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Dec 24 - U.S. District Court Rules Iran Behind 9/11 Attacks

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by WarJohn

Oh man! Iran! Of course! Anyone else ready to give up their home and some friends and family to "make this right"? Lol smeone needs to tell the powers that be, that we no longer feel like the world is run by the motto, an Eye for an Eye.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:07 AM
10 years after the fact? seems just a bit too convenient...Do yall not see the similarities between this and iraq? 2001 US GOV: Its the iraqis'! they harbored al-CIAda, INVADE!... 2011 US GOV: Its the Iranians'! They harbored al-CIAda, DESTROY!. People need to wake up to this travesty. The GOV is just setting up the foundation for another decade of war, which will almost certainly bring many many more deaths than then operation iraqi freedom and op. enduring freedom ever did. Then the US is set and ready for martial law....fema camps...indefinate detention, all of which will be under the guise "terrorism" when after all it was a plan by the worldwide eilte. I wish that when all these words, when verbalized out of my mouth, didnt sound so #in crazy...Thank you ATSers for being my tablet, my canvas to get my worries and fears of The World Today. Continue to fight to good fight, spread the good word. One day all these sheep will have the wool pulled from their eyes, and they will see the world as we(truth-seekers) have seen it for years. I hope it wont be too late. Merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
Don't al Qaeda and the government of Iran belong to two different Islamic denominations? Shia and Sunni? I thought they were at war with one another? Why would Iran support a rival faction?

Yes, they do and are... and it is arguable whether they hate us or each other more...

This "ruling" is absurd on its face... I wonder if this judge is a Bush appointee... one of those ilk who don't pay attention to the whole "fact based reality" thing... those clowns are good at making stuff up.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

War is not the answer. Wake up. We are lied to. So are they. We are all being lied to. The Banksters and the families own the world. They want a world war three. Nobody wants war, except them. Boy wouldnt it be nice if none of the soldiers showed up. Same with the cops that are beating the shiz out of their neighbors. Its a job, this is not your life. STop hiding behind excuses. Even if 9/11 was real, which is was just really a false flag, but if we call it real. How does killing hundreds of thousands more help? They kill 3000 we kill a million of them. I think they are right in labeling the people who run this country, The Great Satan.
edit on 25-12-2011 by CharonIncarnate because: Ipads have the worst keyboards, wish i could smash it.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:23 AM
So now Americans have killed 2 Million+ people for the alleged 9/11 attack which killed 3000 people. Yeah, "justice"

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:25 AM
Next it's gonna be Syria, then Pakistan and then they may even say China had a role behind it.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:43 AM
For those who are truly interested in what was presented, below is an article with enclosed links to an affidavit and an attorney's brief that was 96+ pages and dated May 19, 2011.

One of the witnesses that they used during this trial was the first Iranian President, Abulhassan Banisadr.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 07:43 AM
and we are off to Iran.......turns out the big bad wolf is not Iraq or Afghanistan, or the Saudis....its Iran....
and in case anyone else might piss us off THEY will be responsible for 9/ wow....

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by dagg65

Interesting to read how many on ATS (I assume Americans) don't believe this judge's ruling.
10 years to get Bin Laden & we're told it was Iran all along.Hahaha!
There's a post on ATS about a gas pipeline that was opposed by Afghanistan when the last Bush ruled USA. The problem wasn't resolved to Bush's liking & shortly after a war started along with 9/11 & whole lot of other BS (With all due respect to all that have died or been injured in the wars & terrorism). I wonder if Iran is the problem now because of this same pipeline.........
China & Russia probably haven't got the funds or resources to wage war with the US.
The US & Israel seem to close down anyone who starts to get military might of any description.
Do we want a world police force who only intervene when it's profitable?
Depending on who & where you are on this planet Bush & Blair should be brought to court for war crimes as much as anyone else.
Just my thoughts no offence is intended to anyone.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:12 AM
In the end they need to wipe Israel off the map for the conspiracy of religion to keep flurishing it's been prophesised in revelations and it needs to happen to clear a mosqe that is built on the site of the temple that needs to be built, the ultimate Christian vs Muslim war is not far away. all this war theatre is making me dizzy so I'd say we are very close they seem to be playing alot of games but not much action , theatre for your mind till you subconsciously believe we have to go there for the safety of the nation. HURRY UP and get this war over with

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by newyorkee

Actually, there was enough evidence to include Saudi Arabia back in 2008, but here's what happened...

