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2 glowing red orbs spotted heading east in Charlotte, NC.

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posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Erno86

I know helicopters and so does my father, he was a door gunner for a while during Vietnam. These were no helicopters.

Illustronic: I not sure what your comment is referring to, I never said anything about aliens or headlights. The objects themselves were glowing. I also know that governments around the world, ours especially, have crafts so advanced that it would be hard to speculate on them.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Yeah, these never got anywhere near that close. These were high in the sky. I did not get any sort of paranormal feeling as if they knew that we were watching them or anything as is often reported. I just felt puzzled, like if I stared at them long enough I would figure it out, but never did obviously.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by strangernstrangeland

Well they don't always greet you. For example 3 of us seeing the flashes and higher up slow moving whitish craft, that one I suspect is a TR3B with 3 white lights in the corner, because of other times. But in any case. I was having contact, and the second person, woke up very quickly, and he was also involved, being AB-, scoop marks appeared on my arm, I was suddenly aware of blood and a deep stinging, almost to the bone like this:*99cJ18SRU30FSoHeGn6indt*Nigh3yJnXCLozOukTa37o01F4dlhWcor72LuKw/04edit.jpg

They take a long time to heal up.

He looked and had 2. One healed up right before our eyes, the second was like mine.

The 3rd witness was convinced it was all a group hysteria, and that though he discounted ufology, he must have believed in Telepathy and joined minds being able to give the same details in this delusion. So it wasn't exactly logic he was using.

So, its very different for each person.

However, if its a ufo, you only see them if you're permitted. They simply can mask or unmask in our minds, since our minds are like computers running programs.

And, it means something more probably happened.

In any case, you can stargaze and pour out prayers, even meditate under the stars and ask for a siting. Many get greetings or feel them overhead.

But, I would only do that if you are a joyful, grateful, happy for eveyrone in the universe, good guys and bad guys alike, just love everyone, and really concerned for the planet, the poor, and the world. Because you want to be safe. And positivity, Faith, Trust, Goodness is something that keeps us safe.
edit on 26-12-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by strangernstrangeland

I'm wondering if you could do me a favor? Can you extend your hand an forearm straight out, and buy using your fingers or fist, tell me which finger is the approx. size of the UFO that you guys saw. Was it a clear starry night?
Can you give me a rough guesstimate of the altitude of the UFO; and the direction?



edit on 27-12-2011 by Erno86 because: added a couple of words

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Erno86

I don't understand the first part of your request but my father estimated them to be at about 7500 feet. They initially were headed north to south and then slowly changed to west to east.

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by strangernstrangeland
reply to post by Erno86

I don't understand the first part of your request but my father estimated them to be at about 7500 feet. They initially were headed north to south and then slowly changed to west to east.

Let me try to explain a litle better. By extending your arm, hand and fingers straight out; did the UFO look smaller than the diameter of your index finger; or did the object approach the diameter of your clenched fist?
Or I can approach it another way --- Was the likeness of the UFO, appear to be bigger than an eastern horizon Venus at dawn, or did it approach the likeness of our harvest moon at a very high angle? Or can you just guess the approx. diameter of the UFO?

My own encounter with a fiery balled Foofighter, occured approx. 1 mile away, about as big as my clenched fist at arms length, which lit up the mountain valley in front of us. It had the same approx. look as our Sun at Sunrise, which I figure that the Foofighter, encased in its magnetic plasma shield, to be approx. 750' to 1,000' feet in diameter.



edit on 28-12-2011 by Erno86 because: added a #

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Erno86

Ok, gotcha. It was definitely not the size of my fist. These were pretty far away and maybe half the size of my index fingernail, as it relates to the size of the objects in the sky from my view point. I have better than 20/20 vision and I could not make out any details, just two fuzzy, slightly pulsating orbs.
edit on 28-12-2011 by strangernstrangeland because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by strangernstrangeland

So the UFO's were heading east towards the Atlantic Ocean. Could you please tell me the approx. distance to the sea, from your sighting point? I'm just curious.



posted on Dec, 28 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Erno86

Aprox. 185 miles to the sea from here.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by strangernstrangeland

Hey, It is sort of odd we saw same thing on two different nights.. Now I will be the first to admit the obvious, and look for a logical explanation, and actually with this sighting I was inclined to think it is more than likely this was military. But, I had the ''psychic'' side of this happen, so wonder about it being human driven.
I don't really care what others think, as I have been in this arena for my whole life, and my experiences with the UFO culture is deeper than most casual observers of this phenomenon.
Because of my past experience, I also have developed my own critical bent towards sightings myself, and have made a very strong effort to educate myself about flight patterns (here in Charlotte, as I live in Steele Creek, near a busy flight path near the airport) and observation of aircraft. This is decades of self education, but I think having had both UFO experience sightings, and my own self education about normal aircraft/patterns. I think I make a good objective witness.
Also, I am very directional oriented, so know almost at all times which direction I am viewing. (this comes from my pagan/earth oriented path I follow)
The 3 orbs I saw, were directly due North, Right where Polaris is, as I saw Polaris after the event. Trying to be logical about the ''blinking out'' of the orbs,, I wondered about the possibility of them going into a cloud bank,, but dismissed this after the event due to the clearness of the night, and the stars I verified Using Google Sky on my phone.
My feeling of being watched, was not any paranoid inkling. Each time I have had a ''big'' encounter it was foreshadowed by a similar feeling.
I was going to share my ''big'' events here,, but held back for a number of reasons,, mainly the negative trolling that happens when someone truly bares their soul here and is ripped apart by stupid comments. My encounters in the 1980s are documented elsewhere, and I really have no need of getting validation anymore regarding those experience. I will say, the Daylight sighting encounter was not a ''saucer'' shape,, but Rectangular/Trapizoid shaped craft which I KNOW was not of human origin. Strangely,, if you google Rectangular UFO NC,, you will find a few that have happened since my encounter in 1982.
My friend who also was involved with this phenomenon, wrote me this week to tell me of a dream, where an alien gave her a ride back to NC, that took 3 minutes. We laughed because of the 3 orbs, / 3 minute synchronicity of our past weekend experiences.
I believe the orbs are a preview of what is coming. NC is having an increase in sightings right now. It has been almost 30 years since my BIG experiences,,, and I have the same feeling return on Christmas eve,, only to view the 3 orbs.
From someone who isn't a wack job ,,, because I assure you I am not.
Something Big is going on,,, and you where lucky to see a preview.
More is on the way, 2012 is a great time to be alive.
Our thrust should be on Disclosure.
But sadly, that looks like a failed effort.
So All we really have is that the cracks in the Official story/mainstream media bull is about to end.
It is a numbers game ,, and we are at the Tipping point in regards to our UFO experiences being validated,,, not for us who have already experienced,,, but those out there who can't admit the evidence is already HERE.

