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TSA to Start Searching Ground Transportation Across the US.

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posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:26 AM
Well we all heard about the highway checks in Tennessee, and bus station checkpoints in Florida, but now it looks like all Americans may come across the beloved TSA even if you avoid air travel.

TSA screenings aren't just for airports anymore

Roving security teams increasingly visit train stations, subways and other mass transit sites to deter terrorism. Critics say it's largely political theater.

TSA to start searching ground transportation

While two-out-of-five Americans are going to try to avoid air travel this holiday season to avoid TSA pat-downs, strip searches and never-ending security line-ups, they might not find comfort in the glimmering Greyhound stations across the US.

Don’t think a bus or train ticket will keep Uncle Sam from making your vacation this year uncomfortable. The Transportation Security Administration says that they are turning up the heat on potential problem-causers by installing more agents in not just airport checkpoints but in terminals for terrestrial traffic as well.

"We are not the Airport Security Administration," Ray Dineen, the air marshal in charge of the TSA office in Charlotte, tells the Los Angeles Times. "We take that transportation part seriously."

How serious? The TSA’s secret counter-terrorism team that tries to topple crimes in transportation centers have run more than 9,000 unannounced checkpoints and other search operations in 2011, and the Department of Homeland Security are asking for an extra $24 million for 2012 to organize even more teams to put in bus stations and Amtrak terminals next year.

Bus stations, train stations, could they even be inspecting subway travel? According to their plans, it's only going to get worse in the coming year.

Currently the TSA commands 25 “viper” teams — what they call the two-dozen-plus Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response units that conduct the checkpoints from coast-to-coast. The TSA can’t prove that the increase in 2011 did anything to keep crime down on the ground, but George Washington University’s Homeland Security Police Institute’s Frank Cilluffo tells the Times that they need to keep the terrorists “on edge.”

As a result, however, millions of law-abiding Americans that rely on public transportation to get around — whether plane, train or bus— are also being agitated. 93 million residents are expected to use airplanes to get around this holiday season, but more and more Americans are saying they are fed up with the intrusive and questionably legal procedures that the government is conducting to try to thwart terrorism. Even after recent weeks saw a scandal brew out of New York’s JFK International Airport after three elderly passengers complained in just as many days of overzealous pat-downs performed by the TSA, the Administration announced that “the vast majority” of travelers this year can expect to see increased security in airport

Don't worry folks, the Viper Teams are there to keep the Terrorists on edge

Everything's fine, nothing to see, move along. After you identify yourselves of course.

Opponents of the increased security presence don’t see it as a safety precaution, however, and some say that it is only propelling America further into a totalitarian police state.

“This program represents nothing less than a direct assault on the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution,” Jay Stanley of the American Civil Liberties Union wrote on Tuesday. “It’s also an exceedingly dumb security measure. But never underestimate the mindless force of a government bureaucracy seeking to expand its power, domain, and budget.”

From a legal standpoint, the TSA fires back that “the Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld suspicious-less searches based on the government’s need to ensure the safety of mass transportation,” recalling a handful of court cases that support the fact. That being said, if you feel like a surprise pat-down while waiting for your bus isn’t only out of the question but against the law, the TSA is ready to take you to court and win.

When will enough be enough. In my opinion enough was a long time ago and since people keep allowing it to happen, they keep increasing their control. This systematic implementation of the police state is getting out of hand, and there are even people buying this story that it's for our own protection.

I wonder how much tax payer money is required to fund such operations. I'm sure all this manpower doesn't come cheap.

It seems Alex Jones has caught wind of this as well, hate him or love him he is always going to capitalize on a story like this. If people won't listen to RT of just see what's happening around them, perhaps they will listen to Alex Jones.

Congress To Fund Massive Expansion Of TSA Checkpoints

Congress is set to give the green light on funding for a massive expansion of TSA checkpoints, with the federal agency already responsible for over 9,000 such checkpoints in the last year amidst increased fears America is turning into a police state following the passage of the ‘indefinite detention’ bill.

The increase in funding has nothing to do with the TSA’s role in airports – this is about creating 12 more VIPR teams to add the federal agency’s 25 units that are already scattered across the country and responsible for manning checkpoints on highways, in bus and train terminals, at sports events and even high school prom nights.

Here is the TSA blog that shows some of their successes and where they're operating.

