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Any good reasons to vote for Kerry?

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posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 06:32 PM
Sorry, Herman, didn't mean to go off, it wasn't directed at you, if it seemed that way I apologize. But I stated my reasons, I don't like either party, but lives are at stake, so I will vote for the President least likely to start any more wars. That's my main reason, I feel less death is a good thing. But you may want to check out the debates, seriously, if you're wanting to see where they both stand, that's a good way. As for my being tired of debating this issue, I meant I was tired of debating it in general, with other members, because like I said, almost everybody's mind is already made up, and this is a vicious polarizing election in which neither side seems to give. But if you're seriously looking for reasons to vote Kerry over Bush, I hope you give it real thought, and try not to let your mind be clouded with the fear and hate the neo-cons try to plant.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 07:20 PM
I support Kerry on the subjects of:
1.)Health->Under his plan, the costs of medical care will drop, a plan has also been devised to allow *all* Senior citizens access to medical care.
2.)Health->Universal Health Care is being whispered around, stay tuned, I will add more about it when I hear something more substantial.
3.)Energy->Like Bush, he wants Nuclear power to continue. I agree, Nuclear power is the way of the future. He also encouraging engineers to find ways of increasing effiency and waste reduction of currently running plants.
4.)Energy->A hydrogen ecomony not based on Fossil fuels will be a godsend!

5.)Education->A 'refundable' College Tax that can used to cover tuition for every year of college attended.
6.)Education->He will offer fiscal aid to college's that intentionaly lower the cost of standard tuition.
7.)Education->Encourage (not sure how yet) public schools to continue coursework until 6pm instead of the typical 3pm let out.
8.)Defense->WoT will continue on. He seeks to energize alliances for better cooperation in matters of Terrorism without wasting military resources on personal side quests..
9.)Defense->Continued technological advancement of all military applications.(anyone who doesn't do this would be insane!)
10.)Defense/Police->Reenergize relations between military and intelligence offices.
11.)Terminate Mid-East oil dependance and begin using modern (US made) energy sources instead!
12.)Energy->Alternative power/fuel generation:Tidal,Wind,Solar, and Biomass
13.)Energy->Reduce reliance on coal and move toward Nuclear and the above alternatives.
14.)Undo the Bush-Cheney rollback on the Clean Air act. Revitolize EPA effectiveness, and enact a Dept. of Conservation that will keep on eye out for bad policies/practices that would be harmful to our unsettled lands and waters.
15.)Reenergize the Clean Water act and make assistance when necessary available to the State gov'ts.

Hope this helps, Herman.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 09:31 PM
Hahaha.. how Kerry plans to institute a federally run universal health care system is not even plausible.. it is almost laughable. The federal government lacks the resources to properly and efficently handle money in the Social Security/Welfare area. If Kerry instituted some Federally run national healthcare system it would be the equivelent of throwing money at the system.

I stress localization, these social programs are better off being run at the community level so that proper organization of resources is achieved. The Federal Universal healthcare system would end up being another overbloated, and ineffective social program.

You only have two choices about universal healtcare, you either have to institute a socialist system to run a "federal" care system or localize the social programs to the community level.

But regardless.. I'd like to see a lower price for healthcare. It hurts me to see how some elderly are forced to have to trek to Canada to get a pill they need for themselves. I am against the intentionally over-bloated drug prices in this country.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 09:36 PM
Any good reasons to vote for Kerry?

I cant think of any.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Crysstaafur
3.)Energy->Like Bush, he wants Nuclear power to continue. I agree, Nuclear power is the way of the future. He also encouraging engineers to find ways of increasing effiency and waste reduction of currently running plants.
4.)Energy->A hydrogen ecomony not based on Fossil fuels will be a godsend!

11.)Terminate Mid-East oil dependance and begin using modern (US made) energy sources instead!
12.)Energy->Alternative power/fuel generation:Tidal,Wind,Solar, and Biomass
13.)Energy->Reduce reliance on coal and move toward Nuclear and the above alternatives.

does anyone actually think that any of these are viable options or boondoggles.

