posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 03:23 PM
Ah im sure youve all been there.
So you click the video entitled `mothership over peru`! and besides for the obvious stupid video of a blurry light, its accompanied by this annoying
music which makes you sounds like your either in a dentists chair or the gramaphone is stuck!
Or, a `channelling video by the pleadians` and its got music which makes you feel like youve smoked something funny.
My question is why!!! why do people feel the need to shove their music down other peoples throats!
I can understand if its a private video with pictures of your friends, then go ahead add your own music, but if your going to make a video that you
intend to share with the public, then for the love of GOD!! keep your crappy music off it!
Just my rant, but im pretty sure you all feel my frustration
edit on 27-12-2011 by admiralmary because: (no reason given)