posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 04:28 PM
I have noticed a very disturbing trend in our political discourse as of late.
It did not begin with Ron Paul's candidacy, but it is certainly extremely prevalent now because of it.
When we, as a culture, hold a single person up as the One who can change the system, we are missing the real point of democracy.
It is Us, ATS. We are the only ones who can change our lot. Not Paul, Not Obama. Not anyone with an election coming up.
Even if Jesus himself ran and won, we cannot rely on Him to fix OUR problems. When you don't truly work for something it has very little value.
This same ideology was pervasive in the 60's, 70's 80's 90's 2000, 2004, 2008, and Republican or Democrat, we must admit that where we are heading
as Americans has changed very little.
The election itself is a Straw Man. One pull of a lever does not change the avalanche.
Only an informed and organized citizenry can accomplish the change we all seem to know we desperately need.
If there can be anything positive said about our political machine, it's that they know what we want to hear.
Ron Paul is a decent man, in my opinion. But his election, even if such a thing could happen, will be a huge disappointment to all of you die hard
Paulites, because one man cannot fix a country.
It's you, getting informed and getting involved that changes things.
So please ATS, show some restraint and some rationality, and try to find a way to see that Ron Paul is not the answer to our collective ills, you are.