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Glenn Campbell on Bob Lazar

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Glenn Campbell (not the signer but the Area 51 researcher) has some new theories on Bob Lazar. It is different enough from the other thread running that I figured it could use it's own thread, though if the moderator wants they can kill this thread and I'll put the post on the other thread. I'd like this thread to stick with Glenn Campbell's theories on Lazar.

First of all, I had no idea Lazar knew people at the TTR. This is actually relevant to his story. Anyone familiar with the TTR knows that just south of the base is Site-4. This is part of "Have Glib", the exploitation of foreign radar. It is not a stretch to go from Site-4 to S-4. I always suspected Lazar got the idea for S-4 from Site-4. I put this notion in my Site-4 webpage:

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:40 PM
How do you explain how Bob Lazar knew to take John Lear and George Knapp and others to witness those flying crafts on a given evening? I think he did that several times. He knew exactly what date and time to see the aerial show.

Bob Lazar knew a LOT more than what you're giving him credit for.

And nice try trying to lure us in with the Glen Campbell reference. If he isn't the singer then why even mention the almost 70-year old in your misleading title?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Glen Campbell is the guy that put Area 51 on the map. It is a running joke to say Glenn Campbell (not the singer), much like people say Telsa (the man, not the band).

What the original interceptors saw is still the subject of much argument, especially since the tripod was kicked so that only one person saw the "saucer." Note there are times you can see the Janet's land from the ET highway. Usually this is when they fly direct rather than over the NTS. It is possible Lazar knew the times the Janets were flying direct.

I was on the Power Line Overlook once when a direct Janet flight was coming in at dusk. The light just hung there in the sky since the plane was approach from the south rather than the west. If you didn't have the scanner on, you wouldn't know what was going on.

Come to think of it, you have to wonder why the interceptors didn't use the Power Line Overlook to view the Groom Lake airspace. The overlook and plenty of other places could see the airspace without having the Camo Dudes interfere. Rarely does the base get involved with viewers east of the ET Highway.

I've driven to the Power Line Overlook at night many times. Certainly darkness wasn't the issue. It is almost like Lazar wanted to be caught.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

This is the question I'd like answered. Assuming they took place, how the hell did Lazar know when these tests would take place?

There is another member on here that also went to A51 and filmed the craft. I'll notify them about the thread, you might even get to see the footage in the near future.

edit on 26/12/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by gariac

Glen Campbell is the guy that put Area 51 on the map.

Incorrect. Bob Lazar is the guy that put Area 51 on the map.

Glen had never even stepped foot in Nevada until long AFTER Bob put Area 51 on the map by going on the evening news and spilling the beans.

That's how Glen and everyone else found out about it.

Sheesh people, pay attention!

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by A51Watcher

You are entitled to your opinion, but I consider Lazar a disinformation agent.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by A51Watcher

You are entitled to your opinion, but I consider Lazar a disinformation agent.

It's not an opinion, it's a fact.

A) What year did Lazar reveal the base on Nevada television evening news?

B) What year did Glen Campbell sell everything and move to Nevada?

Answer: 4 years later.

Glen himself openly admits on his site that Lazar spilling the beans on the news is the very reason he sold everything and moved across country.

There you have it. Glen himself admitting that Bob Lazar put Area 51 on the map.

No opinions involved, just math.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by A51Watcher

Whatever. Glenn did real research. Bob spread BS. I value the good information. Perhaps you have different values.

Glenn was a great debunker. Actually he still is, if you follow his blog.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by A51Watcher

Whatever. Glenn did real research. Bob spread BS. I value the good information. Perhaps you have different values.

Glenn was a great debunker. Actually he still is, if you follow his blog.

So now you are saying that indeed you were already aware that Lazar put Area 51 on the map, but chose instead to knowingly post disinformation.

Trying to make it look like it was Glen who put the base on the map (your words), and later Lazar was some johnny come lately who was trying to climb on the bandwagon. Exact opposite of the facts.

Whose information you believe has nothing to do with who revealed the base to the public.

So WHO is the disinformation agent here?

