posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 05:57 PM
Ron Paul. is only bringing out things that Obama will go after.when the GOP picks there candidate.
If the GOP candidates dirty laundry is not brought out now the GOP will not have a electable candidate after the primaries.
Right now its only Ron and Mitt
Newt is unelectable against Obama because of dirty laundry.
Parry is to religious and will be rejected by the moderates
Already got rid of Cain because of dirty laundry
Mitt being Mormon would have no dirty laundry but has his Romney care over him.
Huntsman has not done high enough in polls to draw heat and for dirty laundry to start showing up.
Now what would be interesting would be Ron Paul going independent and teaming with Sarah Palin
All in know is that i would never vote for a democrat ever.
The democrats have cost me to much over the years in lost jobs and money to ever vote for one.
edit on 25-12-2011 by ANNED because: (no reason