reply to post by Dbriefed
Do remember that the 4 trillion austerity drive will be spread out over 10 years. Taken into perspective, it will mean $400 billion in cuts per year.
At the same time, with the 1.2 trillion injection to bailout the masses, it will mean finally money will be circulated within the economy, enriching
all who touches it, ensuring growth in GDP.
For simple explanation:- Should USA's GDP grow at a comfortable slow rate of 2% per year under current circumstances of high unemployment and
financial logjams, linerly it will mean 20% growth equally in 10yrs time - a graph plotting a rise of $15 trillion GDP to $18 trillion and more by the
10th year or an additional $300 billion per year to GDP growth.
Generally, an average of 10% of GDP would be the gov's share in revenues earned, although on some years, it went as high as 16%., which means more
money into the treasury for budgeting and paying off loans.
Thus, if the GDP is $15 trillion, the gov's share will be $1.5 trillion.
If the GDP is $18 trillion, the gov's share witll be $1.8 trillion - $300 billion more.
Thing is, 2% GDP growth is based upon current world turmoil.
But should USA makes and implements the necessary changes to social and political infrastructure to push ahead with new automation and innovation,
spearheaded by increased tech and science advancement, 8-12% annual growth is highly possible, as newly 3rd world developed nations had proven.
They were only using USA's past and present innovation and tech to do so. They are the competitors, and America needs to get ahead. And that push will
be the injection of bailouts to the masses, to circulate wealth, to create confidence, to inspire and motivate a nation, and lead the world into
greatness, the capacity to reinvent itself as it had done often in the course of its civilisation before.
Those arn't just mere feel good words, or fantasy, but only a reality if only americans believe in themselves once again and congress breaks off its
shackles from elite money men.
For example - the F-35 jet for international sale is the ONLY new tech aircraft in the world, and it was an american team that developed it. An even
more advanced model exists, but is not for sale - the F22 Raptor. No other nation could match that kind of tech that USA innovated, at least not yet
for a while more.
And such tech of the F-22 is only the TIP of the innovation iceburg of what american boys and girls can do today for the economic sectors, instead of
misusing the best of them going into the gambling stock market financial sector.
Wish I could say the same for europe, but with their crippling austerity drives and shackled leaders........
Wish I could say the same for China, but with 650,000 Wukan village type rebellions soon against corrupted leaders, China's mere 30 million soldiers
and civilian CCP card waving bootlickers ( ratio - 1 village of 20,000 inhabitants to mere 46 commie members) will have a hell of time just putting
out such fires if they themselves are not booted out first.....
edit on 30-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)