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Quake Watch 2012

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posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by KewlDaddyFatty

It is not weird at all. You didn't feel this last 4M because it is new. I've had to tolerate the idea that the Okie quakes may be natural because there is a fault there. This mornings quake is not on that faultline and is...
had to measure, is about 200 km away from Okie City. The entire area around the new quake is pock marked with drilling pads. Where there's fracking, there's probably waste injection. I'm pretty certain if you look hard enough you'll find the injection well responsible.

Damn, wasn't thinking and put sugar in my coffee. I just learned yesterday that sugar is deadly. Sorry. Toxic. You gotta learn something new every day. It seems that over the last year, geologists have learned that if you allow wholesale development of the continental crust of the United States, you get some really jarring results.

A hot topic will be the man-made earthquakes.

In Arkansas, they shut down the injection wells that were causing the earthquakes.
The earthquakes have ceased on the Guy/Greenbrier fault.

In Ohio, the government forced an injection well to shut down.
There have been no more earthquakes in Ohio.

In Oklahoma, nothing has been done. The drilling and pumping continue. So do the earthquakes.

In Texas, they are sucking every damn drop of everything from the ground.

That's why you got earthquakes in Wisconsin. They're drilling an underground pipeline to divert water to Texas. Just kidding.

Oh, I haven't mention the other states where there are issues with fracking and injection.
There is one new thing I've learned about fracking. In states like Wisconsin and Minnesota, fracking has caused economic development of another kind. Fracking Sand. I guess the sands around the old shores of the Great Lakes makes for good sandblasting stuff. Gosh, Golly Gee. We are eager beavers. Busy little ants dancing.

I just want to repeat an abstract that will be presented at the meeting in San Diego. ending&-sortfield=PresTimeSort&-sortorder=ascending&-op=gt&PresStatus=0&-lop=and&-token.1=ShowSession&-token.2=ShowHeading&-recid=224&-format=%2Fmeeti ngs%2F2012%2Fabstracts%2Fsessionabstractdetail.html&-lay=MtgList&-find

"Are Seismicity Rate Changes in the Midcontinent Natural or Manmade?
ELLSWORTH, W. L., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, ; HICKMAN, S. H., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, ; LLEONS, A. L., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, ; MCGARR, A., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, ; MICHAEL, A. J., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, ; RUBINSTEIN, J. L., US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA,
A remarkable increase in the rate of M 3 and greater earthquakes is currently in progress in the US midcontinent. The average number of M >= 3 earthquakes/year increased starting in 2001, culminating in a six-fold increase over 20th century levels in 2001. Is this increase natural or manmade? To address this question, we take a regional approach to explore changes in the rate of earthquake occurrence in the midcontinent (defined here as 85° to 108° West, 25° to 50° North) using the USGS Preliminary Determination of Epicenters and National Seismic Hazard Map catalogs. These catalogs appear to be complete for M >= 3 since 1970. From 1970 through 2000, the rate of M >= 3 events averaged 21 +- 7.6/year in the entire region. This rate increased to 29 +- 3.5 from 2001 through 2008. In 2009, 2010 and 2011, 50, 87 and 134 events occurred, respectively. The modest increase that began in 2001 is due to increased seismicity in the coal bed methane field of the Raton Basin along the Colorado-New Mexico border west of Trinidad, CO. The acceleration in activity that began in 2009 appears to involve a combination of source regions of oil and gas production, including the Guy, Arkansas region, and in central and southern Oklahoma. Horton, et al. (2012) provided strong evidence linking the Guy, AK activity to deep waste water injection wells. In Oklahoma, the rate of M >= 3 events abruptly increased in 2009 from 1.2/year in the previous half-century to over 25/year. This rate increase is exclusive of the November 2011 M 5.6 earthquake and its aftershocks. A naturally-occurring rate change of this magnitude is unprecedented outside of volcanic settings or in the absence of a main shock, of which there were neither in this region. While the seismicity rate changes described here are almost certainly manmade, it remains to be determined how they are related to either changes in extraction methodologies or the rate of oil and gas production.