"In 2008, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals threw out a lawsuit from victims of the 9/11 terror attacks against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, alleging it helped finance the attacks."

"The court ruled that Saudi Arabia was protected from prosecution under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976. "

All the articles I read concerning Saudi Arabia mainly stated that they were found guilty of providing financing to Al'Qaeda to keep them out of their country, but it's my understanding that Saudi Arabia was made aware of the plot beforehand.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:39 AM
So now tptb will turn to the American people and say... "See, they had something to do with our tragedy. We MUST act. We cannot let those who died in those towers, die in vain".

And that is what they will bet the farm on.

In 2002, tptb told us emphatically that there were WMD's over in Iraq and that is why we had to go there. That they had to get Sadam. Then after they get over into Iraq, they need to get Bin Laden.

Where are the WMD's?
Where did Bin Laden's body go?

And it's on and on.

Look, I'm no fan of Ahmadinejad, but I do not believe for one minute in this newly fabricated fairy tale.

TPTB will do anything, say anything, to get in Iran. Hell, they already are. We just haven't received the official announcement yet.

The media is churning out the news for all of us to digest... and as days go on, we'll hear more about Iran and what we HAVE to do.

We have all seen this same pattern before. It's amazing that tptb still try and pull it over on us.

Now how will the American people respond to this?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by freedomSlave
I see you state in your location: Canada.
You should seriously rethink your retoric before inviting Russia and China into your backyard. Canada is a tempting little jewel to offer your fantasy conquers of America.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by newyorkee
and we are off to Iran.......turns out the big bad wolf is not Iraq or Afghanistan, or the Saudis....its Iran....
and in case anyone else might piss us off THEY will be responsible for 9/ wow....

Yeah, and I wonder how many more years they will continue using the dead souls from that day, to run their evil agenda and commit criminal acts.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:55 AM

I heard a long time ago, if Iran is ever linked to Al Qaeda it's a lie, because apparently Iran doesn't even like Al Qaeda, and they fight against them also?

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by WarJohn
This was a law suit brought by family members of WTC victims. NOT the US goverment. IT is i not a prelude to war by the US goverment. It is a civil matter brought forth by grieving families.

You all are a bunch of negative kneejerkers who read what's put in front of you without researching any furthur

DENY IGNORANCE through the prejudice of your anti-America filter

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by grubblesnert
reply to post by WarJohn
This was a law suit brought by family members of WTC victims. NOT the US goverment. IT is i not a prelude to war by the US goverment. It is a civil matter brought forth by grieving families.

You all are a bunch of negative kneejerkers who read what's put in front of you without researching any furthur

DENY IGNORANCE through the prejudice of your anti-America filter

It's not anti American to be against war.

Maybe the grieving families need to sue someone else, you know, like the ones who are really responsible for 9/11.
This "law suit" was more than likely plotted and planned. Moving along....

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 09:07 AM
official propaganda by the fascist USSA .... wo, I actually said that on Christmas Day. This is really a good example of how our court system is a joke.

sorry but no facts were published due to "states secrets" clause

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by WarJohn

I wonder if any court would find on behalf of the Kurds when the Republicans under Ray-gun took Iraq off the US terror watchlist; sold WMD to Iraq including anthrax and poison gas; then provided traing for troops to use wmd and actually provided weather reports so Saddam could use the gas....???

just askin

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Thunder heart woman
My question to you and anyone else. Have you delved any deeper into this issue than the blurb offered by the OP?
If not, you are taking this offering at face value and are only partially informed. The statement given by the OP is only part of a complete article which goes on to give greater detail pertaining to this paricular law suit.
I feel the piece taken from this complete article is being taken out of context to stir and/or sway sentiment in the direction the OP wants it to go. NOT toward the complete and total truth.

Otherwise know as Propaganda.

Don't allow yourself to be used this way. Be aware of your prejudices. Judge everything through a non bias perspective. Take a moment to find the source.
It is a hard thing to do sometime but I keep tryin'!

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