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by gariac
Whatever. Glenn did real research. Bob spread BS. I value the good information.
Lazar spread BS like EXACTLY when test flights of craft were being flown from Groom Lake....

If Glenn did so much great research and debunking - how did Lazar know about the tests? Come on, how does Campbell explain this? How do you explain it?

You are allowed to admit ignorance if you don't know. It commands far more respect than making up BS like Campbell put A51 on the map. This is your chance to "redeem" yourself and be honest if you like.
edit on 30/12/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:31 AM
The "tests" supposedly occurred on a regular schedule. The observers saw a light rise up above the vicinity of Groom Lake, appear to hover, and then descend. Interestingly, this is exactly how the Janet flights (Boeing 737 airliners on a regular schedule) look from this vantage point as they climb out of Las Vegas and then descend for landing at Groom Lake.

In the mid 1990s this became apparent after two groups of people (one at the Black Mailbox on Highway 375 and the other on Freedom Ridge closer to Groom Lake) observed the same Janet flight simultaneously. Observers at the mailbox thought they were seeing a craft fly straight up and hover before descending straight down. The observers on the ridge had a closer view from a slightly different angle, and saw the 737 as it rolled out for landing on the runway.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by A51Watcher

As I have stated on ATS, I have seen the Janet flights appear as a light over the base from the Power Line Overlook. This only occurs from flights from the south, not on every Janet flight.

If you ever watched a Janet land, they usually fly a pattern towards the east. At times, depending on conditions, they fly towards the base in a north east route.

Perhaps you should watch Area 51 in person. ;-)

Both Tom Mahood and Glenn Campbell (the researcher, not the singer), have beat the Bob Lazar story to death. (Hint: it is really hard to get a college degree and not leave a paper trail. )

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by A51Watcher

As I have stated on ATS, I have seen the Janet flights appear as a light over the base from the Power Line Overlook. This only occurs from flights from the south, not on every Janet flight.

If you ever watched a Janet land, they usually fly a pattern towards the east. At times, depending on conditions, they fly towards the base in a north east route.

Perhaps you should watch Area 51 in person. ;-)

Both Tom Mahood and Glenn Campbell (the researcher, not the singer), have beat the Bob Lazar story to death. (Hint: it is really hard to get a college degree and not leave a paper trail. )

I do not understand why this is marked as a reply to me.

I does not reply to anything I have said. I have not mentioned anything about Janet flights. This is only another diversion attempt on your part. I only pointed out that your statement that Glen put Area 51 on the map is completely false. All your replies including this one are determined to avoid the question and problem I pointed out with your statement.

That's fine by me, it speaks volumes to anyone reading this thread.

A) When it comes to Area 51 you don't know what you are talking about.

B) Your statements are demonstrably false and your only reaction is "whatever".

Obviously then reading any of your posts is a complete waste of time for anyone. We already have quite enough people ignorant of the facts spreading disinformation thank you very much.

posted on Dec, 30 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Shadowhawk
The "tests" supposedly occurred on a regular schedule. The observers saw a light rise up above the vicinity of Groom Lake, appear to hover, and then descend. Interestingly, this is exactly how the Janet flights (Boeing 737 airliners on a regular schedule) look from this vantage point as they climb out of Las Vegas and then descend for landing at Groom Lake....

Specifically what "observers" are you referring to?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by A51Watcher

It's absolutely clear that these guys are either completely ignorant of the facts or deliberately spreading disinformation. It appears that the members who starred that post about the Janet flights don't know the facts. You could be the one to sort that out IMO.

Originally posted by gariac
Perhaps you should watch Area 51 in person. ;-)

They also have no idea who they are debating with, as if it takes acute powers of observation to read a user name. "The observers saw a light rise up above the vicinity of Groom Lake, appear to hover, and then descend."

How's the area 51 video coming on?

edit on 31/12/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

edit on 31/12/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by A51Watcher

As I have stated on ATS, I have seen the Janet flights appear as a light over the base from the Power Line Overlook. This only occurs from flights from the south, not on every Janet flight.

