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A Serious Solution To All Of Our Problems

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posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:48 AM
First of all, I am no writer. I write this post with the hope that someone with the gifts of writing and inspiration will read it, understand what I'm saying, and build upon it. You are more than welcome to take this idea and re-word it in a way that will bring about the change that we all hunger for.

The truth is that we are all living in a pyramid scheme that enslaves the people at the bottom to benefit the people at the top. But it's not just about the money. All of our innovation, our inventions, our technology, and our ideas start at the bottom and eventually work there way to the top. These people then take control of our discoveries and ideas, and either use them to insure their own survival, or they use them to strengthen there control over us. The money is simply a way to make all of this possible.

Those at the top realize that the earth is an unpredictable disaster waiting to happen. Mankind WILL NOT last forever as long as we are confined to this planet. All it will take is one asteroid impact like the one that killed the mighty dinosaurs (or any one of many other possibilities), and mankind will no longer exist. So it only makes sense to me that the common goal of all humanity should be to get off of this damn planet. TPTB already have a plan to save themselves and their families thanks to OUR ideas and OUR technology, but what about the rest of us?

Believe it or not, there is a solution. There is a way to peacefully take back everything that has been stolen from us and used to enslave us. What we have to do is put an end to the pyramid scheme so that our most important inventions will benefit all of humanity, and not just a privileged few. And there is only ONE way to do that... WE HAVE TO GET RID OF THE MONEY!!!!! WE DON'T NEED IT!!!! THEY DO!!!! Money is a cancer on this planet that is eating us alive and pushing us further and further away from each other and our collective true potential. We all know that money is the root of ALL evil, so why don't we just get rid of it?

A lot of people will say that it's not possible, that we need it to put food on our tables and clothes on our backs, that we need it to maintain our lifestyles and acquire the things we want. They'll say that without it we'll have to trade and barter and society will regress rather than progress. To these people I say NO!!! NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!

Without money we will ALL live in abundance! Money is suffocating us and as long as it exists, nothing will ever get better. It's not a redistribution of wealth that this world needs, it's the redistribution of the WORK that is going to save us. And I have a plan to make this dream a reality.

Now think about this... (and keep in mind that this is not my plan, it's just an example to get you thinking)

If we all stop using money tomorrow, how will we survive? Well that's simple... Just keep doing what you're doing right now. Keep growing your corn. Keep driving the truck that carries the corn to the stores. Keep producing the fuel that powers the truck. Keep going to the store to get your corn...

Don't you get it? It's not the money that holds everything together and makes things tick, IT'S US!!!! We are what makes this world go around, and we will continue to make the world go around whether there is money or not. The trick is to do it in a way that is fair to everyone. We have to eliminate our desire to have more than the guy next door, and the only way to do that is to make sure we are ALL comfortable and working towards the same goal.

What I suggest we do is this... (this is a shortened outline, feel free to contribute ideas)

DISCLAIMER: This is not a call to action or a conspiracy to overthrow the government. It's just an idea (to help our government) that people may find worthy of discussion.

1. Get rid of all forms of currency. Make it a law that anyone who tries to re-introduce money into our society in anyway, shape, or form will go to jail. This will eliminate the need for banks, corporations, insurance agencies, mortgage companies, the Federal Reserve, the stock market, and many other industries and occupations whose sole purpose revolves around money. This will eliminate major branches of government that are crushing our country right now such as Medicaid, Welfare, and Social Security. This will eliminate the need for all of the products that support these industries such as credit cards, cash registers, and checkbooks. This will make available about 30,000,000 (possibly more) workers who are presently employed within these industries. And just to give you an idea of how much we can do with this many people, consider this... there are only 409,000 people working in the farming, fishing, and forestry industries combined.

2. In the absence of money, there will be no need for businesses to compete. When you walk into the grocery store, there will be one brand of baby bottles, one brand of toilet paper, etc. Of course we love our variety, so we certainly won't have just one KIND of toilet paper, I just mean that our variety of toilet papers will be made by the same people. And it will be the best damn toilet paper on earth because there will be no competition and "cost" will no longer be an issue. So what we do is make a list of every single product on the market (that can be produced here in the states) and form groups to produce those products. Supply and demand will determine the size of the group needed for each one.

3. To begin with, each and every town or city should have a central construction force big enough to reshape the town to suit our needs. Banks and other unnecessary structures can be converted into necessary structures such as homes or outlets. Everyone over the age of 21 will have their own home. I'm not talking little shotgun spec houses. I'm talking real houses that are built to last and in a manner in which they can be added onto. Once the house is built, the owner will assume responsibility for the maintenance of the house and any additions. What you will find is that eventually we won't have to build homes anymore and the majority of the construction force can be utilized in other areas of production. The same thing will happen in the transportation and energy sectors as well.