Originally posted by Crysstaafur
2.)Health->Universal Health Care is being whispered around, stay tuned, I will add more about it when I hear something more substantial.

I know this is a conspiracy website�but really the whispered about plank

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Crysstaafur
I support Kerry on the subjects of:
1.)Health->Under his plan, the costs of medical care will drop, a plan has also been devised to allow *all* Senior citizens access to medical care.
2.)Health->Universal Health Care is being whispered around, stay tuned, I will add more about it when I hear something more substantial.
3.)Energy->Like Bush, he wants Nuclear power to continue. I agree, Nuclear power is the way of the future. He also encouraging engineers to find ways of increasing effiency and waste reduction of currently running plants.
4.)Energy->A hydrogen ecomony not based on Fossil fuels will be a godsend!

5.)Education->A 'refundable' College Tax that can used to cover tuition for every year of college attended.
6.)Education->He will offer fiscal aid to college's that intentionaly lower the cost of standard tuition.
7.)Education->Encourage (not sure how yet) public schools to continue coursework until 6pm instead of the typical 3pm let out.
8.)Defense->WoT will continue on. He seeks to energize alliances for better cooperation in matters of Terrorism without wasting military resources on personal side quests..
9.)Defense->Continued technological advancement of all military applications.(anyone who doesn't do this would be insane!)
10.)Defense/Police->Reenergize relations between military and intelligence offices.
11.)Terminate Mid-East oil dependance and begin using modern (US made) energy sources instead!
12.)Energy->Alternative power/fuel generation:Tidal,Wind,Solar, and Biomass
13.)Energy->Reduce reliance on coal and move toward Nuclear and the above alternatives.
14.)Undo the Bush-Cheney rollback on the Clean Air act. Revitolize EPA effectiveness, and enact a Dept. of Conservation that will keep on eye out for bad policies/practices that would be harmful to our unsettled lands and waters.
15.)Reenergize the Clean Water act and make assistance when necessary available to the State gov'ts.

Hope this helps, Herman.

Well, thanks Crysstaafur for being the first to step up. Maybe I can get a little more respect for the Kerry supporters this way. I still support Bush, but this at least gives me alternatives so I won't feel so ignorant when arguing for Bush against Kerry supporters. All I know is that bad things about Kerry hahah.

[Edited on 11-9-2004 by Herman]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 03:06 AM

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 05:37 AM
Crysstaafur, I'm sorry to say you've wasted your time explaining the issues that John Kerry stands on . Some people are closed-minded and are only asking so they may be able to tear down what you have stated , but so that you are not alone, I will give good reasons as you did for WHY people should vote for kerry, even though I know I'm wasting my time.

John Kerry has a 91% AFL-CLO score and leads the fight to protect workers' overtime pay, increase the minimum wage, and extend unemployment benfits. As President, John will crack down on corporations hiding money overseas, roll back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, and create 10 million new jobs.

John opposed the recent Medicare boondoggle, a handout to drug companies and HMO's, and John will propose a real prescription drug benefit for American's seniors in his first 100 days. John's sweeping health care plan will expand health care coverage to 96% of all Americans, including nearly all children, and it also offers a strong patients' bill of rights.

John Kerry's homeland security plan will hire and equip 100,000 new first responders, protect our ports, and improve our public health infrastructure. John will rejoin the community of nations and secure international support for the situation in Iraq. With John's 18 years on the Foreign Relations Committee and Vietnam War experience, he understands responsible military action and fighting terror.

The National Education Association has rated John Kerry at 100% for 8 years. His first priority as President, will be to create an Education Trust Fund to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act and give schools the resources they need.

John is one of America's premier environmental leaders, according to the League of Conservation Voters, with a lifetime voting score of 92%. John Kerry has fought for better auto gas mileage, clean air and water, and for protecting America's Artic. John's comprehensive energy plan will reduce our dependence on foreign oil while creating 500,000 jobs.

John Kerry supports women's right to control their own bodies, their own lives, and their own destinies. He is an original co-sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act, John led fights for equal pay and insurance coverage for contraceptives. John Kerry has also promised to nominate pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court.

