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Is humanity getting better or worse?

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:03 PM
The popular sentiment today is that humanity is getting worse, every generation is getting more corrupt, and it's because nobody respects authority, or beats their kids anymore, or are more greedy than our grandparents, or whatever.

However is that really true? War is actually in decline, as is crime. People said the same kind of thing during Socrates' time. We don't lynch people for being the wrong skin colour anymore. The difference is every bad thing becomes known to everyone in the media circuit and fewer people get away with stuff.

The only thing that really does seem worse today is the ecological destruction. Even though America and the West is doing better at that, as the rest of the world takes on our standard of living, the ecological situation really does seem almost hopeless now.

Any thoughts?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Each and every moment is perfect and in divine order my friend.

Watching Man grow up is like watching a child grow up. A child with extraordinary powers to create, discover, and destroy.

Man is not alone in his coming of age.

Always guided with a careful loving hand, down through the ages, he comes to knowing who he is.

Growing pains my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by lampsalot

The Pessimist sees the glass as being half empty.
The Optimist sees the glass as being half full.

I've always been partial to the way an Engineer looks at things and the world.

The glass was twice the size needed to begin with.

In other words, It is what it is.

Some see Gloom and Doom at every turn while ignoring all the beauty and whats right with the world. While others prefer to live in La La Fantasy Land where the air doesn't move and everything is perfect.

Neither IMHO are realistic.

edit on 25-12-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by lampsalot

I do believe that generations have started to get more lazy. IE expecting more for less work. But, in terms of corrupt? I don't think it's any worse. I believe people will always be people, and the only reason it seems corrupt is because we have technology and media to highlight the corruption.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by lampsalot

I do believe that generations have started to get more lazy. IE expecting more for less work. But, in terms of corrupt? I don't think it's any worse. I believe people will always be people, and the only reason it seems corrupt is because we have technology and media to highlight the corruption.

I think we're more lazy only because we don't NEED to work as hard. With automation and such, the days where people had to work on the farm 15 hours a day are over. There's no reason to be hard on today's youth for not doing that when they don't have to.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:17 PM
I'd like to believe that ultimately we are doing better, but it looks like the we are looking at worse for the time being.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by lampsalot

I personally think the world is getting worse, especially in regards to government. Wars are continuously fought throughout time for many reasons, greed is definitely prominent amongst many world governments today. We have seen that a select few controls the rest of the world in terms of social, economical, and political conditions. If the people rise up against the government, they are either turned away or taken away for their doubts. Not to mention the growing problem of global warming we have imposed on the planet. Sometimes I really think what would happen to the future, especially when I have kids and what they will endure. We have to grow conscious of our surroundings and realize what is going on. I hope all is well.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:28 PM
Does it matter? Evolution is just that, evolution. It can be good and bad. I think we acquired negative traits (lazyness, greed, want) but we have also gained so much (compassion for others, a sense of ones self). We will not be the most beautiful species that exist, we sure wont be the smartest or far reaching. We fight to much and boarder our own kind off from another.

Remember, each generation changes the whole system, so we are changing at crazy fast rates these times. Catalyzed by technology.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:34 PM
It may not seem like it at first, but I believe we are. We are experiencing all kinds of events, and have the opportunity to step back and ask ourselves what we like and dislike about the things we are witnessing. Collectively, our level of awareness is increasing by the hour (for some even by the minute).

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by lampsalot

It's getting worse!

Just look at the news or heck read ATS recent post page!

People have completely lost it!

I work for a companies online division and I was utterly shocked at how RUDE and NASTY people are! The self entitlement attitude is rampant in society. I had a guy tell me to get off my f***** arse and do something at 6pm n Xmas Eve!! I have been cursed at and insulted all week and it was no fault of mine but their stupidity and lack of reading what they purchase!

Christmas imo shows the selfish side of people in a nasty way. I just don't like it.

Just look at the news stories and how people act. I dont ever remember it being like that as a kid. As a kid you could leave your door unlocked and stay out all day and not worry, now the world is full of crazy and you can't!

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver

Just look at the news stories and how people act. I dont ever remember it being like that as a kid. As a kid you could leave your door unlocked and stay out all day and not worry, now the world is full of crazy and you can't!

I think that's more because people were less paranoid. Let me guess, you grew up in the 80s? Crime, serial killings, etc was a lot worse in those days. People just weren't as paranoid because they weren't AS bombarded with negative information.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Humanity is worse.

A child in the 21st Century will be born and injected with a Ultra High Frequency RFID chip to track that child's every movement. Anytime he passes by a computer with wifi, his RFID will be detected and silent software running in the background on the PC will report his exact location.

Maybe Corporation X who makes automobiles needs revenue so they see you have $3,000 in your checking account so they send a signal to your automobile to disable the 2-3 shift solenoid in the transmission so the car is stuck in 3rd gear. Poor man goes to the dealership and forks out the $3,000 he has to fix it....meanwhile all it took to fix it was the shop technician logging into a website and clicking "repair"...satellite signal sent to the car to re-enable the solenoid.

Maybe Computer maker "RP" isn't having hot enough sales so they use a little software tool they have to disable the motherboard on 200,000 laptops via the BIOS chip. Forcing people to buy new laptops....replacement motherboards are more expensive than just getting another computer.

They want this fast growth trend to overturn hardware/software every 18 months to get it at a state where they have so many hidden spy/operations tools hidden in the electronics software/ would never be detected. So eventually they could make money ripping people off by stealing their ideas, bank accounts, money, using Social engineering tactics to even rob them of their homes, assets, girl friends, kids....

If the madmen running the systems decides that the mixed-race child born in the 21st Century needs to die they will pulsate a signal to his RFID causing his blood to lower its white cell count and poor Baby 21st Century will be no more.

Humanity is worse because we've allowed GODS to be created. There's people controlling you before you're even born.

Humanity, no longer exists.
edit on 25-12-2011 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:25 PM
Like karma (and as mentioned by previous contributors to this thread), humanity overall seems to be getting better (or worse) with each generation. Some adapt/adjust/change to their current environment/situation//attitude. (/end thoughts)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:27 PM
The truth is that crime and global violence is down compared to what it used to be. It seems to me that individuals - in general - seem to be doing a bit better. The younger generations are not interested in conflict and oppression, they seek peace and equity. In time, as generations pass, hopefully things will be even better.

The problem, at least in my mind, is the system, organized gov't, etc. It still perpetuates violence, conflict and inequity. How do we stop that?

Hopefully the younger generations will put an end to that...

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:31 PM
Humanity is not to be jugded in it's whole, but on an individual basis.

To do so, is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Some people suck, some people don't.

What more can be said?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 02:32 PM
I see humanity polarizing, the good are very good and the bad are awful. Like oil and water. it's going to reach a head soon
I love our youth,I know many many young people of college age and they make me very happy,you wouldn't believe how many of them are aware and care about all the issues we talk about on this board related to the NWO. it's just that unless you make an effort to talk to them about it they won't tell you were they stand

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by lampsalot

Humanity was always this bad. The only thing holding people back was religion.

Everyone is convicted of his own righteousness and cannot stand reproach.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:10 AM

I'd like to believe that ultimately we are doing better, but it looks like the we are looking at worse for the time being.

I agree with you mate. we are always looking at worse for the time being


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