4. Every able bodied man and woman between the ages of 18 and 50 will be required to work no more than 4 eight hour days a week (maybe less). You will get a 2 week vacation during the holiday season and a 2 week vacation during the summer. Excessive unexcused absences will result in jail time. You will be free to work in any industry you choose. In return for your service, you will have a beautiful home, a nice car, and everything on every shelf in every store will be free.

5. We will develop a space program and a national defense that is beyond belief. The advances in technology that will come out of this society will be unimaginable. These technologies will be incorporated into our energy, medical, and manufacturing sectors as well, making our jobs easier and easier as time goes by.

It's not a perfect plan and there are many things that I left out. But it is a start and I believe anyone with an open mind can see this becoming a reality.

To those of you who have gone to college and have done everything that our current society has asked of you...
I am proud of you, I love you, and I admire you. But how much is my admiration worth? People are suffering.

Kill the money.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:54 AM

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:00 AM
Have you seen the "black friday" melee's that happen? People are running out at record pace to buy all the latest tech and gadgets. It WILL never happen. Why would people give up all the luxury of today and go back to living like cavemen? Without money, however will you pay your water bill, sewage bill, trash bill, etc......? Money is a necessity. And a luxury, no matter how little one has, that NO one would ever give up.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:06 AM
We can't kill the money and expect the same luxuries that we have today. The truth is that greed propels our economy and when greed is removed from the equation, the ego (which so many people dearly cling to) goes with it. Without greed and the ability to better oneself from his or her neighbor, I think you'll find the average American unmotivated and uninspired.

For decades we've been a materialistic consumer culture and had the propaganda machine spoon feed us a "buy, buy, buy" mentality. We can't simply switch over to a money-free system.

Communism doesn't work, and, with the size of our current population, I doubt that we'd see much success in resorting to bartering and trade; that practice is reserved for small communities, not countries $15 trillion+ in debt.

If you really want to fix the system, try breaking it up into small communities and set up a national parliamentary government where each community could seek representation.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by chocise

Yes that is a great video that I've seen many times. I just wish people would wake up and realize that we don't have to wait on a revolution or the apocalypse

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by Bone75

I'd be willing to help in your cause. Just give me all your money.

We'll always have a "currency". Whether it is "dollars", "ameros", pieces of gold, buffalo skins, rock candy, shiny baubles. . . . ad nauseum.

Currency could also be skills, abilities.

There will always be a pyramid scheme because there will always be people who can do more, are smarter, more capable, than others.

The only way to truly equalize is to make evryone the same. Same level of ability, same level of intelligence, same level of achievement.

Ain't gonna happen.
edit on 28-12-2011 by beezzer because: spelling errors

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:16 AM

If we all stop using money tomorrow, how will we survive? Well that's simple... Just keep doing what you're doing right now. Keep growing your corn. Keep driving the truck that carries the corn to the stores. Keep producing the fuel that powers the truck. Keep going to the store to get your corn...

I, nor anyone I know for that matter, nor anyone I live near is capable of doing any of those things unless we had a good amount of cash.

Judging by your OP, you didn't take Economics? Know what a modified free enterprise is? I think that's what US is, you should look that up, because we need market and perfect competition to keep going amongst other countries who still use currency
edit on 28-12-2011 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:29 AM
Wow judging from the responses so far I'd say we're pretty much screwed.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by Bone75

Star and Flag.

Whilst this idea of yours seem impossible to some, it is most desirable to many of us. Count me into the last catagory. I have seen the same idea, a world without money, as the solution to our problems.

Before we are able to implement any such system, based on selfless labour, equality, efficiency, justice and a common goal, man would have to develop his inner self to the point where materialism is at least nearly overcome by the understanding of his reality that materialsm is actually of little value to him, as it does nothing to contribute to the growth of his inner being. The only thing of lasting value. He will have to really learn that material goods can only belong to the material world, never to him, and will always stay in the material world.

Developing the spirit is really what it should be about. But until we overcome erotic materialism, we cannot concieve of such a beautiful plan.

It is very difficult to think out the box for most. (That box which is not so airtight only the lucky can think outside it.) You will probably encounter many relpies from these cosey box dwellers that cannot even imagine the unlimited power we have, the devine world we can create, or the great lifestyle we can live. Sadly.

Just wondering, have you heard of the engineer who, in the 70s, encountered beings from planet Iarga, where there is NO money, goods are produced TO LAST, efficiency is prime, discriminsion goes against the grain, selflessness is tops, and people live to work on their spiritual development, they do not live to work. They work an averagde of about 4 hours. Here is the link to the OP about it on ATS:
Life on Iarga

Click on the link in the post. It is a long read but extremely worth it, as it explains exactly such a moneyless system as you describe.

