Nature and the Cosmos are mental objects that make an impression on the soul. We hear, see and do. I lump the senses into see because we illuminate
the mind with impressions of the gross matter that makes up our world and reality. Confucius said, "I hear and I forget. I see and I learn. I do
and I understand."
Subtract the gross and realize the subtle. What receives and what transmits? If you are valuing the transmitter as reality, you miss the receiver of
the gift. This is what our objective worldview says. It makes the impression that the soul is a possession that we use to take reward. With this view,
the soul seems lost shortly after it leaves the womb and life seems futile. Once a person hits the tipping point of life, they no longer see the
beginning and growth, but the decline and end. Dissolution must take place if renewal is to happen. Again, nature is only the impression for the soul
to grow. We must realize this before life can transpose toward a proper direction. Suffering is the point. The work we suffer for others is the
true reward we earn. The reward we take can only end in a debt to others. Suffering follows. Direction is important.
Once you flip your worldview inward to the essence of what you are, consider the lesson nature teaches. Nature is a union of opposites coming together
to make one thing. The one thing is the new life that is created. This is the daily renovation that allows our soul to rise instead of fall. Most
people assume that the union of man and woman is the end; then comes death. Not so. There is yet another hidden union that is only realized by seeing
past matter. When we realize the point of it all, we see clearly.
The sun and the moon come together for all life on earth. The sperm and egg come together. Man and woman come together. Seed and soil come together.
In every case, information expresses in a medium and develops. An acorn contains the mighty oak enfolded into its essence. Expression of the form
comes by union. What's missing?
You are a soul that is paired with the spirit of God. As you develop in the womb of the earth, your body becomes the medium of development. This is
comparable to the placenta of the womb. See it for what it is. We are developing in our next womb and death is only the renewal as we transition from
the water of reality to the spirit of transcendence.
See it in the Bible.
John 3 explains the entire process. Baptism is our
immersion into the water of reality. We must be born again. In other words, we must either be literally born again and rebaptized, or we must be born
again when we gain union with the spirit. Once we find love for God and others, we transpose our soul to a new vehicle and develop yet again in the
spirit. The dead in Christ shall rise, as the Bible declares. Read Matthew where John the Baptist refuses to baptize the Pharisees. Then, ask yourself
this question: Can we end our development? Study the Pharisees to see what causes us to end (abort) the process. Not only do we have a duty in this
life to others, we also have a duty to God. Miss this duty and the end comes. Choices matter, but matter does not.
Do one thing right now. Listen to this short audio file and contemplate what I have said. Realize that God loves you enough to demand your own
excellence. A good Father is the one that will not let you off the hook for your future good. He is long-suffering. The fact that all 7 billion
souls are on earth now is not a mistake. Every eye will see the return of the Lord. We are at the end of the 6th day before the final day of rest.
Adam - Abraham 2000 years
Abraham - Jesus 2000 years
Jesus - Now 2000 Years
The Dead in Christ rise again in the last 1000 year Day of Rest with Christ--Peace and learning at the feet of the Master.
Epistle of Barnabas 15:4
Give heed, children, what this meaneth; He ended in six days. He
meaneth this, that in six thousand years the Lord shall bring all
things to an end; for the day with Him signifyeth a thousand years;
and this He himself beareth me witness, saying; Behold, the day of
the Lord shall be as a thousand years. Therefore, children, in six
days, that is in six thousand years, everything shall come to an end.
John 3 Audio
edit on 26-12-2011 by SuperiorEd because: (no reason given)