posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Hey there ATS. REALLY need your help right now.
due to a mass amount of censorship, it has been almost impossible to find the subtopics within NDAA/S.1867 that reference detaining civilians within
the states.
My father does not believe a word of it and its hurts me a little bit every time he disregards what i have to say like im some sort of lunatic.
Some say "Just let belive what he wants then" and i say say F*** that. My father thinks im nuts and im sick of it. My family is a rumor mill and
that rumor mill has the label "Conspiracy theorist" right over my head within the minds of the majority of my family tree.
Please help me show them. If i am to show anyone or any group of people the truth, then i want it to be my family because i love them and i want them
to love me back with the agreement that im not nuts.
Please, society is destroying me in the eyes of my family and i grow sad. I need some ammo damit