posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:00 AM
Now let me say...first, I'm totally brand new as a member, just now
BUT, I've been a faithful follower of the ATS website for
months. First, I completely understand where youre coming from, but NOT EVERYONE in D.C. is a bad guy or gal. I'm sure that there are politicians
and Aids and FBI and CIA and whatever else.....that are feeling just like the rest of us.....concerning our loss of freedom. And when the SHTF, they
will gladly side with the side of freedom. No one right now wants to lose their jobs, and the nation is certainly filled with "sleeper cells" just
waiting to get their fight for liberty on! The NDAA is pure evil....that it is! As is a ton of other laws we are now enslaved and subject to. In
fact, I say the ENTIRE document is only a mask for the few sections that make U.S. citizens terrorist and the U.S. a battle ground. As far as
declaring "war" on D.C., the time will eventually come WHEN the people are pushed to it. And this is the subject I wanted to address....Could it be
possible.....that this is the actual plan??? Think about this......TPTB, push us to become dependent on our welfare checks, food stamps, misc. free
entitlements, Ipods/pads, comfy living room with the surround sound, flat screen Xbox movie theatre, comfy suv's and everything else I've not
mentioned but fits the category. THEN, they push us to the brink of revolution, and as crime become insatiable, murder, suicide and rape are #1 on
the charts....Then the people lose their comfy gadgets and plush lifestyle, as this is only adding gasoline to the grease fire??? I sincerely hope WE
here on ATS, have the purest of intent to fight for freedom and liberty, for justice and fairness.....but I also believe the PTB are counting on this
Either way you look at have a role in their plan.....or so they are hoping! I believe that once the revolution gets out of their
hands, and we are winning.....they'll ensure a plan of action such as a string of nukes or engineered bioweapon.....or BOTH! But that shouldnt even
phase one's motivation to fight for Liberty and Justice!! Now, for the good news......Regardless of what I feel is coming or predict.....I stand
"moveable"....meaning I can be waaaay off.....I'm only human and speculating to the best of my ability with the information I have at hand today.
But I'll end with this.....Humanity ALWAYS finds a way!! We always pull through and survive, always have and always will. The issue is to do it
maintaining our sanity and preserve our methods of ensuring an orderly society to live in. When people start dying on front lawns and body's litter
the streets.....OUR THOUGHT PATTERNS WILL BE AFFECTED IN ENORMOUS WAYS!! Keeping ones sanity will be crucial and challenging. Me....well, I'm
geared for combat, I have a way of dealing with it that was born within me.....cant explain it really. Anyone else have this too?? I believe a
warriors spirit is something innate.....but must be developed and trained properly to work in a healthy, productive way. Not everyone is a
fighter......keep that in mind, and that's ok, but those of us who are...and know it.....are held to a higher stadard, when the calling is heard.
Peace should always be offered and all means exhausted to avoid any types of physical conflict.....but when the option is overlooked, fight with
honor, with mercy and with violence of action!! Or you run the risk of becoming JUST LIKE THEM!!!