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Originally posted by freedomSlave
reply to post by WarJohn
I thought it was bin laden or did the americans waste 10 years and billions on a false war against a guy that had claimed to of been responsible for . I hope America goes to war with iran and get nailed by china and russia. Maybe time for some one to drop a nuke over washington dc and make it into a parking lot. I am getting seriously sick of the american government . America is the biggest threat of the world guilty of war crimes , terrorism since ww2 . Come on china or russia it is time to take out the trash.
Originally posted by AaronWilson
10 years past the actually event that started it all. That one day changed the United states and is still changing how we perceive other countries. Just incredible they think people still care.
Originally posted by Grimpachi
Originally posted by AaronWilson
10 years past the actually event that started it all. That one day changed the United states and is still changing how we perceive other countries. Just incredible they think people still care.
Thousands of people died the largest terrorist attack on United States soil and I guess from what you're saying we shouldn't care. There is a time limit for us to care? I don't know if you're from the United States were not and I don't really care but I will always remember where I was when I heard that the towers fell. I will always remember watching people jump out of the towers to their death. I will always remember seeing that second plane smashing into the building. I don't know how old you are but I think you're pretty young maybe you don't remember that they are for those of us do we will always care.
If Iran had something to do with it, so be it. The only reason Iran is on our radar is because their nuclear facilities. I would bet everything I have that we are not going to invade Iran not as a occupying force. That idea is just asinine to me and for the alarmists. I have stated in several threads and I was stated it here there is no need to put boots on the ground in Iran. Surgical airstrikes with bunker Buster technology will disable any nuclear capability they're working on or have. There is no scenario where Iran acquiring nuclear weapons would be okay in my book. Let me say this again, there's absolutely, positively no way Iran should be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons not in my lifetime my children's lifetime or hopefully in the history of the world.
Anyone who believes that they only want to have nuclear power is completely naïve. If this is a question of electricity which they claim they should be spending their money on solar, wind, or use those vast resources of oil they have there is absolutely no reason they need a nuclear power plant. They know this and the world knows this. The only reason that they have gained the attention of the world as a military target is because they're trying to illegally acquire nuclear weapons. Not only the weapons with targeting and delivery systems to use those nuclear weapons. United States and its allies should do anything and everything in its power to keep them from acquiring those weapons. This can be done with a simple surgical airstrike but I'll be clear so you understand where I'm coming from I would not be opposed to turning the area into a sheet of radioactive glass.
After 9/11 when was known it was Bin Laden I was all for a nuclear strike on the area that we knew he was at. Considering how much the world has talked shat about us for invading that would've probably been a better choice. We would've caught hell for it but I doubt there would ever be another bin Laden type to try to take his place. I guess we will never know.
Originally posted by Grimpachi
I speak for myself and how I feel about it. This is my voice on what I believe should be done you can try to downplay it, you can be a sheep if you want to. You can buy into the whole idea that Iran is harmless with all evidence to the contrary I'm just glad your voices are in the minority.
If Iran wanted to prove it's not after nuclear weapons they could let inspectors in but that has not happened. I have no doubt their ultimate goal is nuclear weapons. In my last post I stated clearly why I do not believe they are after energy. Perhaps you chose to overlook that.
To many people think the world is a playground and we all play by the same rules or that we all have the same moral code. A country that will stone a woman to death and not bat a eye because it's covered under their sharia law cannot be trusted with nuclear technology. I have put it as simple as I can so that everyone can understand.
Peace is not free nor is it possible to keep by peaceful means all the time. That is a sad hard truth.
Originally posted by Britguy
Originally posted by Grimpachi
I speak for myself and how I feel about it. This is my voice on what I believe should be done you can try to downplay it, you can be a sheep if you want to. You can buy into the whole idea that Iran is harmless with all evidence to the contrary I'm just glad your voices are in the minority.
Once again... what evidence?
Here you say there's no evidence
If Iran wanted to prove it's not after nuclear weapons they could let inspectors in but that has not happened. I have no doubt their ultimate goal is nuclear weapons. In my last post I stated clearly why I do not believe they are after energy. Perhaps you chose to overlook that.
Iran has allowed a hell of a lot more in the way of inspections than any other signatory of the NNPT, and yet the innuendo continues, with zero evidence of any wrongdoing, perpetrated by those pushing for war. So, in the end, what is the point in allowing inspectors in when the reports of the inspectors are twisted to imply wrongdoing where it hasn't been found, or totally ignored?
TextNow you say their evidence is there but it was twisted. Which one is it. Please make up your mind.
For me I was simply using logic of trying to deduce the use of nuclear technology in a oil rich country that can afford solar or wind technology that would keep them out of the crosshairs as you put it.
To many people think the world is a playground and we all play by the same rules or that we all have the same moral code. A country that will stone a woman to death and not bat a eye because it's covered under their sharia law cannot be trusted with nuclear technology. I have put it as simple as I can so that everyone can understand.
Those in glass houses should not throw stones! Look at the number of rapes and other assaults against women in your own country, even in your own military and then try again to take the moral high ground! The US also has the highest number of people in prison than any other country on the planet. People cheer the death penalty and revel in it's barbarity. How very "Christian"!
I am not Christian so don't play that card. Even so I do understand the difference. I'm sorry but you don't.
The US is also the only state to ever use the atomic bomb (twice) against civilian targets. They have huge stockpiles of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and are responsible for arms proliferation on a huge scale. I don't trust them any more than I would my own government or any other for that matter.
The US was the only country to use the atomic bomb not state. If you don't understand what was at stake at that point in time I don't have time to give you a history lesson. More lives were saved by using a bomb than were taken. Honestly that argument holds up in third and fourth grade where children don't understand the ways of the world. Really you're going to say because we have one why can't they.
You got one part of that right you should not trust them. But you not trusting your own government or any other is a personal issue that I am sure the psychologist can help you with.
Peace is not free nor is it possible to keep by peaceful means all the time. That is a sad hard truth.
And peace and freedom at the end of a gun is not freedom. We have seen all too well in recent weeks what happens to peaceful protest against the government in the US. Is that really freedom?
Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by gravitor
I don't feel like playing with you today Gravatar. Go put on your borg uniform and play with the Trekkies down the street. You have been taken to the cleaners on other threads but still theres no need to embarrass you on here anymore than this. To be frank with you Iam tired of your brainwashing bit, sometimes it's fun to mess with you this is not one of those times. Your lack of knowledge on any of the subjects is astounding you remind me of the Scientologists they have here in Florida. You talk of brainwashing yet you don't realize you are the one that has been brainwashed. I feel sorry for you Gravatar I tryed to get through to you before many of us have tried to get through to you. Maybe when you grow up you will understand but for now I believe you to be unreachable.