John Kerry beleives in our Constitution and the way our forefathers had written it to be.

These reasons are WHY anyone should vote for John Kerry

Now for the reasons WHY no one should vote for George Bush.

1) the economy has become very poor since George Bush took office, jobs are being out-sourced and the American people are suffering because of it and George Bush has done NOTHING to stop the out sourcing of jobs, as a matter of fact, he approves of it.
2) George Bush wants to help the drug companies and HMO's "drain" the seniors, and families and cares nothing about our people, only about hisself, his family, and the big companies/corporations.
3) George Bush's homeland sercurity is a joke, he is NOT protecting American soil by sending our troops into different countries to fight and die over oil that belongs to someone else.
4) George Bush "dropped the ball" for the funds for the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PROGRAM. Why should George care anyway about education for our children when he's lacking in education his self,

5) George has benn warned about the ozone, etc,.... and doesn't care one-eye-ohta about our environment and what these big companies/corporations are doing to our water and air.
6) He doesn't beleive in equal rights for women or our civil rights, and is changing our Constitution to fit his neocon purposes. Last of all, and most important;

7) George Bush and his Administration was asleep at the oval office, instead of doing his duty that he took an oath of,..... PROTECTING THE UNITED STATES FROM BEING ATTACKED BEFORE 9/11 HAPPENED and STARTING A WAR TO OCCUPY IRAQ, WHICH HAS COST US OVER 1004 TROOPS deaths, and the murdering of 1000's of innocent Iraqi citizens.

And of course we all know that by Nader and Badnarik running fake campaigns for president , that it is another way in helping Bush to get re-elected, just like Nader did in the last election, BUT thats ok, if these independents and un-decideds want to do that, thinking that their votes will be for either Nader or Badnarik and not for Bush or Kerry,..... all I can say to that is ,...... yea right,...... you must like Bush's underhandedness and POOR-LEADERSHIP.

[edit on 11-9-2004 by nanna_of_6]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 10:35 AM
Share in the protests: Vote third party.

These multibillionare candidates will not do a thing they claim to. You think they really care for there fellow man, they just want more profits.

Where has kerry proposed to disband the Iraq conflict? Never.

Where has kerry promposed solutions to fix destroyed foreign relations?

I cannot stand his slimey smile.. the smile of flaunting wealth and political power off the backs of the lower classes.

[edit on 11-9-2004 by RedOctober90]

[edit on 11-9-2004 by RedOctober90]

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 11:09 AM
Nanna, thanks for the post. See, I do have legitimate reasons for voting for Bush. Now that I see some of Kerry's positions...I know some things that I agree with him on, and disagree. I think making higher taxes for the wealthy is compeltely rediculous. I'm no rich, so don't play that card on me. Bush did NOT only give tax cuts to the rich. He gave tax cuts to just about all of the classes. I'm sorry, but this was a thread about supporting Kerry, not bashing bush and I don't want it to turn into another debate but....

I'm not bashing your reasons for voting Kerry. I just think some of your reasons for not voting for Bush are a little stupid. First off, his no child left behind program...what's wrong with that?

Of course, and again, the democrats have played the race card. Saying that George Bush and the republican party are dividers blah blah blah. In fact, it's the democrats who are constantly dividing based on racial lines. They're the ones that love affirmative action, because they think that black people are too dumb to do anything on their own. They're always separating people based on their race. Yeah, republicans are racist...that's just why two of their leading people are black, one being a black woman. Yep, so sexist and racist. So what is it that Bush is supposedly doing to change the constitution?

See, he's not doing as much about the ozone because it's not as big a problem as everything else going on right now. I've even heard that while some ice caps are melting, others are growing! It's not a big enough problem to spend all that money on.

And yes, he does care about senior citizens. He mentioned it all the time in his speech, and what he plans to do for their health care. Please don't fall into the rubbish that the democrats are for the "little guy"...they're not. That's democrat propaganda to try to convince the "little guy" (Which democrats love to call them by the way) into voting for them.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John Kerry has a 91% AFL-CLO score and leads the fight to protect workers' overtime pay, increase the minimum wage, and extend unemployment benfits. As President, John will crack down on corporations hiding money overseas, roll back Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy, and create 10 million new jobs.

