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UK TV Tonight (09/09/04) - Channel 4, 9PM: The 9/11 Conspiracies

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posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 03:30 AM
Just posting this as a reminder, and to discuss the program once it has aired.

The review in the Radio Times gives has a predictably condescending tone, but the reviewer does agree with the documentary on several points (mainly the passage of Saudi's from the USA shortly after the event.

Well, I'll be tuning in to see what they make of it all.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 03:45 AM
Yeh looking forward to this one. The disinfo will raise all of the 'difficult' information for the American government. At least more people will now be asking the questiosn that have to be asked.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 03:54 AM
Going to be intresting and it is ch4 after all, so it has some cred to it not like channel 5 documentorys. Says in mine it trys to unravel some of the most prominet conspiracy theories that have persisted ever since the terrorist attacks on the united states in september 2001.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 03:59 AM
I wonder if they will air the pentagon security footage. Or even discuss the transactions going on during the attacks at the WTC. That is what people really tneed to think about, the money trail.

Whatever it has it looks like it will be good.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:07 PM
So, what did people think?

I left the chat, it wasn't worth it, too many idiots spamming their websites and spouting "why do Jews always get blamed"

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:14 PM
interesting,very interesting.

Especially the Pentagon CCTV footage that showed no plane

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:17 PM
I watched it.

Alot of it I had heard before but a few things I didnt know.

Hmmmmn some new food for thought to chew on.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:17 PM
looks like the truth is finally out

....but i'm still confused as to what it is???

interesting program though

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:29 PM
ch 4? ch 5?

you guys dont have stations? Id like to tune in =]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by infinite
interesting,very interesting.

Especially the Pentagon CCTV footage that showed no plane

I wondered that too, but since it was only 3 frames, I didn't find it conclusive.

I have some other thoughts, I was taking notes on my thoughts as I watched it, once I corollate them into a more cohesive structure, I'll post.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:47 PM

[edit on 10-9-2004 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 07:04 PM
I feel the program was split into several acts, by the commercials (of course to keep people watching!)

The 1st act - Cast the hook
Drawing in the viewer with the details of some of the more widely known "conspiracy theories", this first quarter
was very sympathetic to the people who believe there is more than the official story - themes were raised
without much competition.

The 2nd act - Reel it in
Sweeping generalisations and questionable objections are raised with regards to the theories presented,
without much evidence to back up the counter-argument.

I feel the editorial style of the second act came down very hard on the questions surrounding the
Pentagon destruction, quite dismissive of the most refuted part of the 9/11 story. Which, for me,
rings alarm bells immediately.

The 3rd act - A 'sensible' conclusion
The U.S. Government is freed of any blame, other than helping their financial pals, the Saudi elite, escape
U.S. territory - rather innoculous.

The evacuation of the Saudi's is pretty much a non-event. It is a conclusion for those who are aware
enough to see the holes in the official story, but are still quietly uneasy about the events. To which,
all I can say is these people still trust their 'leaders' over their own intuition.

The 4th act
The coverage of the theory that bombs were planted in the WTC to aid the controlled destruction was also

questionable. The documentary stated the towers were designed to take the stress of fire or aircraft impact was
flawed in as much that it's basis was that the towers fell because both these events occured, whereas it was

constructed to withhold one, but not both - Since when would an aircraft full of fuel crashing into a sky-scraper,
not result in fire?

The Jewish issue was raised half-way though - Immediately, I thought "uh-oh!" - and sure enough, the
post-airing chat online with the producer of the show was flooded by zealots asking why the documentary
makers were blaming Isael, claims of anti-semetism are rife in these kind of situations - it is surely used as a
way of diverting people from the real issues at hand.

- I appreciated this documentary. On mainstream TV, event if it was C4, the subject was
handled as well as can be expected, nay better than expected - but if people saw that documentary, and still
believe the official line about what happended that day, well, there's nothing more to say to these people.
For everyone else, I hope they are still talking and thinking about it, and I hope they at least pick up a book,
or search out on of the more professionally executed websites on the subject.

[edit on 10-9-2004 by VelvetSplash]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 09:34 PM
WHATS wrong with people!

Im going to be watching Joey and The Apprentice.!!!!!!!

I will see if the BBC channel is carrying it and catch it on Replay

posted on Sep, 10 2004 @ 01:38 PM
I would like to see the "other" videos of the Pentagon attack. They were reportedly confiscated by the FBI, and have to this day not been released to the public. Why? Not sure, but I don't see them as falling under national security. Perhaps its time to attempt to get them through the FOIA.

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