And here is there homepage if you want to read up on the fine people from the TSA and the noble cause they promote

With all this U.S./Canada border cooperation lately, I'm afraid the time where I might be crossing TSA checkpoints may not be that far away.
edit on 24-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:29 AM
It appears they have already foiled one attack:

Woman: TSA officer confiscated frosted cupcake

(AP) PEABODY, Massachusetts - A woman says an airport security officer in Las Vegas confiscated her frosted cupcake because he thought the icing on it could be explosive.

Rebecca Hains tells WCVB-TV the Transportation Security Administration agent took her cupcake, telling her its frosting was "gel-like" enough to constitute a security risk. The TSA has restrictions on taking liquids and gels onto flights to prevent them from being used as explosives.

Hains says she had passed through security at Boston's Logan International Airport with two cupcakes packaged in jars. But she says she was stopped Wednesday on her return from Las Vegas with one of them.

TSA spokesman Nico Melendez says the agency is reviewing the situation. He says passengers are allowed to take cakes and cupcakes through checkpoints.

this is just insane, I'm sure we're going to hear about a lot more stories like this before the holidays are over. As long as there are no real attacks I will be very happy.
edit on 24-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I don't travel much as it is,the highways is going too far.
If I ever get stopped on the interstate and groped,I will be
one ticked off kitty.I just might mistake that groping hand
as a litter pan.
I guess that the time as come to start searching for the
back roads to travel where you want to go.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:39 AM
They will be getting way more than they bargained for if they try and take my cupcake

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
A cop pulled me the other day for zero reason.
He said "Papers."
I said "Scissors. I win!"
and drove off.

Seriously though. This is now another reason I use backroads when I travel. For one I save on time more often than not, two; it's often more scenic, and three; smaller roads mean smaller traffic, which is a great preserver of sanity, especially when travelling for 8(+) hours from NC to PA 2-3 times a year. This TSABS makes for reason #4.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by mamabeth

I think it's part of their game plan to get the people used to this type of checkpoint, and to accept it as a normal occurrence. Hopefully the public outcry will be enough to put a stop to this. I don't hear many people causing a fuss about it though, I guess they're too busy getting that last minute holiday shopping done to care.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Friggin cupcakes?!!!, OMG I would be embarrassed if i were a TSA agent suspecting a cupcake to be a weapon, I knew they wanted to take on type 2 diabetes but this is ridiculous. All serious though, this is just unreal, It is becoming a police state right before our very eyes.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

first off.. I flew yesterday and the tsa didnt give me, or anyone else any trouble. One guy looked at me after and said, "can you believe this crap.." and I responded with, "yeah, I thought I was american.." really just for his amusement. Cause honestly, if your going to travel "public", then they almost have a right to protect the majority from a loon. So dont bash them, especially if you dont travel amd dont realise how easy it is. No one touched my junk, no one grabbed my baby, no one fondled my wife.. Now dont get me wrong, I dont like the tsa, but.. Travel private people, if your trying to smuggle your recreation with you.. Cause thats why majority hate tsa.. Cant bring your narcotics with you, we get it.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Myendica

I'm glad you had a pleasurable experience, regrettably this girl wasn't so lucky:

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Another "Scare em all Al Jones" production...
But who really cares what "they" say?
If I see you stranded on the road, I'm searching you for weapons before you get in my vehicle.
Otherwise, you stay there and either bake or freeze.
This is what happens when you have to beg for a ride, you do as you're told.
Bottom line is as long as I have my fourth amendement, I do not worry about such sillyness.
If my rights are violated, I press charges against said violators.
If the fourth amendement is removed, then we go to war, as that is a "deal breaker".
Until then, anything "Scare em all Al Jones" says is made up to sell his air time...
Stop paying attention to Al Jones, or at least stop taking everything he says seriously.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by g146541

Stop paying attention to Al Jones, or at least stop taking everything he says seriously.

Who's taking what Alex Jones said seriously? He always add his own spin on any story, but most of the time there is some truth to it, it's up to YOU to filter out the BS and decide what you want to believe. You don't have to believe AJ, but the funds from congress to increase these checkpoints are very real and not a fabrication by Alex Jones.