Increasing the minimum wage is an emotional boondoggle. If it were such a good idea then get serious and boost the minimum wage to 50.00 an hour. He can�t �crack down� on corporations hiding money overseas�unless they want to drive larger proportions of the corporations overseas. And here we go with the class warfare pledge another emotionally pleasing boondoggle for the intellectually stunted. Get richy rich. nice pledge why doesn't he just say 1 billion new's much more emotionaly pleasing.

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John opposed the recent Medicare boondoggle, a handout to drug companies and HMO's, and John will propose a real prescription drug benefit for American's seniors in his first 100 days. John's sweeping health care plan will expand health care coverage to 96% of all Americans, including nearly all children, and it also offers a strong patients' bill of rights.

which AARP supported. Note the usage of "propose" because it is a pipe dream. Tax and spend tax and spend.

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John Kerry's homeland security plan will hire and equip 100,000 new first responders, protect our ports, and improve our public health infrastructure. John will rejoin the community of nations and secure international support for the situation in Iraq. With John's 18 years on the Foreign Relations Committee and Vietnam War experience, he understands responsible military action and fighting terror.

federal first responders eh�.were are they going to be put�because if they are sent to the states then those states will simply reduce their 1st responders by a like amount. �I�d like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations� � JFKerry�so he probably will get more international support

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
The National Education Association has rated John Kerry at 100% for 8 years. His first priority as President, will be to create an Education Trust Fund to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act and give schools the resources they need.

Pres bush has put more money into education than any previous president�federal dollars handed out don�t get to the schools�so all it means is more hot air, more taxes and no results.

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John is one of America's premier environmental leaders, according to the League of Conservation Voters, with a lifetime voting score of 92%. John Kerry has fought for better auto gas mileage, clean air and water, and for protecting America's Artic. John's comprehensive energy plan will reduce our dependence on foreign oil while creating 500,000 jobs.

his comprehensive plan is to continue as we are doing now to fund research into alternative energy sources�.the comprehensive energy plan on his website is a lot of hot air and pipe dreams�does anyone know exactly how we are going to accomplish this reduction in dependence on foreign oil�..wait I know�increase taxes folks will drive less and therefore we reduce our dependence on oil. I guess he will

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
John Kerry �������..John Kerry has also promised to nominate pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court.

John Kerry beleives in our Constitution and the way our forefathers had written it to be.

Almost every pledge point listed requires an abrogation of the constitution as our forefathers had written it�especially the pledge to nominate activist judges.

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
Now for the reasons WHY no one should vote for George Bush.

1) the economy has become very poor since George Bush took office, jobs are being out-sourced and the American people are suffering because of it and George Bush has done NOTHING to stop the out sourcing of jobs, as a matter of fact, he approves of it.

yet unemployment is relatively equivalent to the end of Clintons first term�as for the jobs that are being outsourced your international alliances are the cause�ever heard of NAFTA�h1-b and l-1 visas. First we train them then send them home. Ask JFKerry about H1-b visas�.supports�em.

Originally posted by nanna_of_6
And of course we all know that by Nader and Badnarik running fake campaigns for president , that it is another way in helping Bush to get re-elected, just like Nader did in the last election, BUT thats ok, if these independents and un-decideds want to do that, thinking that their votes will be for either Nader or Badnarik and not for Bush or Kerry,..... all I can say to that is ,...... yea right,...... you must like Bush's underhandedness and POOR-LEADERSHIP.

democrats run around like chickens with their heads cut off yelling disenfranchise, disenfranchise and then use the courts and anything else that they can to ensure that a portion of the population is disenfranchised�.there is that support of the constitution again. Bush and kerry are two edges of the same coin�only kerry won�t build deficits he will just tax, tax, tax, of course he will only raise it on the rich�..if you can breath of course you will be defined as rich.

[edit on 11-9-2004 by keholmes]

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