I would not worry too much about the kids, they are very adaptive. Parents will always celebrate their kids Birthdays on the real date of their
Birth and they'll typically get a lot of cake and presents. Kids are special and loved and most love the kids so much they want them to be educated
and smart, and not to be used or abused by altered history
The kids will feel strongly that Christ's birthday should get the same respect as their own and they won't be very upset if the world moves the Christ
Mass to the better date around April 17. They can still have a BirthDay celebration with the wisemen story doing the gift bearing and appreciation
of the Essene's issues for Christ bringing heaven upon the Earth.
One can even still have something on Dec. 25, but truth would have that date take on something like Happy Solstice Day and the Children can learn of
these old times and their appreciations of astrology, and some of the bad things connect to the corruption of religion from the times of Babylon's
Nimrod. Nimrod's BD was Dec. 25th, not Jesus. Telling the truth there could well become a Religion Truth and Freedom Day. It is a major
disrespect for Jesus to hold his BD celebration on the day of Nimrod's, as Nimrod started all the corruption of religion that the Essene and Jesus
came to reject per the 2nd Temple. Trying to join the two BD's in a major issue in religion corruption.
The kids might learn a real life lesson about in the times of universal deceit, truth telling becomes a revoltionary act. And Jesus was a real
truth seeker, just as the relgion sect to which he was born was considered the same. Both Jesus and the Essene were quite part of the real history
for religion of this period, but Dec. 25 needs to become separated from the Jesus BD celebrations.
Jesus was not born in the beginning of winter and things will work even better with celebration of his BD in the springtime with flowers, warmth, and
life renewed, and the truths better told.
Don't worry traditions can still keep around Kris Kringle and Santa Clauss. The issues of Dec. 25 have long involved the Yule Log and the New
Decorated Green tree with popcorn strands after the log burns out. In Germany, the Green Trees were hung upside down and the tradiation came to the
US as nice evergreen trees decorated. One can still have festivity for the Solstice with celerations of lights, trees, good warm food, and
fellowship of the masses reflecting on matters of the past year and how to do better in the next.
But, as part of the reflections on the past one can recall that the church has had its problems from the issues with Germany's Martin Luther and
Vatican selling Indulgence for a Price. One can reflect on the Vatican killing the Knights Templar, and nearly killing the inventer DaVinci for
noticing the world was round and not flat.
One can even get into the more exciting issues of the recent discoveries of Moses Mountain down near Midian and how the Mtn of Fire really existed
amidst volcanic rift zones and monster oil fields of the area. Even find the writings of US adventurer Ron Wyatt who found the Mountain in modern
times and made it public. One can enlighten the kids with the more scientific elements of religion that are being flushed out in this present day,
that show many of the stories are true, but the earlier accounts are not perfect.
So, nothing really keeps anyone from telling the kids these truths about man and his quest over time for why he came into being. Dec. 25 can be
known for the quest for the bad and the good and holding up the truths as the reason for the season and the beginnings of a New Year based on better
edit on 25-12-2011 by MagnumOpus because: Santa