If you ever watched a Janet land, they usually fly a pattern towards the east. At times, depending on conditions, they fly towards the base in a north east route.

Perhaps you should watch Area 51 in person. ;-)

Both Tom Mahood and Glenn Campbell (the researcher, not the singer), have beat the Bob Lazar story to death. (Hint: it is really hard to get a college degree and not leave a paper trail. )
Glenn Campbell did not put A-51 on the are mistaken..sorry but true.
Glenn Campbell did relocate and do what he could. But honestly, He Did Not do anything any of us couldnt have done.(didnt have the connections)..Been there in the 90's. He did relocate and have his following for a time. He had his little trailer with the a-51 stuff. He was even a guide of sorts..Nothing more.
Lazar on the other hand...I've been on the fence about Bob for years..leaning in his favor.
edit on 31-12-2011 by wutz4tom because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 10:40 AM
Its true that Bob Lazar's UFO stories turned the vicinity of Area 51 into a tourist mecca for UFO watchers. Glenn Campbell came to Nevada to investigate, and did some pioneering work in the field of Area 51 research. More importantly he served as a focal point for other researchers, forming a complex synergistic network for sharing information. Glenn eventually became more interested in government secrecy policies and the psychological/sociological aspects of Area 51 in popular culture.

Tom Mahood and others investigated Lazar's background extensively and found his credibility questionable. To date, there is absolutely no evidence to support the existence of Lazar's so-called S-4 facility at Papoose Lake. Aerial and satellite imagery shows no activity or manmade structures at that location. Lazar described hangars built into the side of a mountain at the edge of the dry lakebed, but the adjacent terrain is actually a gently sloped alluvial fan. There is no mountain next to the lakebed. Additionally, there is no documentary evidence or testimony from confirmed former Area 51 personnel indicating any facility in the Papoose Lake area.

The advent of the Internet really put Area 51 "on the map" in popular culture, but Area 51 was far from unknown. A government spokesman issued a press release in May 1955 announcing construction of the base. It was distributed to 18 media outlets in Nevada and Utah including a dozen newspapers, four radio stations, and two television stations. Further updates on what was then known as the "Watertown Project" followed over the next few years. In 1959 and 1960, additional information was released on what variously called "Project 51" or "Area 51" at Groom Lake. Over the years, news stories about airplane crashes at the Area described it as "the super secret Nevada air base." In the pre-Internet era this information was not widely distributed.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
How do you explain how Bob Lazar knew to take John Lear and George Knapp and others to witness those flying crafts on a given evening? I think he did that several times. He knew exactly what date and time to see the aerial show.

Bob Lazar knew a LOT more than what you're giving him credit for.

And nice try trying to lure us in with the Glen Campbell reference. If he isn't the singer then why even mention the almost 70-year old in your misleading title?

I have one problem with the story of Bob taking John up to Area 51 to watch aircraft. The footage of John Lear on camera reporting that he and Bob just spent several hours watching these aircraft fly around...well, they never taped it! John reported what they saw but never recorded it. That seems odd to me.
edit on 31-12-2011 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Pimander
reply to post by Human_Alien

This is the question I'd like answered. Assuming they took place, how the hell did Lazar know when these tests would take place?

There is another member on here that also went to A51 and filmed the craft. I'll notify them about the thread, you might even get to see the footage in the near future.

edit on 26/12/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

I have one problem with the story of Bob taking John up to Area 51 to watch aircraft. The footage of John Lear on camera reporting that he and Bob just spent several hours watching these aircraft fly around...well, they never taped it! John reported what they saw but never recorded it. That seems odd to me.
edit on 31-12-2011 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Shadowhawk

No idea who the "observers" were eh Shadowhawk?

Your statement about what they observed is also incorrect. They saw much more than a light rise, hover then descend. They also saw it on more than one occasion.

Whatever website you are pasting this nonsense from doesn't seem to provide you many details. You should find a new one. This one makes you appear not up to speed at all.

And as you just discovered, it leaves you with no answers to even the most simple question.

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