Wednesday, April 18th / 3:45 PM Oral / Pacific Salon 4 & 5
edit on 3-4-2012 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by my1percent

Read some of the posts on Page.89 and 90.Puterman posted the original data, and I explained my experience of how the earthquake felt.Since I do live in Mexico City.Peace.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 10:25 AM
It seems as If Southern California's quakes this morning are on the rise in mag.

What ya think Puterman? Penny for your thoughts....


Three within a short time.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

A penny huh! You really think they are worth as much as that!

Southern california Mag 2 to Mag 2.9 is showing a very very small upward trend in magnitudes since the start of this year. (ETA: I realise that this is not 'today' but you really cannot trend on one day)

Mag 3 + is showing a slight downturn just at this time

To be honest I would call both of those fairly steady.

edit on 3/4/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:26 PM
someone needs to pop over to Raoul Island and re-set the spring on the seismograph

actually all the Southern Hemisphere seismos are showing Wind? disturbance.

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by muzzy

Looks like storms. Pretty heavy around Antarctica by the look of it.

Palmer Station in particular

edit on 3/4/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Magnitude mb 5.7
Date time 2012-04-03 23:42:23.0 UTC
Location 5.65 S ; 133.94 E
Depth 33 km
Distances 1609 km E Makasar (pop 1,321,717 ; local time 07:42:23.2 2012-04-04)
608 km SE Sorong (pop 125,535 ; local time 08:42:23.2 2012-04-04)
133 km E Tual (pop 39,502 ; local time 08:42:23.2 2012-04-04)

Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist


posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 07:15 AM
Magnitude ML 4.5
Date time 2012-04-04 09:41:41.0 UTC
Location 38.84 N ; 43.61 E
Depth 2 km
Distances 167 km SW Yerevan (pop 1,093,485 ; local time 14:41:41.6 2012-04-04)
43 km NE Van (pop 371,713 ; local time 12:41:41.6 2012-04-04)
30 km SE Ercis (pop 91,915 ; local time 12:41:41.6 2012-04-04)
Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist

Magnitude ML 4.7
Date time 2012-04-04 11:05:16.0 UTC
Location 36.95 N ; 37.09 E
Depth 20 km
Distances 30 km SW Gaziantep (pop 1,065,975 ; local time 14:05:16.0 2012-04-04)
25 km NW Kilis (pop 82,301 ; local time 14:05:16.0 2012-04-04)
9 km NW Polateli (pop 799 ; local time 14:05:16.0 2012-04-04)
Source parameters provided by another agency



posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 08:28 PM
Man......where is everyone!

Ya'll are boring the crap out of me

No, really....The world has been scary quiet the last 48 hours

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 08:28 PM

edit on 4-4-2012 by radpetey because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by radpetey

I just looked at the moon and it's so distorted. Almost full but looking like it's been beaten about.
I still think the effect is a lag so there may be a while yet.

The moon in the next few months makes me think we'll have big earthquakes. May.

The moon was formed by volcanoes on earth ejecting material into near orbit. Not by collision.

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by ericblair4891

The moon was formed by volcanoes on earth ejecting material into near orbit. Not by collision.

I would beg to differ, respectfully.

You're referring to Tephra in so many words I presume.

When a volcano erupts it will sometimes eject material such as rock fragments into the atmosphere. This material is known as tephra.

The largest pieces of tephra (greater than 64 mm) are called blocks and bombs. Blocks and bombs are normally shot ballistically from the volcano (refer to the gas thrust zone described in the direct blast section). Because these fragments are so large they fall out near their source. Blocks and bombs as large as 8-30 tons have fallen as far away as 1 km from their source (Bryant, 1991). Small blocks and bombs have been known to travel as far away as 20-80 km (Scott, 1989)! Some of these blocks and bombs can have velocities of 75-200 m/s (Bryant, 1991). Smaller ejecta such as lapilli (2-64 mm) and ash (

posted on Apr, 4 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by ericblair4891

What a crock of crap! Goelogists! They know what is causing all the unusual EQ's and Booms and Trumpet noises and ground vibrations! NOT!

