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Kirlian photography

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posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 04:17 AM

I found some pics!
They're kind of old and faded, so I snapped digital photos
of the original prints, and enhanced the contrast, so you could see some of
the features.

The camera was built from a High Voltage coil,
Like the coil in an automobile, that creates High frequncy/High voltage
but low amps. ( A Tesla thing, BTW)
A metal plate, a glass plate, and a small wooden box.
In a dark room.
Polaroid film was placed, emulsion side up, on the glass.
Subject was directly placed on the film. And the current applied.
FIlm was pulled through rollers, and developed normally.

This is the fingertip of a friend.

What do you think? shall I post more of them?

[Edited on 10-9-2004 by spacedoubt]

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 04:47 AM
I have another ready to post.

Pretty obvious what this is.

The theory is/was, that inanimate objects, had a "static" unmoving
aura. Pretty true with this dime. Any ideas why it might look like this?
Compared to the flaring look of the fingertip.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 12:43 PM
Wow... those are some excellent examples. Thanks a lot for posting them!

Interesting how the dime gives off a uniform, static aura... presumably, as you said, this would be common to all inanimate objects, but I wonder, at what point does a piece of dead once-living matter, such as a leaf taken from a tree, revert from a variable to a static aura?

I need to construct one of these devices and do some experimentation. This stuff is great

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 12:55 PM
This link gives a diagram on how to take kirlian photographs.

Kirlian photography is a high voltage, contact print photography. The process is simple. Sheet film is placed on top of a metal plate, and then an object to photograph is placed on top of the film. High voltage is applied to the plate momentarily to make an exposure (see figure 1). The corona discharge between the object and high voltage plate is recorded onto the film. When the film is developed you have a Kirlian photograph of the object.

The Kirlian process, being a contact print process, doesn't require the use of a camera or lens. However when a transparent electrode is substituted for the discharge plate it is possible to use a standard camera (with a bulb setting) or video camera.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 01:34 PM
Excellent... I'm going to get right on this, as soon as I can gather the resources. Money is tight, but the things we could do with this will be worth it

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by k33l
I'd love to know how to build a kirlian camera though!!!!

here ya go

also i found a pretty neat website called whihc appears to have some pretty good, and detailed info on it all.

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 02:34 PM
It doesn't hurt if you have an old polaroid camera that you'd wouldn't
mind dismantling. You can use the rollers from that. To squish the developer
onto the film once exposed.

Also if you notice, in the column to the right of this thread, there are some ads for High voltage generators.!

I have some more photos that I can post.. Some of them are of leaves, they were freshly cut leaves though..

I originally set out to prove or disprove the theory, when I did the science project..But I would say the results were inconclusive..It was pretty fun though..

I'll stick a few more photos up here, over the weekend.


posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 02:37 PM
couldn't that be the electromagnetical force made by the discharge plate?

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 03:02 PM
From the desk of the co-owner of a large New Age gift store
just to set the record sraight.
aura photos are just gimiky "mood" photos...
kirlian photography is REAL.
the aura cameras that they have at Psychic fairs are unable to "read your aura"
they are merely adding a color filter based on the "mood" that is sensed thru the pads (much like a cheap lie detector test). I have been to the actual tradeshows that sell these cameras and to put it bluntly... they are a hoax.
they can show a mood that you actually have at the time of the photo... but that has nothing/little to do with your aura. and nothing to do with the way electricity can permeate thru your energy field.
kirlian photos can show how electrical charges go thru a living thing, and you can actually see if there is a energy disruption that might indicate an illness or a neurolgic defect. this would be a much closer version to an aura photograph.
dont waste your money on an aura photograph, buy a $2 mood ring instead...
look... the pretty colors are changing...
green, that means i am....

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide
couldn't that be the electromagnetical force made by the discharge plate?

Yes, it actually is just that. But the claims are that objects have influence over the patterns.

It's very much like those PLasma Globes lamps.
You touch it, and the pattern changes.

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
Yes, it actually is just that. But the claims are that objects have influence over the patterns.

It's very much like those PLasma Globes lamps.
You touch it, and the pattern changes.

where is the mystery then? only electromagnetical fields no paranormal here...

and living beings have a different field because we produce electricity

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 04:02 PM
I make no claims. It's STILL a mystery to me.
After all, you can put electrodes on a persons head and measure
brainwaves, they are just electrical fields too.

I would think it MIGHT be possible to get a polygraph effect at the very least.

You know, different amounts of moisture on the fingertips, would have quite an
effect on the pattern..I'm not sure about other effects..

These are 20 year old photos I'm posting..Back then I was a skeptic, and was really trying to disprove the idea..I was a kid though, and my Scientific method, had a little to be desired..!

I thought the pictures were really cool however..!

[edit on 11-9-2004 by spacedoubt]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 04:10 AM
Here is another.

This one had a caption on the back.
It said "taken with arm asleep".

Ignore the white dots on the image, they came later, as the photos aged.

Still interested in these? I'll keep posting if you want.

[edit on 12-9-2004 by spacedoubt]


posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 03:11 PM
I'm interested; sorry I haven't been around this weekend.

DarkSide, I don't know whether or not there is anything metaphysical at work here, but you must admit that the pictures are fascinating. I don't claim to know whether or not any of this is really what it seems to be, but I only want to research the phenomenon to develop an informed opinion one way or another.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 06:15 PM
Check this out...

I found more photo's...

[edit on 20-11-2004 by TheBandit795]


posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 08:46 PM
How are the kirlian photos related to the "aurora" pictures taken by healers and other peopel? How do we know that aurora photos are fakes? I do not understand.

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 09:39 PM
It's "aura" not "aurora"...

posted on Nov, 20 2004 @ 09:41 PM
My mother warned me about nerds.

posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 12:41 PM

A team of physicists and psychologists at Drexel University has spent some years studying the Kirlian effect, and has concluded that the major determinant in a Kirlian photograph is the amount of moisture present on the object or skin. It is certainly plausible that different moods and stresses might create different amounts of moisture on the fingertips (for instance). This is the basis of the lie detector. Phantom leaf effects, on the other hand, are very rare � the Drexel team has never produced one, but they theorize a number of possibilities, including residue on the photographic plate and coincidence, not to mention the possibility of outright fraud in some cases.

Overall, although Kirlian photography is not perfectly understood, there is no evidence that variations in Kirlian photographs are due to any paranormal effects. The Drexel team has created a list of 25 factors that can effect a Kirlian photograph, including attributes of the skin, recent physical activity, and, yes, mental stress. All of them effect the amount of moisture on the skin. As for the medical possibilities of Kirlian photography, they are often overestimated. Variations have many causes, but it is very difficult to determine those causes from looking at a photograph � many of the known causes create exactly the same Kirlian variations.


posted on Nov, 21 2004 @ 12:46 PM
This kirlian photography stuff is cool. I'm gonna read up about it.

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