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Occupy The Rose Parade

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 08:24 AM

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Vizzle

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
1) generally, juveniles are the first to say 'grow up' to thise that question them.

No. I say that to people to honestly are here to troll. I see your shaming language is coming out. You must not have a real argument to make personal attacks. GG.

2)no purpose has been stated. Only what you are against. Not what you wish to accomplish.

Just like every other protest that has followed the Rose Parade in the past, to raise awareness.

3) again, just because I question you does not make me a troll. If you are looking only for people to agree with you, I'm sure there are occupy boards out there where they would all be on board. The great thing aabout this site is that we are free to challenge each other. Seems the occupy crowd can't handle being challenged.

No. Trolling makes you a troll. I can handle being challenged with serious conversation or questions. People who are just putting their ignorance and lack of effort to read links provided on display is something I do not have time for. Any time you want to have a constructive conversation about OWS in general, I will gladly have it in another thread. Trying to derail this thread with asinine statements is not constructive. again, grow up, and stop trolling. If you need more information on OWS, you can always ask a Occupy Portland person, seeing as you are from portland.
edit on 26-12-2011 by Vizzle because: (no reason given)

1)'ve called be a troll and ignorant at leasta half a dozen times in this thread and you are accusing ME of personal attacks...."pot, meet mr. Kettle. I think you'll find you have things in common"
2)it is not 'shaming language' to point out that juveniles are generally the first to say 'grow up' when they are challenged. It is a fact.
3)so you say this is to raise awareness. Awareness of what?
4)so explain to me how asking you direct questions that pertain specifically to the OP that YOU STARTED is trolling. That one is going to take explaining.
5)I know plenty about OWS. It seems you really don't, as you can't even answer simple questions about them.

But hey, attention-seeking is fun, isn't it?

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
What a bunch of crap.

1)what are they hoping to acomplish by protesting the rose parade?
2)why are they protesting something that advocates for their right to protest?

In the end, this is why the occupy crowd is stupid. Its not about any kind of message or accomplishment. Its about garnering attention so they can feel special.


This is somehow suppose to get the rest of America on their side

They are a bunch of attention whores. .

Yeah.. Yeah.. I know some child will come along and call me a troll...been there done that.

edit on 26-12-2011 by StarPeace because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Occupy The Rose Parade

Fine, just don't interfere with the Rose Bowl!

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
1)'ve called be a troll and ignorant at leasta half a dozen times in this thread and you are accusing ME of personal attacks...."pot, meet mr. Kettle. I think you'll find you have things in common"

Mods agreed, some of your posts were removed for trolling. You did however resort to name calling and childish insults. I just called you out on your obvious trolling.

2)it is not 'shaming language' to point out that juveniles are generally the first to say 'grow up' when they are challenged. It is a fact.

It was. You may want to read about what shaming language is. It is where you try to win an argument by calling the other person names, rather than resorting to logic & reason.

3)so you say this is to raise awareness. Awareness of what?

I guess at this point you will just have to watch to find out. This is the last post of yours I will answer, as you have wasted enough of this thread and my time. It is to bad you didnt come for serious discussion, and instead acted like a troll. I could have been a wealth of OWS information for you, and would have answered any serious question or had a good discussion about it with you, as I have with other members of ATS in various threads.. Maybe next time, huh.

4)so explain to me how asking you direct questions that pertain specifically to the OP that YOU STARTED is trolling. That one is going to take explaining.

Question was answered. Your post was even removed for trolling. Enough said.

5)I know plenty about OWS. It seems you really don't, as you can't even answer simple questions about them.

apparently not, if you have to continuously ask why they are protesting, and seem to fail to understand anything that has been said about OWS thus far. Its ok, as I said above,I am done responding to you unless want to bring real questions and real discussion to the thread.
edit on 26-12-2011 by Vizzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Vizzle, you seem to be involved in OWS and are knowledgeable about it.

Since OWS doesn't seem to have a clear message, could you sum it up?

/* Begin Edit
From the website

Our primary goal is to demand that corporate money be separated from the electoral process (especially U.S. Executive & Congressional branch elections) and to non-violently show the massive dissent and disgust felt by Americans w/ what is perceived to be a banker controlled executive, judicial and congressional branch.

I don't believe protests will do anything to accomplish the goal. Changes in law need to happen, that requires organized campaigns and political pressure.
/* End Edit

It appears they're protesting the capitalist system and are asking that it be replaced by a socialist system of forced wealth redistribution.

/* Begin Edit
The affiliations are unnerving. Cindy Sheehan listed on website, caused immediate feeling of distrust. She protests for the sake of protesting and is known as a far left activist. The socialist fist symbol is all over the occupy websites. Anti-capitalism messages are across the websites.

More goals from website

(1) Take Corporate Money out of Politics: (1) Start with an immediate reversal of Chief Justice Roberts & Supreme Court "Citizens United" ruling; (2) Continue with immediate congressional action to ban Corporate Money from all U.S. federal & state office elections; and

(2) Reinstitution of the 1930s "Glass Steagal" wall that separated investment and commercial banking functions (no universal banks); and

(3) Profit disgorgement & punitive actions (PRISON) for the CEOs & banks that benefited from the dot-coma & real estate ponzi schemes of 1998-2008; and

(4) Immediately restore the Capital Gains' post 9/11's 15% tax level to pre-G.W. Bush era (i.e. 30%; Capital Gains Tax rate was 49% late '60s); and

(5) Immediate Foreclosure Relief for Americans with provisions for tangible asset equity drawdowns for major banks which unfairly structured loan provisions during the 2000-2008 time period, especially Bank of America (owner of Countrywide's mortgage asset portfolio) and Citibank.

There has to be a plan to achieve these goals. Can't just ask for it loudly and expect it to happen.
/* End Edit

If they are planning to march at the end of the Rose parade, that's when the crowds disburse and rush to beat the traffic. No one will be able to tell the difference between an OWS march and a crowd leaving.
edit on 28-12-2011 by Dbriefed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Vizzle
I wish I did not have to work on the 2nd, I would go to this. For those of you that said the "Occupy movement is dead" after the main camps across the US were shut down, this is a reminder that we are still here, and still working towards our goal. Uniting the Left/Right against the corruption and abuse perpetuated by our government is one of my occupy goals, and I hope this shows that "We are still here". You can't arrest an idea.
(visit the link for the full news article)

and this

LA Times Article

Wonder what the line in vegas for "Shown or Not Shown on TV" is

edit on 26-12-2011 by Vizzle because: (no reason given)


first time and im excited, only reason is because of the OWS movement.

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