Nice try, to spin the unusual, and unexplainable again into some scientific point made by certain "geologists"
Holy Macarooni, the pay must be good to be a Shill! IMO! so I've heard.

Do you have nice windows where you are posting from? Mine are crystal clear and the sun sets well more to the northern hemisphere than before, as it would, if you understood some of the global changes that have been ongoing. Oklahoma and many states are experiencing the strangest events ever imaginable.
Anyway "EarthQuake Watch" on ATS is thourogh and always opiononated!

Miles and Miles of smiles

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by UberL33t

Sorry. My bad for bringing up volcanoes. I was really talking about the moon and how it relates to earthquakes. I am just noticing that as we come up to this full moon, we are experiencing another lull in worldwide quakes. This lull is not as pronounced one earlier this year, but it's a bit of a lull nonetheless. I think there is a lag and this is why it's hard to correlate activity with the lunar phases. So, I should have stopped at the moon.

But to answer your question. The volcano was very big. And it wasn't just one. It would have been many over a long period of time. Very early during earth's formation. They would be simliar to CME's, except they caused when masses of water reacted with magma within a pocket in the newly formed crust. Some may have been solely from pressures within the earth as it reacted to the gravitation of other bodies. Just like the eruption on the moon near Jupiter. Io I think.



I just looked, and man is it quiet. Strange line right across southern europe though.

edit on 5-4-2012 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by mrspiggy

Welcome to ATS and to Quake Watch. Normally I give the full spiel as to what is in the Fragile Earth forums but I will forego the pleasure this time and hope that you can find the one only a page or two back welcoming another member.

Nice try, to spin the unusual, and unexplainable again into some scientific point made by certain "geologists"
Holy Macarooni, the pay must be good to be a Shill! IMO! so I've heard.

I would respectfully suggest that you are so far wide of the mark that you could not even hit the target if you tried. There is absolutely no way that Eric Blair aka Robin Marks is a shill of any sort, neither is he trying to spin the unexplainable into a scientific point made by geologists.

One of the 'topics' you will find in the welcome is Robinesque Ruminations.

I suggest that before you jam your feet any further into your mouth you go and read all of that thread in order to satisfy yourself that this long standing member of ATS and of this Fragile Earth forum, and good friend of the members that frequent this forum, is not in any way shape or form a Government shill.

Do you have nice windows where you are posting from? Mine are crystal clear and the sun sets well more to the northern hemisphere than before, as it would, if you understood some of the global changes that have been ongoing. Oklahoma and many states are experiencing the strangest events ever imaginable.
Anyway "EarthQuake Watch" on ATS is thourogh and always opiononated!

Miles and Miles of smiles

He probably does since he lives not so far from you. Now since you brought up the topic of the Sun setting further North perhaps you can explain how this can happen, especially since for the last two years I have carefully measured the setting point of the Sun on the solstices from where I live and there has been NO change at all.

And yes, I for one am "always opiononated"[sic] but like most others here in a technical manner, i.e. we do not make wild accusations or suggestions and try to back up our claims with scientific research.

I respectfully suggest that if you wish to enjoy the technical nature of this thread that you do the same.

edit on 5/4/2012 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 05:05 PM
This is just a revison so don't panic

Reference number: 3185771/G
Universal Time: 18 November 2009 at 18:04
NZ Daylight Time: Thursday, 19 November 2009 at 7:04 am
Latitude, Longitude: 40.42°S, 175.59°E
Location: 10 km south of Palmerston North
Focal depth: 40 km
Richter magnitude: 5.1

Web page:

revised up to 5.118ML
also the main 4.252ML aftershock has been revised up to 4.272ML
2 other aftershock revisions upwards and one downwards and 2 additions.

This is probably the 3rd most visited page on my NZ Blog, after the Feb 22 2011 and Sept 3 2010 Christchurch quakes.
I think the text in the comments section may be what is of interest to visitors, descriptions of what a Mag 7 in the area might be like.
Its not a particularily active location.