No need for anyone to tear this post apart,,, I am content in the knowledge I have gained over the past 40+ years with the experiences I have had and still have to this day.
I am always looking for the logical,, but sometimes Life and the World (Universe) we live in can't be explained by Logic alone. There is a consciousness and spiritual component to many of these phenomenon. I am open to alternate explanations, but doubtful they will overturn my hard physical experiences of my past encounters.

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by strangernstrangeland

Are they red or were they a road flare? The orbs that I know are of E.T. design seem to burn like a road flare orange in color....are capable of extreme speeds 5000mph plus....and leave a trail of light like a kid waving a sparkler. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 09:22 PM
To try and answer some of the questions posed by Erno86.

For me, there was no fiery aspect. they glowed Orange with a tinge of redness.

I would say they were 7 to 9000 feet above the ground, only by comparison to airplanes in the air at that time.

I admit it was a busy flight time,,, and the direction for my sighting was due north Exact. When I did the Google Sky on my phone I really thought it odd that they blinked ''Out"" directly at Polaris. The first one to go was further north, then the second in line, and the last on Stopped, lingered for about 1 minute then did the same.

Honestly Yes, it could have been military,, I have seen helicopters that are military here before,, know what the ''normal'' lights might have looked like,, but seriously doubted it myself. But still could entertain this for logical reasons.

Our airport would have been due West from the point they were flying,, but the orb were within the City Limits in my estimation. I would say from my view point they actually were near where STRANGERNSTRANGLAND saw them the next night. Toward Plaza Midwood. (During the 1980s I did have a few experience on that side of town, off Albemarle Road is a McDonalds that sits on an old Native village Sun Temple, which I believe could be significant Time wise??) I have asked my sister to look for the exact time I sent her my message as my phone did not record the time of my texts. will post later if she has exact time. It was between 9 and 10 definitely.

If the orbs were military,, who knows,,, if just regular planes,,, maybe Wilgrove Airport,, not Douglas??? Wilgrove is for smaller planes,,, but I don't think many land there at night,, that late,,, will ask my boss as he is a pilot and uses that airport.

FooFighters,, Don't know about that,, but am sure it was not plasma alone,, they were intelligent in movement, stopping etc. Earthlights I have investigated,, and most of those are lower in my experience,, like what are seen at Brown Mtn, here in NC. Have seen both phenomenon,, and discounted those options,,, but could reconsider again.

The size : Larger than Venus definitely at least the third one which lasted longer ... the other two did seem smaller. Not the size or brightness of full moon. I know my planets/stars well, this was neither.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

I too.... in my UFO eyewitness encounter, have had the feeling of being watched. It could have been just a shot of adrenaline; but I seemed to sense that an other-worldly biological entity was in a starcraft that have possibly instantly stopped it's approx. 5000 mph flight from approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C., approx. 10,000 feet in altitude above our heads. This happened while I was sitting in the back seat, of a full windowed Ford van--- with two other witnesses, siting in the front driver and passenger seats --- heading east from a survey expedition to stakeout a railroad track, to a coal strip mine in West Virginia --- back late one night in Dec. 1976.

This event happened even before we saw the fiery balled Foofighter--- which was one minute later. The bluish white, approx. 5,000 mph light, [ maybe rectangular, size of a passenger airliner,] coming from the eastern horizon from the direction of Wash. D.C., was above the thin low-lying cloud cover. I instantly turned by head to the left --- unless I was too slow enough in turning my head--- I did not see the light fly to the western horizion. That's when I turned my eyes to the metal roof of the Ford van, and seemed to sense that the starship had stopped somewhere above our heads.

edit on 30-12-2011 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 30-12-2011 by Erno86 because: spelling

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

As stated earlier, I'm about as colorblind as one can get, especially, for some reason, in regard to glowing things. When I come around a corner when driving, I initially cant tell if a stoplight is glowing yellow or red. Takes me a few seconds and I've had to learn not to trust my color identifying abilities.

That's a long winded version of I don't have a clue as to what color they were. I asked my father who stated that they were red. They could have very well been a orange-ish red but I couldn't tell you. They didn't leave a trail or anything like that. Just two orbs moving through the sky.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:49 PM
This is almost exactly what I saw On December 24 here in Charlotte NC.

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:52 PM
The above video is also mentioned in another thread here at ATS.
The lights on the THREE (3) objects I witnessed blinked out in the same exact fashion and even from left to right.
These lights are being seen all over the place right now.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 05:10 AM
Id say these are more than likely chinese lanterns in my opinion.

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