I can see this work. But it will take a huge wakeup first.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:46 AM
Its a nice sentiment but humanity is not nearly evolved enough to make it work. Your idea assumes the people who produce all the goods and services will continue to do it for the good of society. Some of them would but unfortunately if people could just walk in to the market and get what they need without having to earn it to many would take without contributing anything back to society. The producers would see all the leeches taking advantage and more of them would stop producing.

Someday we will evolve away from money but I do not see it happening yet. To many people are too selfish and it would end up with the few working to support the majority to lazy to work. People need some incentive to work and the problem is that the elite banksters and corps have rigged the system in thier favor and created a false lack. If we had true free markets and no government intervention regulating and taxing small business out of existence we would see that abundance distributed more fairly and evenly naturally and see more prosperity.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
Why would people give up all the luxury of today and go back to living like cavemen? Without money, however will you pay your water bill, sewage bill, trash bill, etc......?

Maybe you're having trouble grasping the concept. We wouldn't have bills. As for the "luxury of today", I would be more than happy to pick up your trash or clean your septic tank, because the reward would be that I can have all of the same luxuries as you. We wouldn't be cavemen.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Its a nice sentiment but humanity is not nearly evolved enough to make it work. Your idea assumes the people who produce all the goods and services will continue to do it for the good of society. Some of them would but unfortunately if people could just walk in to the market and get what they need without having to earn it to many would take without contributing anything back to society. The producers would see all the leeches taking advantage and more of them would stop producing.

Someday we will evolve away from money but I do not see it happening yet. To many people are too selfish and it would end up with the few working to support the majority to lazy to work. People need some incentive to work and the problem is that the elite banksters and corps have rigged the system in thier favor and created a false lack. If we had true free markets and no government intervention regulating and taxing small business out of existence we would see that abundance distributed more fairly and evenly naturally and see more prosperity.

Star for you! This is exactly the core of the issue, in my view. It's not about the system itself, it's about the people supporting the system, on whatever side they might be. It's humanity as a whole. How do you uninstall such a system, though, when a lot of people, people both at the top and at the bottom of the pyramid, have their own interests on it staying just the way it is? Would everyone be willing to compromise? Mmm... I seriously doubt it :S

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:38 PM
You just described Communism...congratulations.

I'm not a big fan of communism...and what you describe isn't exactly communism because of this.

4. Every able bodied man and woman between the ages of 18 and 50 will be required to work no more than 4 eight hour days a week (maybe less). You will get a 2 week vacation during the holiday season and a 2 week vacation during the summer. Excessive unexcused absences will result in jail time. You will be free to work in any industry you choose. In return for your service, you will have a beautiful home, a nice car, and everything on every shelf in every store will be free.

You can't let everyone choose what they will do for work...because I'm betting a lot of people are going to choose things like "vacation tester" or "video game tutor" one is going to just choose "ditch digger" or "lettuce picker". Because those jobs are hard...and the only way someone is going to do a job that is harder than someone else is if they get MORE out of doing that job.

So you wouldn't be able to let people would have to assign people their job...and then you have communism.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
You just described Communism...congratulations.

You're right it is pretty close to communism so please forgive my ignorance. As a 36 year old American I've never even considered studying communism because I've been taught my whole life that communism is bad. So after reading your response I decided to educate myself on the topic. I'm curious as to how many other people here on ATS are ignorant to the concept as well, so here is a link to a site that does a pretty good job of explaining the philosophy...

As you'll see the main focus of pure communism was the abolishment of private property, and not the abolishment of money. And this my friend is where communism went wrong.

no one is going to just choose "ditch digger" or "lettuce picker". Because those jobs are hard...and the only way someone is going to do a job that is harder than someone else is if they get MORE out of doing that job.

No one "chooses" to be a ditch digger or a lettuce picker now. As a matter of fact, I'd say most of the people in this country aren't doing what they would "choose" to do if money wasn't a factor. Think of all the people who can't afford college or had kids at an early age. What about all the people who did go to college, but can't find jobs in their fields? What about all the people who come out of prison and can't find jobs because of their criminal records? Make one mistake as a young adult in this country and you're screwed. I could go on and on and it all leads back to money being the root cause.

So you wouldn't be able to let people would have to assign people their job

Yes you would have to assign some people jobs in the beginning just to get things going, but those jobs would gradually disappear in the absence of money.
And a good example of that fact is that we already have machines that dig ditches and pick lettuce, but unfortunately because of money, not everyone doing these jobs has access to those machines.

edit on 29-12-2011 by Bone75 because: bad link

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Bone75

Wont work.
There are tons of organizations who beg for volunteers.....and people just dont volunteer....why? Because it is work for nothing in return.