I though it warranted a update and upgrade to an interactive map (previously just a static image)
18/11/2009 Palmerston North Quake
edit on 5-4-2012 by muzzy because: edit spelling of Plamerston to Palmerston
, now even that doesn't look right. A dour place anyway!

For the conspiracy pundits, "they" just missed Linton Army Base by 2km, and "they" also just missed Burnham Army Base by 10km in Sept 3 2010 with the 7.1

who "they" are I have no idea, aliens? us govt? HAARP?

edit on 5-4-2012 by muzzy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 05:16 AM
Why has been so quiet since the 4th? Nothing over a 5 =/

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by murkraz

You are right, the last one 5+ was on the 4th. Which now makes it over 40 hours with nothing >5. I think it's the moon. We have had an ongoing debate about the moon being a trigger, and Muzzy has been keeping track. His graphs have show nothing substantial. That's why I think we're looking at it on the wrong angle- or from the wrong end of the telescope. As I've observed, I've noticed that sometimes quakes slow as we come to the full phase. There may be a lag effect. Like the seasonal lag from the sun. In the Northern Hemishphere, the longest day is June 2?, but the hottest days don't kick in until July/August. So, I find it interesting to watch the activity after the lull and see how it unfolds. It's like a starting point.

I would keep track of these lulls and the subsequent activity but I'm a horrible note taker and record keeper. On two separate occasions I've failed to file income tax returns. Once seven years. Then five. My helpers are asking me if I need them to do this year's return. But I don't want to bother with that at this moment. Shill. Hehehehehe.

So. It's 42 hours since last 5M+. There was only one 5M+ on the 4th, so it was a very quiet 24 hours. The previous day was very vigorous with about 8 >5M. So, the 3rd had a cluster which was followed by two quiet days. Feel free to ignore this. I'm just playing around with the pattern. I know there's a dynamic interaction but I can't nail down exactly how it works. I'm still inclined to think of it as a pump. The moon Io has eruptions and earthquakes and they are driven by Jupiter. Io is like a heart. It's squeezed and released. This is what drives Io's geology. I believe that the sun and moon drive our earth's movements in a similiar way.

But I don't want to exaggerate the lull. There have been a few that were approaching 5M. That's the problem with this excersise is that we're really choosing an almost arbitary cut off point at 4.9M. Forehead falls freely forward onto the surface of the desk with a thud.

edit on 6-4-2012 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Thanks PM! I knew you would tell me what I'm feeling/seeing is nothing to be concerned about. Its more like....just a feeling rather than seeing.

I keep having this feeling lol It's an anxious one..... I dunno.... I regress....

I even went to the library the other day and picked up a few books one of them called "Whats the Matter with California". After I began reading I realized the author was trying to correlate EQ's with the social aspect of the state so my interest went out the door around page 30. I'm going to give it another chance though later today when I get off ATS...

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by mrspiggy

WOW! Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed without any coffee and major pain to boot?

It seems likely all of the above are true.

You surely meant to respond to someone else on another thread and got confused....right?

BTW~ I always loved Mrs. Piggy

Back on topic.....

Do you have anything constructive to add to Quake Watch? Like an EQ or something?

Here is how we roll.........

Friday, April 06, 2012 at 06:42:57 UTC
Friday, April 06, 2012 at 08:42:57 AM at epicenter
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones
51.407°N, 16.226°E
4.9 km (3.0 miles)
65 km (40 miles) WNW of Wroclaw, Poland
122 km (75 miles) SSW of Poznan, Poland
137 km (85 miles) ESE of Cottbus, Germany
342 km (212 miles) WSW of WARSAW, Poland
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 12.4 km (7.7 miles); depth +/- 2.5 km (1.6 miles)
NST= 35, Nph= 48, Dmin=204.8 km, Rmss=1.29 sec, Gp= 61°,
M-type=body wave magnitude (Mb), Version=4
Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event ID

edit on 6-4-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

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