posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 09:11 PM
I've been watching too much weather news. I'm a weather geek. And I'm watching too much wavy lines on the siesmos. They're making me sea sick. What a
night though. I definately feel alive. I keep waiting for a tree to com through the window as the northeastern beats down on us. Something just went
boom outside. Oh, well.
I read a report that the waves on Lake Huron and on Lake Michigan were going to be up around 25 feet. The wind will be pushing down from the north and
the wave will be hitting the south end near Chicago. Pretty dramatic. The siesmos are showing lots of micro-siesms as Puterman noted. One in
particular caught my eye because it's pretty far inland and so I didn't think it wouldn't be showing up there so pronounced. But no. It was. I check
Minnestoa they're realtively calm. The staion in Illinois was in a city called Hopedale. Hopedale, Illinois. If anyone is inclined, please look at it
on google maps. If there's nothing out of the ordinary there, say nothing. If you have any other thoughts, please share. Just a curiousity or a (crash
boom bang outside) Halloweeny pre-jitter.
Right now I'm going to stop watching the weather networks. I'll stop checking the wiggly lines so much. And I'll relax and watch PBS's American
Experience showing of the Hurricane of '38. Hey, I'm not feeding my weather geek need. I'll be watching it because I'm a history geek as well.
Puterman. I was right about that quake despite the fact my tools are much more less sophisticated than yours. It's me eyeball is all. And no need for
congratulations. Please save them for the day the yo-yos stop being yo-yos and recognize my moon theory is correct and the earth birthed the baby
moon. No collision. And it was giant phreatic volcanoes that did it. Darwin was right. But the earth didn't fling off some material. It was ejected
into existence- just as just about anything is born.
Once a mama cat woke me up by having kittens on my chest. I was in a dead sleep. I awoke to find a white persian long haired cat spinning around in
circles on top of me. I was very groggy and confused, still in a dream I suppose. The cat let out a very distressing howl and became frantic and spun
in a frenzy. Before I had a clue, a kitten plopped out and landed right in my chest and arms. It was graphic. It was like a bad B-movie I had watched
once. I think it was called Uncanny. I was horrified. It would have helped if it was my cat but it wasn't. I just somehow became a surragote midwife.
Sorry. Just thought I'd share a spooky, creepy story. No good ending, other than it was true. The kittens were fine and I took care of mama. But
obviously the scence was so shocking it's etched in my mind.
Right- Hurricane of '38
Forgot to add Hopeland's siesmo
edit on 29-10-2012 by ericblair4891 because: (no reason given)