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Riot Police v.s Ex-Military in Japan? We could learn a few things!

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posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:03 PM

I came across this video today on youtube, used the search and couldn't find it. Sorry If I missed it, but I've never seen this riot video before. It's Riot police vs Ex-Military! (Sounds familiar haha) The ex-military even used some sort of flaming propane tank against the police, wow!

Does anyone know about this riot? Where and when it happened?
edit on 27-12-2011 by HazyChestNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:11 PM
Firstly, this was South Korea, not Japan.

Secondly, the officers acted defensively; that's not really in the vocabulary of American riot police, or most riot police for that matter. If you walk towards a line of police officers in America holding a flaming propane tank in a similar situation you will be shot, immediately (you may get lucky and it will only be a bean-bag or rubber bullet).

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:20 PM
We can learn from this. They needed more than one weapon backed up with Molotov cocktails and riot gear of their own. We can resist if we have the will to do so.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra

Secondly, the officers acted defensively; that's not really in the vocabulary of American riot police, or most riot police for that matter. If you walk towards a line of police officers in America holding a flaming propane tank in a similar situation you will be shot, immediately (you may get lucky and it will only be a bean-bag or rubber bullet).
Agreed, that is why we must also be more aggressive when the time comes. Too bad we can't buy bean bag rounds and tear gas grenades of our own. If we can, would someone link the source to non-lethals like that?

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:24 PM
think i saw this for the first time in a thread a few months ago and if im not mistaken it was south korea not japan but i could be wrong either way at least the cops and the protestors in this video seemed almost to be honoring the general conventions of battle(letting the wounded be pulled back with out attacking them)>and it goes to show that military vs police basicly comes down to equpment sure they got sheilds and water cannons and armour but that flame thrower was problay one hell of a suprise( oxyacetylene torch? ) if that had had more of them they may have held the line or had some kind of ballons or water soluble containers of powdered sodium(is that what blows up in water?) could have negated the water cannon that way but it may have been to much of an escalation at that point either way star and flag for the video i had been looking for it for months!

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by KilrathiLG

It was propane which is readily available and fairly inexpensive here in the states. Just stock up on smaller cans like the kind used for barbecue grills. OxyAcetylene is another option and used by many tradesmen.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:15 PM
Looks like they just opened the valve and torched it off.....
I think there may be some danger to this proceedure but perhaps not as much as i imagined.....(i guess one could close the valve fast enough so the fire didnt get back inside the tank, or simply let her burn out...).
You could have several at the ready......or even spray cans of paint or a spray gun with real portable air a pipe for a barrel and bic for ignition after depressing the nozzle
Another idea that hits me now that my train of thought is on improvised munitions,
How about some acetyline bombs where you pour water over carbide and let the acetyline build up then lite the fuse and throw....?
I remember the welders turning tin buckets over on a line of gasoline they poured on the concrete floor.....and filling them with acetyline from their torches, then setting them off....the boom is tremedous and the bucket can go hundreds of feet.
Perhaps a horizontal arrangement with a bucket inside a steel pipe with the end welded shut and a valave to let the acetyline into the pipe behind the bucket.....then merely fill with nails rocks and what have you and torch her a giant shotgun.....homemade grapeshot......takes out a whole segment of detractors.
A reloadable version would be simple to make as well....just cut the flat end off an acetyline cylinder or other gas cylinder,
Bingo, you have a gas cannon that needs only the rounds and the acetyline source attached to it.....
Could be made in any welding shop in less that ten minutes.....finding the right size buckets may be a challenge but im willing to bet some tin cans of fruit or whatever from a super mart will fit well enough....
If time permits a rough welding job to a mount will let you aim from a pick-up bed or wherever it can be mounted.
Drill oput and thread a spark plud into the side of the chamber for ignition...with a condenser and coil or old distributor from a car.....and a batteryHardware store have nails by the keg.....short roofers 1 inch or so would be deadly (they are sharp and flat heads too)
Oh, and STAND CLEAR when FIRING heheheh
I wonder what a booby trap version would be like?
The idea would make a wicked IED as no explosive powders are required, (less detectaable)and acetyline is commonly available everywhere.....
Propane or other natural gas would work as well.....

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by stirling

If this doesn't get deleted by the mods, I can post info on how to build zip guns that fire 12 ga shotgun shells.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 02:24 PM
epic flamethrower, how many veterans is it in this world? so many..

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by stirling

Are you crazy? What goes through your head.......get some help before you hurt someone. love is the answer.

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by brice

Absolute love for the oppressed is what motivates every revolutionary. Cowardice and selfishness is what motivates every gesture of reconciliation between oppressed and oppressor.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by MisterReptilianoid

Talk is cheap brother. What are you doing to make my world a better place to live? Show me a list of places you have volunteered or fundamental problems of society you have solved? I appreciate your bravado...but did you even vote?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 08:54 AM

Coolest Riot Control Police on the Planet Video,,,

would be so proud


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