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Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by MaxJohnson
Let me knock down and disprove each and every lie you are trying to pass of as truth shall we :
First off,
Fact 1 - The United States is one of a handful of nations to not have an Official State Religion meaning we are not a Christian nation, we are not an Islamic nation!
Fact 2 -- The 1st Amendment of The Constitution reads as follows :
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Fact 3 - Sharia Law is not coming stateside as it goes against The Constitution:
Fact 4 - The construction of new mosques is not proof of Sharia coming stateside :
This is the only construction jobs that are actually occurring stateside.
Fact 5 - There is no such thing as The Ground Zero Mosque as it is the Park 51 Islamic Cultural Center is actually 2 blocks uptown and 1/2 block towards the East River in Manhattan on Park Place!
Fact 6 - Radicalization of the nation spearheaded by douchewads bent on power are using any excuse to divide the nation that will make it that much easier for The SCUM to take over!
Fact 7 - Neo Nazi Conservatism is a threat to our freedoms and nations!
So sorry, you are sorely mistaken! Taken this Anti American stance to the Westboro Baptist Church forums as it is not welcomed here!
Besides, stay on topic and don't deflect!
Frequent Reasons People Defend Unjust, Inept and/or Corrupt Systems (more than one may apply at any given moment):
Ignorant to problem
Apathetic to Problem
Scared of Problem
Found way to benefit from Problem
See membership amongst those benefitting from Problem
Fear being on outside of Problem
Causing Problemedit on 25-12-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by MaxJohnson
I have provided facts and you attack with the phrase "libritard"! Can't handle facts? Can't handle the truth when it's clearcut black and white?
Wow! Resorting to little kid games! Very mature!
edit on 25-12-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by MaxJohnson
I abandoned the corrupt "Left-v-Right" paradigm long ago and now bat and play for only one team and that is The United States Of America! So sorry!
This is their mantra and flip anyone who thinks otherwise : The GOP plan for America - 1. Continue and guarantee that the top 10% of earners don't have to contribute a thing to the economy. 2. Continually allow the banks to do whatever the flip they want and to blindly give them another multi trillion dollar bailout package whenever they get a bug up their tail. 3. Continually send our jobs oversees which will double and triple the unemployment rates. 4. Engage us in an armed conflict with Iran and North Korea while keeping the Wars Over Energy going. 5. Deny people the basic right to essential services like Medicaid, Social Security and cancel all social programs effectively leaving those like me who are unable to hold down a 40 hour 5 day a week job to fend for ourselves! 6. Allow time and time again the poisoning of our food and water supply while protecting the companies that are harming us. 7. Kill off the electric and non petrolchemical powered transportation. 8. Allow for more foriegn influence into our process domestically (law passages, elections) 9. Kill off any non white people! 10. Kill our chance to compete on the world's stage while cutting public school education while leaving the private schools alone. 11. Turn this "War On Terrorism" into a "Holy War" between Islam-Muslim and Christian-Hebrew! 12. Allow time and time again your health insurance company the control to deny you and your family any treatment they want. < These are the real "Death Panels" a bunch of insurance company employees sitting around dictating who gets what coverage. 13. Do nothing about this immigrant issue so the multi trillion dollar lobbyists firms can contunally exploit them for cheap and dirt cheap labour all the while not demanding that any of it remains stateside all while evading the Federal Income Tax laws, 14. Allow you to lose your job and home for whatever reason your employer and lender dictates and not have the populous the right to challenge any claim. 15. Return to an era whereas an African American was legally declared 2/3 of a person and Women weren't allowed out of the kitchen, forget about having the right to own property, hold down a job, have a say in matters pertaining to thier own bodies, have the right to vote, be forced to endure consistant beatings and belittements if they didn't have dinner done in time, being subjected to forced spousal rape. Do y'all really want to subject your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts to this? African Americans would be forced back into the cotton fields stripped of all rights, properties, jobs, and all money earned. McCain admitted this while on The View in Ear 08! Couple this with the McConnell stance of making Obama a "1 term POTUS" means they are Anti American treasonits bastages!
Dirty political die hard Republican tactic..........discredit your opposition. Seen the same set of politics worked in many offices.
Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask
That is applicable to The SCUM as they are the ones pushing the paradigm.