) can put a label on why one man "snapped".

Your religious prejudice is showing. Should we bring up Jim Jones? How about Andrea Yates?

This is so typical. Kind of like "man kills" vs "black man kills".

How often is religion mentioned when a man kills his family? There have been numerous stories in the news about a man killing his family. Percentage wise - - most were probably Christian.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I live 20 minutes from grapevine.

The local news here, reported that the bodies were found surrounded by opened Christmas presents. Did the entire family convert to Christianity? That just seems strange to me. To top that off, the suspect was dressed as Santa Claus? More weirdness there.

I guess my question is, was it that easy for the entire family to convert, or at the very least embrace the Christmas tradition of opening gifts on the 25th? Did the father alienate the family so much that they shunned Islamic tradition within their own home?

I mean with no witnesses and no written manifesto, how can the authorities be so certain it was an "honor killing" ...what stupid term that is, "honor killing". Who the hell came up with that language? I've heard of the Japanese commiting "honor suicide", but murder is just that, murder. No honor in murder.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed

Oh, I see. When a jilted husband flips his lid and murders his wife and family, then, when that husband happens to be a Muslim, it's an ''honour killing'', and the religion of the perpetrator becomes conveniently relevant.

Yet, in the all too common 99% of cases when a non-Muslim husband/boyfriend goes on a rampage, murdering his wife and family, then it's the result of a ''domestic dispute'' ?

I'll put this quite simply for some of you complete and utter idiots: an ''honour killing'' is when someone murders a fellow family member because that family member's actions may bring ''disgrace'' upon the family. A shamelessly selfish act. Honour killings are culturally based, and have nothing to do with any particualr religion; Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Muslims and others have all committed ''honour killings'' in South Asia, North Africa and further afield.

Behave yourselves.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:08 AM
Honor killings are a disgrace and result in a complete loss of honor for whatever culture or religion that person represents.

The concept of 'honor killings' should be wiped off the face of the planet.

The point in the main post was the fact that MEDIA IS PURPOSELY CENSORING STORIES. It appears they censor stories that are in a certain category to manipulate the public. By doing this, CNN and other news agencies have become SINISTER.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:13 AM
One thing I see people bring up when it comes to this sort of thing is the "Not all Muslims are extreme" argument. You can say that about any religion or race of people, that's taking the easy way out IMO. For the sake of this discussion, since it is about Muslims, I'll use Muslims as an example. You can apply this reasoning to anyone though.

True, not all Muslims are extreme. Only the ones that have singled out and live by the extreme passages of the Qaran are. But that's no excuse for the peaceful faction to sit back and watch violence like this happen and not do anything about it. Violence like this is a problem that needs a solution. And if you're not a part of the solution you're a part of the problem.

Why would a peaceful Muslim sit back and defend him/herself from the verbal attacks people make about their violent counterparts and not do anything to change the behaviour of their violent counterparts? And don't tell me they can't. Violent or peaceul, they're sill ALL Muslims. Do they ENJOY sitting back and pointing their finger at someone else? Someone whom they say is still one of them because of their religiouds views?

By not doing anything about the problem that you say YOU'RE not a part of, you're silently advocating it IMO.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:46 AM
This happened in Jan 2008 here in Texas before Except the community helped him escape. This is not really new in Texas.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:54 AM
its funny... no one wants to comment on the fact that its only the christian blog in the op that refers to this as an honour killing - instead more folks just wanna jump on the bandwagon.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
Why are Muslims so involved in terror attacks?

No other religions bomb regions where there are innocent people.

Can I ask you Muslim proponents - can you give me one instance where any religion kills innocent people - apart from Ireland a long time ago.

What I am saying is this - if you want to go to war, go and kill like-minded people - leave the civilians alone.

And what I am truly saying is this - if you want to keep fighting your stupid and destructive wars - GO AWAY FROM INNOCENTS!

Also, I have to say this - STOP!

The US/UK military are most likely NOT Christian, not in practice then. But the biggest casualities have been children in their war so far, and they bombed neighborhoods, hospitals and its been bloody hell on wheels all along. I had to phone in for counseling after hearing of the first strikes and the father coming back home, only his son, hiding in the shed, was ok, the home was bombed, and his family, including infant dying in pieces.

Just what do you think our leaders and military have been doing all this time ,eh?

TPTB are the terrorists.

The CIA which is in parntership with MOSSAD, there really is only one Council running the world, one country already. They create the terrorist organizations, all of them, including HAMAS, and then dump so much pain and suffering on the people, that there are willing recruits out of the trauma.

I believe the Whistle Blower who revealed that Rome Created Islam. I already know the Nazi's created or increased the Sharia, fundamentalist extresmist Brotherhood.

Augustine was appointed Bishop of the Northern Africans!
How The Vatican Created Islam

For Banna and the Nazi's, just google Banna and Nazi, that was brought out by an award winning Canadian Journalist year ago, yet I'm only discovering it now???? So odd really. Why aren't we are educated.
edit on 28-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:27 PM
I will repeat MOSSAD, working with the CIA, creates most terrorist groups. MOSSAD! Odd one eh? Make sense to you?

When when when is everyone going to see clearly what this world is run like, and how much they profit and enjoy even, peoples deaths, and what sickness is going on. THen, we can all grab our Bullhorns and march to the representatives offices and not leave until its all CHANGED.

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