There are various other outlets reporting this too in case you missed the rest of the thread.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by Myendica

I'm glad you had a pleasurable experience, regrettably this girl wasn't so lucky:

. Besides the fact its a 6 year old getting patted down, what was "bad" about that experience? First off, the parents dont have to give the tsa permission to search their child, you can travel by other means. I get it, its ridiculous to pat down a 6 year old, but some morons think they can hide their recreation on their child. You dont have to fly, its a business.. You can drive.. You can charter a plane.. I get these arent feasible, and patting her down is stupid... And trust me.. I was dreading it on the way. I made it clear to my wife I wasnt letting them touch my child, and if it came down to it, we wouldnt go on vacation.. I could easily not allow them and negotiate, or leave and file a civil suit.. I dont have to allow it..

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:29 AM
I'd think people aware enough to peruse this site for information wouldn't have such cognitive dissonance. I see it all the time though.... attack the messenger and blow off the information because of said messenger's supposed lack of credibility.

If Alex Jones said that dinosaurs were roaming Alabama, I'd look into it further before blowing it off. What's so hard about verifying information yourselves? If Alex was way off 90% of the time like Richard Hoaxland, that's another story, but he's usually 90+% accurate and is basically just "reporting the daily news stories" from other sources. He doesn't "invent" the news he reports.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by FugitiveSoul

Serious though....maybe we should be asking the TSA or police for their "papers" when they ask for ours. Name, Badge # and Official ID. That on a regular basis and a few cases of Citizens Arrest when officers are clearly over the line in their treatment of citizens (risky tho - even if you are an attorney with CCW)...might make a few stop and think about what they are doing.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:33 AM
Wait... It'll eventually get down to your own personal vehicles soon, too. Then, I wonder if the same laws apply to them as they do to state troopers.. Cant do a stop and search (DWI - checkpoints) UNLESS the stops are done in order.. every 5th car.. ect. Stops cannot be random as that is illegal in some places, like Louisiana. Bet these guys can get passed that too.

*sigh* They're gonna have a field day with me, should it come down to personal vehicles.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

Agreed. If we, as citizens, must prove our status to these "officials", then these people should have to properly identify themselves upon request. Them being Government employees means they work for us, not the other way around. We as Americans need to remember that we have control. The illusion they are in power is self-made, and it's time we stop catering to their needs, and remind them it's their job to cater to ours.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Already a thread about it

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by MaxJohnson
Already a thread about it

That thread focuses on the funding for the program as mine focuses on the actual searching of ground transportation. In my opinion it's a slightly different topic.

It's up to the mods I guess.

FYI I did search and nothing came up. If I had known about the other thread I would not have authored this one.
edit on 24-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-12-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by theRhenn
Wait... It'll eventually get down to your own personal vehicles soon, too. Then, I wonder if the same laws apply to them as they do to state troopers.. Cant do a stop and search (DWI - checkpoints) UNLESS the stops are done in order.. every 5th car.. ect. Stops cannot be random as that is illegal in some places, like Louisiana. Bet these guys can get passed that too.

*sigh* They're gonna have a field day with me, should it come down to personal vehicles.
. Majority of roads in the us are private roads. People think they are public, but they arent. So for them to search your personal vehicle, you can refuse.. Just like real life, they need a warrant. If your on public roads, which are few and far between, and most of which are highways, they can set up road blocks and search you. Once again, its public, so authority feels the need to protect "public". The tsa cannot, and will never be able to stop Your vehicle, and search your belongings, without a warrant. No your rights. If you feel so strongly against the tsa, do something about it, dont just throw links around and videos.. Actually do something. Petition.. Hire lawyers, file suits, lobby laws.. Until then, play by the rules.. Dont make yourself a target... The day of revolution is coming my friends.. Until then, hide in plain site.

posted on Dec, 24 2011 @ 02:19 PM
It's only a matter of time before they start stopping people's personal vehicles. I can't just sit back and let it all go to hell. I mean, I don't understand how the majority of people out there can not see where this is going. How far must it go before people have had enough? Ok, OWS is a start I guess but they seem to be focused on the financial system. This is a bit of a conundrum for me. I wonder how everyone can just let this happen, but at the same time I'm not taking any real action. Things are going from bad to worse very quickly and I think the worst is definitely yet to come. But what can we who see through all the BS do that's actually productive? Posting on the internet? It seems like the only ones who read that stuff are people who already know and are looking for it. Things are happening so fast, what can we do other than running through the streets raving like lunatics, to wake people up before S really HTF? Without getting labeled as terrorists......

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