Nobody is going to WORK for NOTHING. And to expect humans to give freely to others expecting nothing in return is not realistic.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Bone75

Wont work.
There are tons of organizations who beg for volunteers.....and people just dont volunteer....why? Because it is work for nothing in return.

Nobody is going to WORK for NOTHING. And to expect humans to give freely to others expecting nothing in return is not realistic.

Those organizations only exist because of the greed driven, money dependent society we've created. The incentive would be that everything would be free. Everyone would be working for the same things we work for now.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Bone75

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Bone75

Wont work.
There are tons of organizations who beg for volunteers.....and people just dont volunteer....why? Because it is work for nothing in return.

Nobody is going to WORK for NOTHING. And to expect humans to give freely to others expecting nothing in return is not realistic.

Those organizations only exist because of the greed driven, money dependent society we've created. The incentive would be that everything would be free. Everyone would be working for the same things we work for now.

it. wont. work.

are you going to FORCE people to do jobs for nothing in return??? sounds like prison.
what if someone does not want to work and would prefer to sit around watching TV or doing whatever they want?
what if someone does not want to give away things they make or grow....for nothing in return?

as mentioned above, money would be replaced with items for bargining. so we are back to what you apparently loath. things will become worth monetary value.

and not everyone is going to want to just share what is theirs with people.
you cannot force people to share. you cannot force people to work for nothing in exchange.

there are countless amounts of lazy people who expect others to give give give to them.....and do nothing in return. our welfare system is full of them!

who is going to run the power and water plants for nothing? someone going to hold a gun to their head and force them?
who is going to run the restaurants for nothing in return where zillions of people love to go and eat?
who is going to maintain the infrastructers we all use....for nothing in return?

what is the incincitve for people to work their asses off and get nothing in return for it?

me personally, id rather sit on a beach and surf all day long.....especially if i can get anything i need and want for free! id rather vacation for the rest of my life and be provided for.....

who is going to force people to share? ever try and teach a bunch of kids to share? not the easiest thing to do.

edit on December 29th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

are you going to FORCE people to do jobs for nothing in return???

No I'm saying the exact opposite. I would force people to work for EVERYTHING in return. Not just what they can "afford". Forcing people to work for nothing is called SLAVERY. Why in the world would I suggest we all agree to be slaves?

what if someone does not want to work and would prefer to sit around watching TV or doing whatever they want

Then they go to jail until they realize that if they don't do their part, there won't be any TV's, the won't be any couches to sit on, and there won't be any houses to put that couch in, plain and simple. How stupid would it be to go to jail when all you have to do is work for a few days a week to get anything you want?

what if someone does not want to give away things they make or grow....for nothing in return?

The things we make and grow will BE our jobs. The only thing we would have to determine is WHAT we MAKE and GROW.

as mentioned above, money would be replaced with items for bargining.

Money wouldn't be replaced with anything. It serves no purpose except to create MORE money. Why would I trade my guitar for a bike when I can simply walk into a bike shop and pick out a bike without having to pay for it? I've done my job, that's what gets me the bike.

so we are back to what you apparently loath. things will become worth monetary value.

Already addressed ^ ^

there are countless amounts of lazy people who expect others to give give give to them.....and do nothing in return. our welfare system is full of them!

They would make a great addition to our workforce. I emphasize the "countless amounts" part. The system I propose is the ONLY solution to this problem.

what is the incincitve for people to work their asses off and get nothing in return for it?

When you eliminate the financial sector and everything that goes along with and supports it, you'll find that there's really not that much work left to distribute. We wouldn't be working our asses off, we would be working a lot less.

me personally, id rather sit on a beach and surf all day long.....especially if i can get anything i need and want for free! id rather vacation for the rest of my life and be provided for.....

And you'll be able to do that for at least 3 days a week plus vacation time if you just do your job. Can you do that now?

please lay out a plan how this all works.....because the concept does not all.

I'm working on it but I'm only one man. It would help if people would contribute to this idea and come up with ways to make it work instead of reasons it won't.

But I definitely appreciate the questions. Question and answer seems to be the best way for me to communicate this idea so keep them coming.

edit on December 29th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Bone75

ah. yeah no thanks. not a world I want to live in....and im sure I am not alone...

im all about LESS GOVERNMENT INTRUSSION into MY life.....

i suggest all who want to live by this concept create their own little country....then everyone can move there and try it out......otherwise, not a concept I shall ever embrace...
edit on December 29th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:32 PM
You went from... it. won't. work. To....

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by Bone75

i suggest all who want to live by this concept create their own little country....then everyone can move there and try it out......otherwise, not a concept I shall ever embrace...

So are you saying now that maybe it. will. work. ?
edit on 17-1-2012 by Bone75 because: oops

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