posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by sicksonezer0
These are regular members... when i see a new topic, i dont immediately do a search for it to see if there is an existing thread, thats not
why im here... I dont get it.. do these people want to kiss up to the mods or something? why?
Don't get me wrong, there are people who go way overboard with it, and seem like their main goal is just to make sure they get it in the first reply,
but on the other hand:
This thread from a couple weeks ago:
NEW TOPICS Screen Capture. Really!?
These are regular members.....
Intelligence is not a requirement, in order for someone to become a 'regular member'.
Breaking News is something that can easily cause multiple threads, and can be very annoying. There are certain things though, that many would not even
think to search for. This is a very good example of that. In my short time on this site, I seem to come across a thread on one of these, about once
per month:
The Scale Of The Universe
Nikon Universcale
They are each a little different from one another, but are both interesting. Every time I see a thread on one of those, there's always a couple of
"That's been posted before"
....but c'mon now. Who the hell is gonna get online, and just randomly search for one of those?? Most people would never even think about it, but to
just happen to come across it as a new thread, will be enjoyable for some.
Check em out. Bookmark them.
Then someday maybe you too can post a "Been There Done That" Reply.
edit on 12/27/11 by BrokenCircles because: Universcale